-requires="helm-library helm-grafite helm-tactics helm-ng_tactics helm-ng_refiner"
+requires="helm-library helm-grafite helm-tactics helm-ng_tactics helm-ng_library"
-requires="helm-content_pres helm-cic_disambiguation camlp5.gramlib"
+requires="helm-content_pres helm-ng_library helm-cic_disambiguation camlp5.gramlib"
--- /dev/null
acic_content \
grafite \
ng_refiner \
+ ng_library \
ng_cic_content \
content_pres \
cic_unification \
tptp_grafite \
ng_kernel \
ng_refiner \
+ ng_library \
let t = refresh_uri_in_term t in basic_eval_unification_hint (t,n)
- NRstatus.Serializer.register "unification_hints" basic_eval_unification_hint
+ NCicLibrary.Serializer.register
+ "unification_hints" basic_eval_unification_hint
let eval_unification_hint status t n =
let u2 = refresh_uri_in_universe u2 in
basic_eval_add_constraint (u1,u2)
- NRstatus.Serializer.register "constraints" basic_eval_add_constraint
+ NCicLibrary.Serializer.register "constraints" basic_eval_add_constraint
let eval_add_constraint status u1 u2 =
let status =
- NRstatus.Serializer.require ~baseuri:(NUri.uri_of_string baseuri)
+ NCicLibrary.Serializer.require ~baseuri:(NUri.uri_of_string baseuri)
status in
let status =
let aux_l l ~refresh_uri_in_universe ~refresh_uri_in_term =
List.fold_right (aux ~refresh_uri_in_universe ~refresh_uri_in_term) l
- NRstatus.Serializer.register "ncoercion" aux_l
+ NCicLibrary.Serializer.register "ncoercion" aux_l
let basic_eval_and_record_ncoercion infos status =
class type g_status =
inherit LexiconEngine.g_status
- inherit NRstatus.g_dumpable_status
+ inherit NCicLibrary.g_dumpable_status
class status =
object (self)
inherit LexiconEngine.status
- inherit NRstatus.dumpable_status
+ inherit NCicLibrary.dumpable_status
method set_estatus : 'status. #g_status as 'status -> 'self
= fun o -> (self#set_lexicon_engine_status o)#set_dumpable_status o
class type g_status =
inherit LexiconEngine.g_status
- inherit NRstatus.g_dumpable_status
+ inherit NCicLibrary.g_dumpable_status
class status :
object ('self)
inherit LexiconEngine.status
- inherit NRstatus.dumpable_status
+ inherit NCicLibrary.dumpable_status
inherit g_status
method set_estatus: #g_status -> 'self
nCicReduction.cmi: nCic.cmo
nCicTypeChecker.cmi: nUri.cmi nReference.cmi nCic.cmo
nCicUntrusted.cmi: nCic.cmo
-nCicLibrary.cmi: nUri.cmi nReference.cmi nCic.cmo
nCic.cmo: nUri.cmi nReference.cmi
nCic.cmx: nUri.cmx nReference.cmx
nUri.cmo: nUri.cmi
nCicReduction.cmi nCicEnvironment.cmi nCic.cmo nCicUntrusted.cmi
nCicUntrusted.cmx: nReference.cmx nCicUtils.cmx nCicSubstitution.cmx \
nCicReduction.cmx nCicEnvironment.cmx nCic.cmx nCicUntrusted.cmi
-nCicLibrary.cmo: oCic2NCic.cmi nUri.cmi nReference.cmi nCicUtils.cmi \
- nCicUntrusted.cmi nCicPp.cmi nCicEnvironment.cmi nCic2OCic.cmi nCic.cmo \
- nCicLibrary.cmi
-nCicLibrary.cmx: oCic2NCic.cmx nUri.cmx nReference.cmx nCicUtils.cmx \
- nCicUntrusted.cmx nCicPp.cmx nCicEnvironment.cmx nCic2OCic.cmx nCic.cmx \
- nCicLibrary.cmi
nCicReduction.cmi: nCic.cmx
nCicTypeChecker.cmi: nUri.cmi nReference.cmi nCic.cmx
nCicUntrusted.cmi: nCic.cmx
-nCicLibrary.cmi: nUri.cmi nReference.cmi nCic.cmx
nCic.cmo: nUri.cmi nReference.cmi
nCic.cmx: nUri.cmx nReference.cmx
nUri.cmo: nUri.cmi
nCicReduction.cmi nCicEnvironment.cmi nCic.cmx nCicUntrusted.cmi
