let tbln n = "table" ^ string_of_int n
let add_depth_constr depth_opt cur_tbl where =
match depth_opt with
| None -> where
| Some depth -> (sprintf "%s.h_depth = %d" cur_tbl depth) :: where
+let mk_positions positions cur_tbl =
+ "(" ^
+ String.concat " or "
+ (List.map
+ (fun pos ->
+ let pos_str = MetadataPp.pp_position_tag pos in
+ match pos with
+ | `InBody
+ | `InConclusion
+ | `InHypothesis
+ | `MainConclusion None
+ | `MainHypothesis None ->
+ sprintf "%s.h_position = \"%s\"" cur_tbl pos_str
+ | `MainConclusion (Some d)
+ | `MainHypothesis (Some d) ->
+ sprintf "(%s.h_position = \"%s\" and %s.h_depth = %d)"
+ cur_tbl pos_str cur_tbl d)
+ (positions :> MetadataTypes.position list)) ^
+ ")"
let add_card_constr tbl (n,from,where) = function
| None -> (n,from,where)
let at_least ~(dbh:Dbi.connection) ?concl_card ?full_card
- (metadata: MetadataTypes.metadata list)
+ (metadata: MetadataTypes.constr list)
if (metadata = []) && concl_card = None && full_card = None then
failwith "MetadataQuery.at_least: no constraints given";
let add_constraint (n,from,where) metadata =
let cur_tbl = tbln n in
match metadata with
- | `Obj (uri, pos, depth_opt) ->
+ | `Obj (uri, positions) ->
let tbl = MetadataTypes.obj_tbl in
- let pos_str = MetadataPp.pp_position pos in
let from = (sprintf "%s as %s" tbl cur_tbl) :: from in
let where =
- (sprintf "%s.h_position = \"%s\"" cur_tbl pos_str) ::
(sprintf "%s.h_occurrence = \"%s\"" cur_tbl uri) ::
+ mk_positions positions cur_tbl ::
(if n=0 then []
else [sprintf "table0.source = %s.source" cur_tbl]) @
- let where = add_depth_constr depth_opt cur_tbl where in
((n+1), from, where)
- | `Rel (pos, depth) ->
+ | `Rel positions ->
let tbl = MetadataTypes.rel_tbl in
- let pos_str = MetadataPp.pp_position (pos :> MetadataTypes.position) in
let from = (sprintf "%s as %s" tbl cur_tbl) :: from in
let where =
- (sprintf "%s.h_position = \"%s\"" cur_tbl pos_str) ::
+ mk_positions positions cur_tbl ::
(if n=0 then []
else [sprintf "table0.source = %s.source" cur_tbl]) @
- let where = add_depth_constr (Some depth) cur_tbl where in
((n+1), from, where)
- | `Sort (sort, pos, depth) ->
+ | `Sort (sort, positions) ->
let tbl = MetadataTypes.sort_tbl in
- let pos_str = MetadataPp.pp_position (pos :> MetadataTypes.position) in
let sort_str = MetadataPp.pp_sort sort in
let from = (sprintf "%s as %s" tbl cur_tbl) :: from in
let where =
- (sprintf "%s.h_position = \"%s\"" cur_tbl pos_str) ::
(sprintf "%s.h_sort = \"%s\"" cur_tbl sort_str) ::
+ mk_positions positions cur_tbl ::
(if n=0 then []
else [sprintf "table0.source = %s.source" cur_tbl]) @
- let where = add_depth_constr (Some depth) cur_tbl where in
((n+1), from, where)
let (n,from,where) = List.fold_left add_constraint (0,[],[]) metadata in
drop_repetitions (List.sort Pervasives.compare (List.concat l))
let must_of_prefix m s =
- let s' = List.map (fun u -> `Obj (u, `InConclusion, None)) s in
- `Obj (m, `MainConclusion, None) :: s'
+ let s' = List.map (fun u -> `Obj (u, [`InConclusion])) s in
+ `Obj (m, [`MainConclusion None]) :: s'
let escape = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp_string "\'") "\\'"
open MetadataTypes
let is_main_pos = function
- | `MainConclusion
- | `MainHypothesis -> true
+ | `MainConclusion _
+ | `MainHypothesis _ -> true
| _ -> false
let main_pos (pos: position): main_position =
match pos with
- | `MainConclusion -> `MainConclusion
- | `MainHypothesis -> `MainHypothesis
+ | `MainConclusion depth -> `MainConclusion depth
+ | `MainHypothesis depth -> `MainHypothesis depth
| _ -> assert false
let next_pos = function
- | `MainConclusion -> `InConclusion
- | `MainHypothesis -> `InHypothesis
+ | `MainConclusion _ -> `InConclusion
+ | `MainHypothesis _ -> `InHypothesis
| pos -> pos
let string_of_uri = UriManager.string_of_uri
type t = MetadataTypes.metadata
let compare m1 m2 = (* ignore universes in Cic.Type sort *)
match (m1, m2) with
