open Printf;;
+let rec hashtbl_remove_all tbl key =
+ if Hashtbl.mem tbl key then begin
+ Hashtbl.remove tbl key;
+ hashtbl_remove_all tbl key
+ end else
+ ()
+ (** follows cut and paste from zack's Http_client_smart module *)
+exception Malformed_URL of string;;
+exception Malformed_HTTP_response of string;;
+let bufsiz = 16384;;
+let tcp_bufsiz = 4096;;
let body_sep_RE = Pcre.regexp "\r\n\r\n";;
-let url_scheme_RE = Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`CASELESS] "http://";;
+let http_scheme_RE = Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`CASELESS] "^http://";;
let url_RE = Pcre.regexp "^([\\w.]+)(:(\\d+))?(/.*)?$";;
let parse_url url =
- let subs = Pcre.extract ~rex:url_RE (Pcre.replace ~rex:url_scheme_RE url) in
+ let subs =
+ Pcre.extract ~rex:url_RE (Pcre.replace ~rex:http_scheme_RE url)
+ in
(if subs.(2) = "" then 80 else int_of_string subs.(3)),
(if subs.(4) = "" then "/" else subs.(4)))
- with exc ->
- failwith
- (sprintf "Can't parse url: %s (exception: %s)"
- url (Printexc.to_string exc))
+ with exc -> raise (Malformed_URL url)
let get_body answer =
match Pcre.split ~rex:body_sep_RE answer with
| [_; body] -> body
- | _ -> failwith "Invalid response received: can't parse response's body"
+ | _ -> raise (Malformed_HTTP_response answer)
let init_socket addr port =
retrieve inchan buf
-let http_get url =
+let http_get_iter_buf ~callback url =
let (address, port, path) = parse_url url in
+ let buf = String.create tcp_bufsiz in
let (inchan, outchan) = init_socket address port in
- output_string outchan (sprintf "GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" path);
+ output_string outchan (sprintf "GET %s\r\n" path);
flush outchan;
- let buf = Buffer.create 1023 in
- try
- retrieve inchan buf
- with End_of_file -> get_body (Buffer.contents buf)
+ (try
+ while true do
+ match input inchan buf 0 tcp_bufsiz with
+ | 0 -> raise End_of_file
+ | bytes when bytes = tcp_bufsiz -> (* buffer full, no need to slice it *)
+ callback buf
+ | bytes when bytes < tcp_bufsiz -> (* buffer not full, slice it *)
+ callback (String.sub buf 0 bytes)
+ | _ -> (* ( bytes < 0 ) || ( bytes > tcp_bufsiz ) *)
+ assert false
+ done
+ with End_of_file -> ());
+ close_in inchan (* close also outchan, same fd *)
+let http_get url =
+ let buf = Buffer.create (tcp_bufsiz * 10) in
+ http_get_iter_buf (fun data -> Buffer.add_string buf data) url;
+ get_body (Buffer.contents buf)
let http_post ?(body = "") url =
output_string outchan "\r\n";
output_string outchan body;
flush outchan;
- let buf = Buffer.create 1023 in
- try
+ let buf = Buffer.create bufsiz in
+ (try
retrieve inchan buf
- with End_of_file -> get_body (Buffer.contents buf)
-let rec hashtbl_remove_all tbl key =
- if Hashtbl.mem tbl key then begin
- Hashtbl.remove tbl key;
- hashtbl_remove_all tbl key
- end else
- ()
+ with End_of_file -> close_in inchan); (* close also outchan, same fd *)
+ get_body (Buffer.contents buf)
- (* HTTP GET request for a given url, return http response's body *)
+ (** helpers *)
+ (** remove all bindings of a given key from an hash table *)
+val hashtbl_remove_all: ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t -> 'a -> unit
+ (** follows cut and paste from zack's Http_client_smart module *)
+ (** can't parse an HTTP url *)
+exception Malformed_URL of string
+ (** can't parse an HTTP response *)
+exception Malformed_HTTP_response of string
+ (** HTTP GET request for a given url, return http response's body *)
val http_get: string -> string
- (* HTTP POST request for a given url, return http response's body, body
- argument, if specified, is sent as body along with request *)
+ (** HTTP POST request for a given url, return http response's body,
+ body argument, if specified, is sent as body along with request *)
val http_post: ?body:string -> string -> string
-val hashtbl_remove_all: ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t -> 'a -> unit
+ (** perform an HTTP GET request and apply a given function on each
+ 'slice' of HTTP response read from server *)
+val http_get_iter_buf: callback:(string -> unit) -> string -> unit