nCicUntrusted.cmx: nReference.cmx nCicUtils.cmx nCicSubstitution.cmx \
nCicReduction.cmx nCicEnvironment.cmx nCic.cmx nCicUntrusted.cmi
-nCicLibrary.cmo: oCic2NCic.cmi nUri.cmi nReference.cmi nCicUtils.cmi \
- nCicUntrusted.cmi nCicPp.cmi nCicEnvironment.cmi nCic2OCic.cmi nCic.cmx \
- nCicLibrary.cmi
-nCicLibrary.cmx: oCic2NCic.cmx nUri.cmx nReference.cmx nCicUtils.cmx \
- nCicUntrusted.cmx nCicPp.cmx nCicEnvironment.cmx nCic2OCic.cmx nCic.cmx \
- nCicLibrary.cmi
nCicPp.mli \
nCicReduction.mli \
nCicTypeChecker.mli \
- nCicUntrusted.mli \
- nCicLibrary.mli
+ nCicUntrusted.mli
nCic.ml $(INTERFACE_FILES:%.mli=%.ml)
%.cmi: OCAMLOPTIONS += -w Ae
%.cmx: OCAMLOPTIONS += -w Ae
-all: rt check
-%: %.ml $(PACKAGE).cma
- $(OCAMLC) -package helm-$(PACKAGE) -linkpkg -o $@ $<
-all.opt opt: rt.opt check.opt
-%.opt: %.ml $(PACKAGE).cmxa
- $(OCAMLOPT) -package helm-$(PACKAGE) -linkpkg -o $@ $<
ocamldoc -o depend.dot -rectypes -I ../extlib/ -I ../cic -I ../cic_proof_checking/ -I ../urimanager/ -I ../logger/ -I ../registry/ -I ../getter/ -I ../hmysql/ -I ../library/ -I ../metadata/ -dot nUri.ml nReference.ml nCic.ml nCicPp.ml nCicEnvironment.ml nCicSubstitution.ml nCicReduction.ml nCicTypeChecker.ml nCicUtils.ml nCicLibrary.ml
cat depend.dot | grep -v "^}$$" > /tmp/depend.dot && mv /tmp/depend.dot .
+++ /dev/null
- ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
- ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
- ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
- ||I||
- ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
- \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY.
- V_______________________________________________________________ *)
-(* $Id$ *)
-let debug = true
-let ignore_exc = false
-let rank_all_dependencies = false
-let trust_environment = false
-let print_object = true
-let indent = ref 0;;
-let load_graph, get_graph =
- let oldg = ref CicUniv.empty_ugraph in
- (function uri ->
- let _,g = CicEnvironment.get_obj !oldg uri in
- oldg := g),
- (function _ -> !oldg)
-let logger =
- let do_indent () = String.make !indent ' ' in
- (function
- | `Start_type_checking s ->
- if debug then
- prerr_endline (do_indent () ^ "Start: " ^ NUri.string_of_uri s);
- incr indent
- | `Type_checking_completed s ->
- decr indent;
- if debug then
- prerr_endline (do_indent () ^ "End: " ^ NUri.string_of_uri s)
- | `Type_checking_interrupted s ->
- decr indent;
- if debug then
- prerr_endline (do_indent () ^ "Break: " ^ NUri.string_of_uri s)
- | `Type_checking_failed s ->
- decr indent;
- if debug then
- prerr_endline (do_indent () ^ "Fail: " ^ NUri.string_of_uri s)
- | `Trust_obj s ->
- if debug then
- prerr_endline (do_indent () ^ "Trust: " ^ NUri.string_of_uri s))
-let mk_type n =
- if n = 0 then
- [`Type, NUri.uri_of_string ("cic:/matita/pts/Type.univ")]
- else
- [`Type, NUri.uri_of_string ("cic:/matita/pts/Type"^string_of_int n^".univ")]
-let mk_cprop n =
- if n = 0 then
- [`CProp, NUri.uri_of_string ("cic:/matita/pts/Type.univ")]
- else
- [`CProp, NUri.uri_of_string ("cic:/matita/pts/Type"^string_of_int n^".univ")]
-let _ =
- let do_old_logging = ref true in
- HelmLogger.register_log_callback
- (fun ?append_NL html_msg ->
- if !do_old_logging then
- prerr_endline (HelmLogger.string_of_html_msg html_msg));