- | `Sort (Cic.Type _, p1, d1), `Sort (Cic.Type _, p2, d2) ->
- Pervasives.compare (p1, d2) (p2, d2)
+ | `Sort (Cic.Type _, pos1), `Sort (Cic.Type _, pos2) ->
+ Pervasives.compare pos1 pos2
| _ -> Pervasives.compare m1 m2
let unopt = function Some x -> x | None -> assert false
let incr_depth = function
- | None -> assert false
- | Some x -> Some (x + 1)
+ | `MainConclusion (Some depth) -> `MainConclusion (Some (depth + 1))
+ | `MainHypothesis (Some depth) -> `MainHypothesis (Some (depth + 1))
+ | _ -> assert false
let compute_term pos term =
- let rec aux (pos: position) pi_depth set = function
+ let rec aux (pos: position) set = function
| Cic.Rel _ ->
if is_main_pos pos then
- S.add (`Rel (main_pos pos, unopt pi_depth)) set
+ S.add (`Rel (main_pos pos)) set
| Cic.Var _ -> set
(fun set context ->
match context with
| None -> set
- | Some term -> aux pos pi_depth set term)
+ | Some term -> aux pos set term)
| Cic.Sort sort ->
if is_main_pos pos then
- S.add (`Sort (sort, main_pos pos, unopt pi_depth)) set
+ S.add (`Sort (sort, main_pos pos)) set
| Cic.Implicit _ -> assert false
| Cic.Cast (term, ty) ->
(* TODO consider also ty? *)
- aux pos pi_depth set term
+ aux pos set term
| Cic.Prod (_, source, target) ->
(match pos with
- | `MainConclusion ->
- let set = aux `MainHypothesis (Some 0) set source in
- aux pos (incr_depth pi_depth) set target
- | `MainHypothesis ->
- let set = aux `InHypothesis None set source in
- aux pos (incr_depth pi_depth) set target
+ | `MainConclusion _ ->
+ let set = aux (`MainHypothesis (Some 0)) set source in
+ aux (incr_depth pos) set target
+ | `MainHypothesis _ ->
+ let set = aux `InHypothesis set source in
+ aux (incr_depth pos) set target
| `InConclusion
| `InHypothesis
| `InBody ->
- let set = aux pos None set source in
- aux pos None set target)
+ let set = aux pos set source in
+ aux pos set target)
| Cic.Lambda (_, source, target) ->
assert (not (is_main_pos pos));
- let set = aux pos None set source in
- aux pos None set target
+ let set = aux pos set source in
+ aux pos set target
| Cic.LetIn (_, term, target) ->
if is_main_pos pos then
- aux pos pi_depth set (CicSubstitution.subst term target)
+ aux pos set (CicSubstitution.subst term target)
- let set = aux pos None set term in
- aux pos None set target
+ let set = aux pos set term in
+ aux pos set target
| Cic.Appl [] -> assert false
| Cic.Appl (hd :: tl) ->
- let set = aux pos pi_depth set hd in
+ let set = aux pos set hd in
- (fun set term -> aux (next_pos pos) None set term)
+ (fun set term -> aux (next_pos pos) set term)
set tl
| Cic.Const (uri, subst) ->
- let set = S.add (`Obj (string_of_uri uri, pos, pi_depth)) set in
+ let set = S.add (`Obj (string_of_uri uri, pos)) set in
- (fun set (_, term) -> aux (next_pos pos) None set term)
+ (fun set (_, term) -> aux (next_pos pos) set term)
set subst
| Cic.MutInd (uri, typeno, subst) ->
let uri = UriManager.string_of_uriref (uri, [typeno]) in
- let set = S.add (`Obj (uri, pos, pi_depth)) set in
- List.fold_left (fun set (_, term) -> aux (next_pos pos) None set term)
+ let set = S.add (`Obj (uri, pos)) set in
+ List.fold_left (fun set (_, term) -> aux (next_pos pos) set term)
set subst
| Cic.MutConstruct (uri, typeno, consno, subst) ->
let uri = UriManager.string_of_uriref (uri, [typeno; consno]) in
- let set = S.add (`Obj (uri, pos, pi_depth)) set in
- List.fold_left (fun set (_, term) -> aux (next_pos pos) None set term)
+ let set = S.add (`Obj (uri, pos)) set in
+ List.fold_left (fun set (_, term) -> aux (next_pos pos) set term)
set subst
| Cic.MutCase (uri, _, outtype, term, pats) ->
let pos = next_pos pos in
- let set = aux pos None set term in
- let set = aux pos None set outtype in
- List.fold_left (fun set term -> aux pos None set term) set pats
+ let set = aux pos set term in
+ let set = aux pos set outtype in
+ List.fold_left (fun set term -> aux pos set term) set pats
| Cic.Fix (_, funs) ->
let pos = next_pos pos in
