GtkThread.main ();
(match !result with None -> raise MatitaTypes.Cancel | Some r -> r)
-type combo_status = Free of string | Locked of string
let ask_record_choice ~(gui:#gui) ?(title= "") ?(message = "")
~fields ~records ()
(fun i f -> model#easy_append f i toggles.(i))
- let status = (fun s -> Free s) fields in
let record_no = ref None in
let return _ =
dialog#recordChoiceDialog#destroy ();
let module TAPp = GrafiteAstPp in
let parsed_text_length = String.length parsed_text in
- let loc, ex =
- match st with TA.Executable (loc,ex) -> loc, ex | _ -> assert false in
let initial_space,parsed_text =
let pieces = Pcre.extract ~rex:heading_nl_RE' parsed_text in
let inital_space,new_grafite_status,new_lexicon_status,new_status_and_text_list' =
(* the code commented out adds the "select" command if needed *)
initial_space,grafite_status,lexicon_status,[] in
-(* match grafite_status.proof_status with
+(* let loc, ex =
+ match st with TA.Executable (loc,ex) -> loc, ex | _ -> assert false in
+ match grafite_status.proof_status with
| Incomplete_proof { stack = stack }
when not (List.mem user_goal (Continuationals.head_goals stack)) ->
let grafite_status =