- CicParser.impredicative_set := false;
- NCicTypeChecker.set_logger logger;
- Helm_registry.load_from "conf.xml";
- let alluris =
- try
- let s = Sys.argv.(1) in
- if s = "-alluris" then
- begin
- let uri_re = Str.regexp ".*\\(ind\\|con\\)$" in
- let uris = Http_getter.getalluris () in
- let alluris = List.filter (fun u -> Str.string_match uri_re u 0) uris in
- let oc = open_out "alluris.txt" in
- List.iter (fun s -> output_string oc (s^"\n")) alluris;
- close_out oc;
- []
- end
- else [s]
- with Invalid_argument _ ->
- let r = ref [] in
- let ic = open_in "alluris.txt" in
- try while true do r := input_line ic :: !r; done; []
- with _ -> List.rev !r
- in
- let alluris =
- HExtlib.filter_map
- (fun u -> try Some (UriManager.uri_of_string u) with _ -> None) alluris
- in
- (* brutal *)
- prerr_endline "computing graphs to load...";
- let roots_alluris =
- if not rank_all_dependencies then
- alluris
- else (
- let dbd = HSql.quick_connect (LibraryDb.parse_dbd_conf ()) in
- MetadataTypes.ownerize_tables (Helm_registry.get "matita.owner");
- let uniq l =
- HExtlib.list_uniq (List.sort UriManager.compare l) in
- let who_uses u =
- uniq (List.map (fun (uri,_) -> UriManager.strip_xpointer uri)
- (MetadataDeps.inverse_deps ~dbd u)) in
- let rec fix acc l =
- let acc, todo =
- List.fold_left (fun (acc,todo) x ->
- let w = who_uses x in
- if w = [] then (x::acc,todo) else (acc,uniq (todo@w)))
- (acc,[]) l
- in
- if todo = [] then uniq acc else fix acc todo
- in
- fix [] alluris)
- in
- prerr_endline "generating Coq graphs...";
- CicEnvironment.set_trust (fun _ -> trust_environment);
- List.iter
- (fun u ->
- prerr_endline (" - " ^ UriManager.string_of_uri u);
- try
- ignore(CicTypeChecker.typecheck u);
- with
- | CicTypeChecker.AssertFailure s
- | CicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure s ->
- prerr_endline (Lazy.force s);
- assert false
- ) roots_alluris;
- prerr_endline "loading...";
- List.iter
- (fun u ->
- prerr_endline (" - "^UriManager.string_of_uri u);
- try load_graph u with exn -> ())
- roots_alluris;
- prerr_endline "finished....";
- let lll, uuu =(CicUniv.do_rank (get_graph ())) in
- CicUniv.print_ugraph (get_graph ());
- let lll = List.sort compare lll in
- List.iter (fun k ->
- prerr_endline (CicUniv.string_of_universe k ^ " = " ^ string_of_int (CicUniv.get_rank k))) uuu;
- let _ =
- try
- let rec aux = function
- | a::(b::_ as tl) ->
- NCicEnvironment.add_lt_constraint (mk_type a) (mk_type b);
- NCicEnvironment.add_lt_constraint (mk_type a) (mk_cprop b);
- aux tl
- | _ -> ()
- in
- aux lll
- with NCicEnvironment.BadConstraint s as e ->
- prerr_endline (Lazy.force s); raise e
- in
- prerr_endline "ranked....";
- prerr_endline (NCicEnvironment.pp_constraints ());
- HExtlib.profiling_enabled := false;
- List.iter (fun uu ->
- let uu= OCic2NCic.nuri_of_ouri uu in
- indent := 0;
- let o = NCicLibrary.get_obj uu in
- if print_object then prerr_endline (NCicPp.ppobj o);
- try
- NCicEnvironment.check_and_add_obj o
- with
- exn ->
- let rec aux = function
- | NCicTypeChecker.AssertFailure s
- | NCicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure s
- | NCicEnvironment.ObjectNotFound s
- | NCicEnvironment.BadConstraint s as e->
- prerr_endline ("######### " ^ Lazy.force s);
- if not ignore_exc then raise e