(fun set (_, _, ty, body) ->
- let set = aux pos None set ty in
- aux pos None set body)
+ let set = aux pos set ty in
+ aux pos set body)
set funs
| Cic.CoFix (_, funs) ->
let pos = next_pos pos in
(fun set (_, ty, body) ->
- let set = aux pos None set ty in
- aux pos None set body)
+ let set = aux pos set ty in
+ aux pos set body)
set funs
- aux pos (Some 0) S.empty term
+ aux pos S.empty term
let compute_type uri typeno (name, _, ty, constructors) =
let consno = ref 0 in
let type_metadata =
(UriManager.string_of_uriref (uri, [typeno]), name,
- S.elements (compute_term `MainConclusion ty))
+ S.elements (compute_term (`MainConclusion (Some 0)) ty))
let constructors_metadata =
(fun (name, term) ->
incr consno;
let uri = UriManager.string_of_uriref (uri, [typeno; !consno]) in
- (uri, name, S.elements (compute_term `MainConclusion term)))
+ (uri, name, S.elements (compute_term (`MainConclusion (Some 0)) term)))
type_metadata :: constructors_metadata
List.concat (List.map (fun ty -> incr idx; compute_type uri !idx ty) types)
let compute ~body ~ty =
- let type_metadata = compute_term `MainConclusion ty in
+ let type_metadata = compute_term (`MainConclusion (Some 0)) ty in
let body_metadata =
match body with
| None -> S.empty
(fun metadata uris ->
match metadata with
- | `Obj (uri, _, _) -> StringSet.add uri uris
+ | `Obj (uri, _) -> StringSet.add uri uris
| _ -> uris)
type_metadata StringSet.empty
- | `Obj (uri, _, _) when StringSet.mem uri uris -> false
+ | `Obj (uri, _) when StringSet.mem uri uris -> false
| _ -> true)
open Printf
let pp_position = function
- | `MainConclusion -> "MainConclusion"
- | `MainHypothesis -> "MainHypothesis"
+ | `MainConclusion (Some d) -> sprintf "MainConclusion(%d)" d
+ | `MainConclusion None -> sprintf "MainConclusion"
+ | `MainHypothesis (Some d) -> sprintf "MainHypothesis(%d)" d
+ | `MainHypothesis None -> "MainHypothesis"
| `InConclusion -> "InConclusion"
| `InHypothesis -> "InHypothesis"
| `InBody -> "InBody"
+let pp_position_tag = function
+ | `MainConclusion _ -> "MainConclusion"
+ | `MainHypothesis _ -> "MainHypothesis"
+ | `InConclusion -> "InConclusion"
+ | `InHypothesis -> "InHypothesis"
+ | `InBody -> "InBody"
+let columns_of_position = function
+ | `MainConclusion (Some d) -> `String "MainConclusion", `Int d
+ | `MainConclusion None -> `String "MainConclusion", `Null
+ | `MainHypothesis (Some d) -> `String "MainHypothesis", `Int d
+ | `MainHypothesis None -> `String "MainHypothesis", `Null
+ | `InConclusion -> `String "InConclusion", `Null
+ | `InHypothesis -> `String "InHypothesis", `Null
+ | `InBody -> `String "InBody", `Null
let metadata_ns = "http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm/schemas/schema-helm"
let uri_of_pos pos = String.concat "#" [metadata_ns; pp_position pos]
let pp_sort = function
| Cic.Prop -> "Prop"
type t = [ `Int of int | `String of string | `Null ]
let columns_of_metadata ~about metadatas =
- let position p = `String (pp_position p) in
let sort s = `String (pp_sort s) in
let source = `String about in
- let depth d = `Int d in
- let depth_opt = function None -> `Null | Some d -> `Int d in
let occurrence u = `String u in
(fun (sort_cols, rel_cols, obj_cols) metadata ->
match metadata with
- | `Sort (s, p, d) ->
- [source; position p; depth d; sort s] :: sort_cols, rel_cols, obj_cols
- | `Rel (p, d) ->
- sort_cols, [source; position p; depth d] :: rel_cols, obj_cols
- | `Obj (o, p, d) ->
+ | `Sort (s, p) ->
+ let (p, d) = columns_of_position p in
+ [source; p; d; sort s] :: sort_cols, rel_cols, obj_cols
+ | `Rel p ->
+ let (p, d) = columns_of_position p in
+ sort_cols, [source; p; d] :: rel_cols, obj_cols
+ | `Obj (o, p) ->
+ let (p, d) = columns_of_position p in
sort_cols, rel_cols,
- [source; occurrence o; position p; depth_opt d] :: obj_cols)
+ [source; occurrence o; p; d] :: obj_cols)
([], [], []) metadatas
let columns_of_ind_metadata ind_metadata =