(* *)
-exception EmptyUri of string
+exception Getter_failure of string * string
+exception Parser_failure of string
+ (** tries to recover from a parse error caused by the parsing of a getter
+ * error message (e.g. Key_not_found exception). Unfortunately we have to
+ * re-parse xml document to extract exception data *)
+let try_recover exn filename =
+ let rc = ref None in
+ (try
+ let entity_manager =
+ Pxp_ev_parser.create_entity_manager ~is_document:true
+ PxpHelmConf.pxp_config (Pxp_types.from_file filename)
+ in
+ let pull_parser =
+ Pxp_ev_parser.create_pull_parser PxpHelmConf.pxp_config
+ (`Entry_document []) entity_manager
+ in
+ let rec find_exn p =
+ match p () with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some (Pxp_types.E_start_tag ("html", attrs, _, _)) ->
+ let exn = List.assoc "helm:exception" attrs in
+ let arg =
+ try List.assoc "helm:exception_arg" attrs with Not_found -> ""
+ in
+ rc := Some (Getter_failure (exn, arg))
+ | _ -> find_exn p
+ in
+ find_exn pull_parser
+ with _ -> raise (Parser_failure (Printexc.to_string exn)));
+ match !rc with
+ | None -> raise (Parser_failure (Printexc.to_string exn))
+ | Some exn -> raise exn
+let parse_document filename =
+ try
+ Pxp_tree_parser.parse_document_entity PxpHelmConf.pxp_config
+ (Pxp_types.from_file ~alt:[PxpUrlResolver.url_resolver] filename)
+ CicParser3.domspec
+ with exn ->
+ raise (try_recover exn filename)
(* given the filename of an xml file of a cic object it returns its internal *)
(* representation. *)
let annobj_of_xml filename filenamebody =
- try
- let root, rootbody =
- let config = PxpHelmConf.pxp_config in
- let doc =
- Pxp_tree_parser.parse_document_entity config
- (Pxp_types.from_file ~alt:[PxpUrlResolver.url_resolver] filename)
- CicParser3.domspec in
- let docroot = doc#root in
- match filenamebody with
- None -> docroot,None
- | Some filename ->
- let docbody =
- Pxp_tree_parser.parse_document_entity config
- (Pxp_types.from_file ~alt:[PxpUrlResolver.url_resolver] filename)
- CicParser3.domspec
- in
- docroot,Some docbody#root
- in
- CicParser2.get_term root rootbody
- with
- e ->
- prerr_endline ("Filenames: " ^ filename ^
- (match filenamebody with None -> "" | Some s -> ", " ^ s)) ;
- prerr_endline ("Exception: " ^ Pxp_types.string_of_exn e) ;
- raise e
+ let root, rootbody =
+ let doc = parse_document filename in
+ let docroot = doc#root in
+ match filenamebody with
+ None -> docroot,None
+ | Some filename ->
+ let docbody = parse_document filename in
+ docroot,Some docbody#root
+ in
+ CicParser2.get_term root rootbody
let obj_of_xml filename filenamebody =
Deannotate.deannotate_obj (annobj_of_xml filename filenamebody)
(* *)
+ (** raised for exception received by the getter (i.e. embedded in the source
+ * XML document). Arguments are values of "helm:exception" and
+ * "helm:exception_arg" attributes *)
+exception Getter_failure of string * string
+ (** generic parser failure *)
+exception Parser_failure of string
(* given the filename of an xml file of a cic object, it returns *)
(* its internal annotated representation. In the case of constants (whose *)
(* type is splitted from the body), a second xml file (for the body) must be *)