- | NCicEnvironment.BadDependency (s,x) as e ->
- prerr_endline ("######### " ^ Lazy.force s);
- aux x;
- if not ignore_exc then raise e
- | e -> raise e
- in
- aux exn
- )
- alluris;
- NCicEnvironment.invalidate ();
- Gc.compact ();
- HExtlib.profiling_enabled := true;
- NCicTypeChecker.set_logger (fun _ -> ());
- do_old_logging := false;
- prerr_endline "typechecking, first with the new and then with the old kernel";
- let prima = Unix.gettimeofday () in
- List.iter
- (fun u ->
- let u= OCic2NCic.nuri_of_ouri u in
- indent := 0;
- ignore (NCicEnvironment.get_checked_obj u))
- alluris;
- let dopo = Unix.gettimeofday () in
- Gc.compact ();
- let dopo2 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
- Printf.eprintf "NEW typing: %3.2f, gc: %3.2f\n%!" (dopo -. prima) (dopo2 -. dopo);
- CicEnvironment.invalidate ();
- Gc.compact ();
- let prima = Unix.gettimeofday () in
- List.iter (fun u -> ignore (CicTypeChecker.typecheck u)) alluris;
- let dopo = Unix.gettimeofday () in
- Gc.compact ();
- let dopo2 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
- Printf.eprintf "OLD typing: %3.2f, gc: %3.2f\n%!" (dopo -. prima) (dopo2 -. dopo)
+++ /dev/null
- ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
- ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
- ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
- ||I||
- ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
- \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY.
- V_______________________________________________________________ *)
-(* $Id$ *)
-exception LibraryOutOfSync of string Lazy.t
-let magic = 2;;
-let refresh_uri uri = NUri.uri_of_string (NUri.string_of_uri uri);;
-let refresh_uri_in_universe =
- List.map (fun (x,u) -> x, refresh_uri u)
-let rec refresh_uri_in_term =
- function
- | NCic.Meta (i,(n,NCic.Ctx l)) ->
- NCic.Meta (i,(n,NCic.Ctx (List.map refresh_uri_in_term l)))
- | NCic.Meta _ as t -> t
- | NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (u,spec)) ->
- NCic.Const (NReference.reference_of_spec (refresh_uri u) spec)
- | NCic.Sort (NCic.Type l) -> NCic.Sort (NCic.Type (refresh_uri_in_universe l))
- | NCic.Match (NReference.Ref (uri,spec),outtype,term,pl) ->
- let r = NReference.reference_of_spec (refresh_uri uri) spec in
- let outtype = refresh_uri_in_term outtype in
- let term = refresh_uri_in_term term in
- let pl = List.map refresh_uri_in_term pl in
- NCic.Match (r,outtype,term,pl)
- | t -> NCicUtils.map (fun _ _ -> ()) () (fun _ -> refresh_uri_in_term) t
-let refresh_uri_in_obj (uri,height,metasenv,subst,obj_kind) =
- assert (metasenv = []);
- assert (subst = []);
- refresh_uri uri,height,metasenv,subst,
- NCicUntrusted.map_obj_kind refresh_uri_in_term obj_kind
-let path_of_baseuri ?(no_suffix=false) baseuri =
- let uri = NUri.string_of_uri baseuri in
- let path = String.sub uri 4 (String.length uri - 4) in
- let path = Helm_registry.get "matita.basedir" ^ path in
- let dirname = Filename.dirname path in
- HExtlib.mkdir dirname;
- if no_suffix then
- path
- else
- path ^ ".ng"
-let require_path path =
- let ch = open_in path in
- let mmagic,dump = Marshal.from_channel ch in
- close_in ch;
- if mmagic <> magic then
- raise (LibraryOutOfSync (lazy "The library is out of sync with the implementation. Please recompile the library."))
