--- /dev/null
+open Path_indexing
+let build_equality term =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ C.Implicit None, (C.Implicit None, term, C.Rel 1, Utils.Gt), [], []
+ f = Rel 1
+ g = Rel 2
+ a = Rel 3
+ b = Rel 4
+ c = Rel 5
+let main_test () =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let terms = [
+ C.Appl [C.Rel 1; C.Appl [C.Rel 2; C.Rel 3; C.Meta (1, [])]; C.Rel 5];
+ C.Appl [C.Rel 1; C.Appl [C.Rel 2; C.Meta (1, []); C.Rel 4]; C.Meta (1, [])];
+ C.Appl [C.Rel 1; C.Appl [C.Rel 2; C.Rel 3; C.Rel 4]; C.Rel 5];
+ C.Appl [C.Rel 1; C.Appl [C.Rel 2; C.Meta (1, []); C.Rel 5]; C.Rel 4];
+ C.Appl [C.Rel 1; C.Meta (1, []); C.Meta (1, [])]
+ ] in
+ let path_strings = List.map (path_strings_of_term 0) terms in
+ let table =
+ List.fold_left index PSTrie.empty (List.map build_equality terms) in
+ let query =
+ C.Appl [C.Rel 1; C.Appl [C.Rel 2; C.Meta (1, []); C.Rel 4]; C.Rel 5] in
+ let matches = retrieve_generalizations table query in
+ let unifications = retrieve_unifiables table query in
+ let eq1 = build_equality (C.Appl [C.Rel 1; C.Meta (1, []); C.Meta (1, [])])
+ and eq2 = build_equality (C.Appl [C.Rel 1; C.Meta (1, []); C.Meta (2, [])]) in
+ let res1 = in_index table eq1
+ and res2 = in_index table eq2 in
+ let print_results res =
+ String.concat "\n"
+ (PosEqSet.fold
+ (fun (p, e) l ->
+ let s =
+ "(" ^ (Utils.string_of_pos p) ^ ", " ^
+ (Inference.string_of_equality e) ^ ")"
+ in
+ s::l)
+ res [])
+ in
+ Printf.printf "path_strings:\n%s\n\n"
+ (String.concat "\n"
+ (List.map
+ (fun l ->
+ "{" ^ (String.concat "; " (List.map string_of_path_string l)) ^ "}"
+ ) path_strings));
+ Printf.printf "table:\n%s\n\n" (string_of_pstrie table);
+ Printf.printf "matches:\n%s\n\n" (print_results matches);
+ Printf.printf "unifications:\n%s\n\n" (print_results unifications);
+ Printf.printf "in_index %s: %s\n"
+ (Inference.string_of_equality eq1) (string_of_bool res1);
+ Printf.printf "in_index %s: %s\n"
+ (Inference.string_of_equality eq2) (string_of_bool res2);
+let differing () =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let t1 =
+ C.Appl [C.Rel 1; C.Appl [C.Rel 2; C.Rel 3; C.Meta (1, [])]; C.Rel 5]
+ and t2 =
+ C.Appl [C.Rel 1; C.Appl [C.Rel 5; C.Rel 4; C.Meta (1, [])]; C.Rel 5]
+ in
+ let res = Inference.extract_differing_subterms t1 t2 in
+ match res with
+ | None -> print_endline "NO DIFFERING SUBTERMS???"
+ | Some (t1, t2) ->
+ Printf.printf "OK: %s, %s\n" (CicPp.ppterm t1) (CicPp.ppterm t2);
+let next_after () =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let t =
+ C.Appl [C.Rel 1; C.Appl [C.Rel 2; C.Rel 3; C.Rel 4]; C.Rel 5]
+ in
+ let pos1 = Discrimination_tree.next_t [1] t in
+ let pos2 = Discrimination_tree.after_t [1] t in
+ Printf.printf "next_t 1: %s\nafter_t 1: %s\n"
+ (CicPp.ppterm (Discrimination_tree.subterm_at_pos pos1 t))
+ (CicPp.ppterm (Discrimination_tree.subterm_at_pos pos2 t));
+(* differing ();; *)
+(* main_test ();; *)
+next_after ();;