basic_rg/brg.cmx: lib/nUri.cmx lib/log.cmx lib/cps.cmx automath/aut.cmx
basic_rg/brgOutput.cmi: lib/log.cmi basic_rg/brg.cmx
basic_rg/brgOutput.cmo: lib/output.cmi lib/nUri.cmi lib/log.cmi \
- lib/hierarchy.cmi basic_rg/brg.cmx basic_rg/brgOutput.cmi
+ lib/hierarchy.cmi lib/cps.cmx basic_rg/brg.cmx basic_rg/brgOutput.cmi
basic_rg/brgOutput.cmx: lib/output.cmx lib/nUri.cmx lib/log.cmx \
- lib/hierarchy.cmx basic_rg/brg.cmx basic_rg/brgOutput.cmi
+ lib/hierarchy.cmx lib/cps.cmx basic_rg/brg.cmx basic_rg/brgOutput.cmi
basic_rg/brgEnvironment.cmi: lib/nUri.cmi basic_rg/brg.cmx
basic_rg/brgEnvironment.cmo: lib/nUri.cmi lib/log.cmi basic_rg/brg.cmx \
type counters = {
eabsts: int;
eabbrs: int;
+ evoids: int;
tsorts: int;
tlrefs: int;
tgrefs: int;
tcasts: int;
tappls: int;
tabsts: int;
- tabbrs: int
+ tabbrs: int;
+ tvoids: int;
+ uris : U.uri list;
+ nodes : int;
+ xnodes: int
let initial_counters = {
- eabsts = 0; eabbrs = 0; tsorts = 0; tlrefs = 0; tgrefs = 0;
- tcasts = 0; tappls = 0; tabsts = 0; tabbrs = 0
+ eabsts = 0; eabbrs = 0; evoids = 0;
+ tsorts = 0; tlrefs = 0; tgrefs = 0; tcasts = 0; tappls = 0;
+ tabsts = 0; tabbrs = 0; tvoids = 0;
+ uris = []; nodes = 0; xnodes = 0
-let rec count_term_binder f c = function
+let rec count_term_binder f c e = function
| B.Abst w ->
- let c = {c with tabsts = succ c.tabsts} in
- count_term f c w
+ let c = {c with tabsts = succ c.tabsts; nodes = succ c.nodes} in
+ count_term f c e w
| B.Abbr v ->
- let c = {c with tabbrs = succ c.tabbrs} in
- count_term f c v
- | B.Void -> f c
+ let c = {c with tabbrs = succ c.tabbrs; xnodes = succ c.xnodes} in
+ count_term f c e v
+ | B.Void ->
+ let c = {c with tvoids = succ c.tvoids; xnodes = succ c.xnodes} in
+ f c
-and count_term f c = function
- | B.Sort _ ->
- f {c with tsorts = succ c.tsorts}
- | B.LRef _ ->
- f {c with tlrefs = succ c.tlrefs}
- | B.GRef _ ->
+and count_term f c e = function
+ | B.Sort _ ->
+ f {c with tsorts = succ c.tsorts; nodes = succ c.nodes}
+ | B.LRef (_, i) ->
+ let f _ = function
+ | None
+ | Some (_, B.Abst _) ->
+ f {c with tlrefs = succ c.tlrefs; nodes = succ c.nodes}
+ | Some (_, B.Abbr _)
+ | Some (_, B.Void) ->
+ f {c with tlrefs = succ c.tlrefs; xnodes = succ c.xnodes}
+ in
+ B.get f e i
+ | B.GRef (_, u) ->
+ let c =
+ if Cps.list_mem ~eq:U.eq u c.uris
+ then {c with nodes = succ c.nodes}
+ else {c with xnodes = succ c.xnodes}
+ in
f {c with tgrefs = succ c.tgrefs}
| B.Cast (_, v, t) ->
let c = {c with tcasts = succ c.tcasts} in
- let f c = count_term f c t in
- count_term f c v
+ let f c = count_term f c e t in
+ count_term f c e v
| B.Appl (_, v, t) ->
- let c = {c with tappls = succ c.tappls} in
- let f c = count_term f c t in
- count_term f c v
- | B.Bind (_, b, t) ->
- let f c = count_term_binder f c b in
- count_term f c t
-let count_obj_binder f c = function
- | B.Abst w ->
- let c = {c with eabsts = succ c.eabsts} in
- count_term f c w
- | B.Abbr v ->
- let c = {c with eabbrs = succ c.eabbrs} in
- count_term f c v
- | B.Void -> f c
+ let c = {c with tappls = succ c.tappls; nodes = succ c.nodes} in
+ let f c = count_term f c e t in
+ count_term f c e v
+ | B.Bind (a, b, t) ->
+ let f c e = count_term f c e t in
+ let f c = B.push (f c) e a b in
+ count_term_binder f c e b
-let count_obj f c (_, _, b) =
- count_obj_binder f c b
+let count_obj f c = function
+ | (_, u, B.Abst w) ->
+ let c = {c with
+ eabsts = succ c.eabsts; nodes = succ c.nodes; uris = u :: c.uris
+ } in
+ count_term f c B.empty_context w
+ | (_, _, B.Abbr v) ->
+ let c = {c with eabbrs = succ c.eabbrs; xnodes = succ c.xnodes} in
+ count_term f c B.empty_context v
+ | (_, _, B.Void) ->
+ let c = {c with evoids = succ c.evoids; xnodes = succ c.xnodes} in
+ f c
let count_item f c = function
| Some obj -> count_obj f c obj
let items = c.eabsts + c.eabbrs in
+ let nodes = c.nodes + c.xnodes in
L.warn (P.sprintf " Kernel representation summary (basic_rg)");
L.warn (P.sprintf " Total entry items: %7u" items);
L.warn (P.sprintf " Declaration items: %7u" c.eabsts);
L.warn (P.sprintf " Application items: %7u" c.tappls);
L.warn (P.sprintf " Abstraction items: %7u" c.tabsts);
L.warn (P.sprintf " Abbreviation items: %7u" c.tabbrs);
+ L.warn (P.sprintf " Global Int. Complexity: %7u" c.nodes);
+ L.warn (P.sprintf " + Abbreviation nodes: %7u" nodes);
f ()
(* context/term pretty printing *********************************************)