- else
- dump
-let require0 ~baseuri = require_path (path_of_baseuri baseuri);;
-let db_path () = Helm_registry.get "matita.basedir" ^ "/ng_db.ng";;
-type timestamp =
- [ `Obj of NUri.uri * NCic.obj
- | `Constr of NCic.universe * NCic.universe] list *
- (NUri.uri * string * NReference.reference) list *
- NCic.obj NUri.UriMap.t *
- NUri.uri list
-let time0 = [],[],NUri.UriMap.empty,[];;
-let storage = ref [];;
-let local_aliases = ref [];;
-let cache = ref NUri.UriMap.empty;;
-let includes = ref [];;
-let load_db,set_global_aliases,get_global_aliases,add_deps,get_deps,remove_deps=
- let global_aliases = ref [] in
- let rev_includes_map = ref NUri.UriMap.empty in
- let store_db () =
- let ch = open_out (db_path ()) in
- Marshal.to_channel ch (magic,(!global_aliases,!rev_includes_map)) [];
- close_out ch in
- let load_db () =
- HExtlib.mkdir (Helm_registry.get "matita.basedir");
- try
- let ga,im = require_path (db_path ()) in
- let ga =
- List.map
- (fun (uri,name,NReference.Ref (uri2,spec)) ->
- refresh_uri uri,name,NReference.reference_of_spec (refresh_uri uri2) spec
- ) ga in
- let im =
- NUri.UriMap.fold
- (fun u l im -> NUri.UriMap.add (refresh_uri u) (List.map refresh_uri l) im
- ) im NUri.UriMap.empty
- in
- global_aliases := ga;
- rev_includes_map := im
- with
- Sys_error _ -> () in
- let get_deps u =
- let get_deps_one_step u =
- try NUri.UriMap.find u !rev_includes_map with Not_found -> [] in
- let rec aux res =
- function
- [] -> res
- | he::tl ->
- if List.mem he res then
- aux res tl
- else
- aux (he::res) (get_deps_one_step he @ tl)
- in
- aux [] [u] in
- let remove_deps u =
- rev_includes_map := NUri.UriMap.remove u !rev_includes_map;
- rev_includes_map :=
- NUri.UriMap.map
- (fun l -> List.filter (fun uri -> not (NUri.eq u uri)) l) !rev_includes_map;
- store_db ()
- in
- load_db,
- (fun ga -> global_aliases := ga; store_db ()),
- (fun () -> !global_aliases),
- (fun u l ->
- rev_includes_map := NUri.UriMap.add u (l @ get_deps u) !rev_includes_map;
- store_db ()),
- get_deps,
- remove_deps
-let init = load_db;;
-class type g_status =
- object
- method timestamp: timestamp
- end
-class status =
- object
- val timestamp = (time0 : timestamp)
- method timestamp = timestamp
- method set_timestamp v = {< timestamp = v >}
- method set_library_status
- : 'status. #g_status as 'status -> 'self
- = fun o -> {< timestamp = o#timestamp >}
- end
-let time_travel status =
- let sto,ali,cac,inc = status#timestamp in
- let diff_len = List.length !storage - List.length sto in
- let to_be_deleted,_ = HExtlib.split_nth diff_len !storage in
- if List.length to_be_deleted > 0 then
- NCicEnvironment.invalidate_item (HExtlib.list_last to_be_deleted);
- storage := sto; local_aliases := ali; cache := cac; includes := inc
-let serialize ~baseuri dump =
- let ch = open_out (path_of_baseuri baseuri) in
- Marshal.to_channel ch (magic,dump) [];
- close_out ch;
- List.iter
- (function
- | `Obj (uri,obj) ->
- let ch = open_out (path_of_baseuri uri) in
- Marshal.to_channel ch (magic,obj) [];
- close_out ch
- | `Constr _ -> ()
- ) !storage;
- set_global_aliases (!local_aliases @ get_global_aliases ());
- List.iter (fun u -> add_deps u [baseuri]) !includes;
- time_travel (new status)
-module type Serializer =
- sig
- type status
- type obj
- val register:
- string ->
- ('a -> refresh_uri_in_universe:(NCic.universe -> NCic.universe) -> refresh_uri_in_term:(NCic.term -> NCic.term) -> status -> status) ->
- ('a -> obj)
- val serialize: baseuri:NUri.uri -> obj list -> unit
- val require: baseuri:NUri.uri -> status -> status
- end
-module Serializer(S: sig type status end) =
- struct
- type status = S.status
- type obj = string * Obj.t
- let require1 = ref (fun _ -> assert false (* unknown data*))
- let already_registered = ref []
- let register tag require =
- assert (not (List.mem tag !already_registered));
- already_registered := tag :: !already_registered;
- let old_require1 = !require1 in
- require1 :=
- (fun (tag',data) as x ->
- if tag=tag' then
- require (Obj.magic data) ~refresh_uri_in_universe ~refresh_uri_in_term
- else
- old_require1 x);
- (fun x -> tag,Obj.repr x)
- let serialize = serialize
- let require ~baseuri status =
- includes := baseuri::!includes;
- let dump = require0 ~baseuri in
- List.fold_right !require1 dump status
-let decompile ~baseuri =
- let baseuris = get_deps baseuri in
- List.iter (fun baseuri ->
- remove_deps baseuri;
- HExtlib.safe_remove (path_of_baseuri baseuri);
- let basepath = path_of_baseuri ~no_suffix:true baseuri in
- try
- let od = Unix.opendir basepath in
- let rec aux names =
- try
- let name = Unix.readdir od in
- if name <> "." && name <> ".." then aux (name::names) else aux names
- with
- End_of_file -> names in
- let names = List.map (fun name -> basepath ^ "/" ^ name) (aux []) in
- Unix.closedir od;
- List.iter Unix.unlink names;
- HExtlib.rmdir_descend basepath;
- set_global_aliases
- (List.filter
- (fun (_,_,NReference.Ref (nuri,_)) ->
- Filename.dirname (NUri.string_of_uri nuri) <> NUri.string_of_uri baseuri
- ) (get_global_aliases ()))
- with
- Unix.Unix_error _ -> () (* raised by Unix.opendir, we hope :-) *)
- ) baseuris
- (fun ~baseuri -> decompile ~baseuri:(NUri.uri_of_string baseuri));;
-let fetch_obj uri =
- let obj = require0 ~baseuri:uri in
- refresh_uri_in_obj obj
-let resolve name =
- try
- HExtlib.filter_map
- (fun (_,name',nref) -> if name'=name then Some nref else None)
- (!local_aliases @ get_global_aliases ())
- with
- Not_found -> raise (NCicEnvironment.ObjectNotFound (lazy name))
-let aliases_of uri =
- HExtlib.filter_map
- (fun (uri',_,nref) ->
- if NUri.eq uri' uri then Some nref else None) !local_aliases
-let add_obj status ((u,_,_,_,_) as obj) =
- NCicEnvironment.check_and_add_obj obj;
- storage := (`Obj (u,obj))::!storage;
- let _,height,_,_,obj = obj in
- let references =
- match obj with
- NCic.Constant (_,name,None,_,_) ->
- [u,name,NReference.reference_of_spec u NReference.Decl]
- | NCic.Constant (_,name,Some _,_,_) ->
- [u,name,NReference.reference_of_spec u (NReference.Def height)]
- | NCic.Fixpoint (is_ind,fl,_) ->
- HExtlib.list_mapi
- (fun (_,name,recno,_,_) i ->
- if is_ind then
- u,name,NReference.reference_of_spec u(NReference.Fix(i,recno,height))
- else
- u,name,NReference.reference_of_spec u (NReference.CoFix i)) fl
- | NCic.Inductive (inductive,leftno,il,_) ->
- List.flatten
- (HExtlib.list_mapi
- (fun (_,iname,_,cl) i ->
- HExtlib.list_mapi
- (fun (_,cname,_) j->
- u,cname,
- NReference.reference_of_spec u (NReference.Con (i,j+1,leftno))
- ) cl @
- [u,iname,
- NReference.reference_of_spec u
- (NReference.Ind (inductive,i,leftno))]
- ) il)
- in
- local_aliases := references @ !local_aliases;
- status#set_timestamp (!storage,!local_aliases,!cache,!includes)
-let add_constraint status u1 u2 =
- NCicEnvironment.add_lt_constraint u1 u2;
- storage := (`Constr (u1,u2)) :: !storage;
- status#set_timestamp (!storage,!local_aliases,!cache,!includes)
-let get_obj u =
- try
- List.assq u
- (HExtlib.filter_map
- (function `Obj (u,o) -> Some (u,o) | _ -> None )
- !storage)
- with Not_found ->
- try fetch_obj u
- with Sys_error _ ->
- try NUri.UriMap.find u !cache
- with Not_found ->
- let ouri = NCic2OCic.ouri_of_nuri u in
- try
- let o,_ = CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph ouri in
- let l = OCic2NCic.convert_obj ouri o in
- List.iter (fun (u,_,_,_,_ as o) -> cache:= NUri.UriMap.add u o !cache) l;
- HExtlib.list_last l
- with CicEnvironment.Object_not_found u ->
- raise (NCicEnvironment.ObjectNotFound
- (lazy (NUri.string_of_uri (OCic2NCic.nuri_of_ouri u))))
-let clear_cache () = cache := NUri.UriMap.empty;;
-NCicEnvironment.set_get_obj get_obj;;
-NCicPp.set_get_obj get_obj;;
+++ /dev/null
- ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
- ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
- ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
- ||I||
- ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
- \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY.
- V_______________________________________________________________ *)
-(* $Id$ *)
-exception LibraryOutOfSync of string Lazy.t
-type timestamp
-class type g_status =
- object
- method timestamp: timestamp
- end
-class status :
- object ('self)
- inherit g_status
- method set_timestamp: timestamp -> 'self
- method set_library_status: #g_status -> 'self
- end
-(* it also checks it and add it to the environment *)
-val add_obj: #status as 'status -> NCic.obj -> 'status
-val add_constraint:
- #status as 'status -> NCic.universe -> NCic.universe -> 'status
-val aliases_of: NUri.uri -> NReference.reference list
-val resolve: string -> NReference.reference list
-(* warning: get_obj may raise (NCicEnvironment.ObjectNotFoud l) *)
-val get_obj: NUri.uri -> NCic.obj (* changes the current timestamp *)
-val clear_cache : unit -> unit
-val time_travel: #status -> unit
-val decompile: baseuri:NUri.uri -> unit
-module type Serializer =
- sig
- type status
- type obj
- val register:
- string ->
- ('a -> refresh_uri_in_universe:(NCic.universe -> NCic.universe) -> refresh_uri_in_term:(NCic.term -> NCic.term) -> status -> status) ->
- ('a -> obj)
- val serialize: baseuri:NUri.uri -> obj list -> unit
- val require: baseuri:NUri.uri -> status -> status
- end
-module Serializer(S: sig type status end): Serializer with type status= S.status
-val init: unit -> unit
-(* CSC: only required during old-to-NG phase, to be deleted *)
-val refresh_uri: NUri.uri -> NUri.uri
-(* EOF *)
+++ /dev/null
- ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
- ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
- ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
- ||I||
- ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
- \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY.
- V_______________________________________________________________ *)
-(* $Id$ *)
-let _ =
- Helm_registry.load_from "conf.xml";
- CicParser.impredicative_set := false;
- let u = UriManager.uri_of_string Sys.argv.(1) in
- let o, _ = CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph u in
- prerr_endline "VECCHIO";
- prerr_endline (CicPp.ppobj o);
- let l = OCic2NCic.convert_obj u o in
- prerr_endline "OGGETTI:.........................................";
- List.iter (fun o -> prerr_endline (NCicPp.ppobj o)) l;
- prerr_endline "/OGGETTI:.........................................";
- let objs =
- List.flatten
- (List.map NCic2OCic.convert_nobj l) in
- List.iter
- (fun (u,o) ->
- prerr_endline ("round trip: " ^ UriManager.string_of_uri u);
- prerr_endline (CicPp.ppobj o);
- prerr_endline "tipo.......";
- try CicTypeChecker.typecheck_obj u o
- with
- CicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure s
- | CicTypeChecker.AssertFailure s ->
- prerr_endline (Lazy.force s)
- | CicEnvironment.Object_not_found uri ->
- prerr_endline
- ("CicEnvironment: Object not found " ^ UriManager.string_of_uri uri))
- objs;
--- /dev/null
+nCicLibrary.cmo: nCicLibrary.cmi
+nCicLibrary.cmx: nCicLibrary.cmi
--- /dev/null
+nCicLibrary.cmo: nCicLibrary.cmi
+nCicLibrary.cmx: nCicLibrary.cmi
--- /dev/null
+PACKAGE = ng_library
+ nCicLibrary.mli
+ $(INTERFACE_FILES:%.mli=%.ml)
+%.cmo: OCAMLOPTIONS += -w Ae
+%.cmi: OCAMLOPTIONS += -w Ae
+%.cmx: OCAMLOPTIONS += -w Ae
+all: rt check
+%: %.ml $(PACKAGE).cma
+ $(OCAMLC) -package helm-$(PACKAGE) -linkpkg -o $@ $<
+all.opt opt: rt.opt check.opt
+%.opt: %.ml $(PACKAGE).cmxa
+ $(OCAMLOPT) -package helm-$(PACKAGE) -linkpkg -o $@ $<
+include ../../Makefile.defs
+include ../Makefile.common
--- /dev/null
+ ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ ||I||
+ ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
+ \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY.
+ V_______________________________________________________________ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+let debug = true
+let ignore_exc = false
+let rank_all_dependencies = false
+let trust_environment = false
+let print_object = true
+let indent = ref 0;;
+let load_graph, get_graph =
+ let oldg = ref CicUniv.empty_ugraph in
+ (function uri ->
+ let _,g = CicEnvironment.get_obj !oldg uri in
+ oldg := g),
+ (function _ -> !oldg)
+let logger =
+ let do_indent () = String.make !indent ' ' in
+ (function
+ | `Start_type_checking s ->
+ if debug then
+ prerr_endline (do_indent () ^ "Start: " ^ NUri.string_of_uri s);
+ incr indent
+ | `Type_checking_completed s ->
+ decr indent;
+ if debug then
+ prerr_endline (do_indent () ^ "End: " ^ NUri.string_of_uri s)
+ | `Type_checking_interrupted s ->
+ decr indent;
+ if debug then
+ prerr_endline (do_indent () ^ "Break: " ^ NUri.string_of_uri s)
+ | `Type_checking_failed s ->
+ decr indent;
+ if debug then
+ prerr_endline (do_indent () ^ "Fail: " ^ NUri.string_of_uri s)
+ | `Trust_obj s ->
+ if debug then
+ prerr_endline (do_indent () ^ "Trust: " ^ NUri.string_of_uri s))
+let mk_type n =
+ if n = 0 then
+ [`Type, NUri.uri_of_string ("cic:/matita/pts/Type.univ")]
+ else
+ [`Type, NUri.uri_of_string ("cic:/matita/pts/Type"^string_of_int n^".univ")]
+let mk_cprop n =
+ if n = 0 then
+ [`CProp, NUri.uri_of_string ("cic:/matita/pts/Type.univ")]
+ else
+ [`CProp, NUri.uri_of_string ("cic:/matita/pts/Type"^string_of_int n^".univ")]
+let _ =
+ let do_old_logging = ref true in
+ HelmLogger.register_log_callback
+ (fun ?append_NL html_msg ->
+ if !do_old_logging then
+ prerr_endline (HelmLogger.string_of_html_msg html_msg));
+ CicParser.impredicative_set := false;
+ NCicTypeChecker.set_logger logger;
+ Helm_registry.load_from "conf.xml";
+ let alluris =
+ try
+ let s = Sys.argv.(1) in
+ if s = "-alluris" then
+ begin
+ let uri_re = Str.regexp ".*\\(ind\\|con\\)$" in
+ let uris = Http_getter.getalluris () in
+ let alluris = List.filter (fun u -> Str.string_match uri_re u 0) uris in
+ let oc = open_out "alluris.txt" in
+ List.iter (fun s -> output_string oc (s^"\n")) alluris;
+ close_out oc;
+ []
+ end
+ else [s]
+ with Invalid_argument _ ->
+ let r = ref [] in
+ let ic = open_in "alluris.txt" in
+ try while true do r := input_line ic :: !r; done; []
+ with _ -> List.rev !r
+ in
+ let alluris =
+ HExtlib.filter_map
+ (fun u -> try Some (UriManager.uri_of_string u) with _ -> None) alluris
+ in
+ (* brutal *)
+ prerr_endline "computing graphs to load...";
+ let roots_alluris =
+ if not rank_all_dependencies then
+ alluris
+ else (
+ let dbd = HSql.quick_connect (LibraryDb.parse_dbd_conf ()) in
+ MetadataTypes.ownerize_tables (Helm_registry.get "matita.owner");
+ let uniq l =
+ HExtlib.list_uniq (List.sort UriManager.compare l) in
+ let who_uses u =
+ uniq (List.map (fun (uri,_) -> UriManager.strip_xpointer uri)
+ (MetadataDeps.inverse_deps ~dbd u)) in
+ let rec fix acc l =
+ let acc, todo =
+ List.fold_left (fun (acc,todo) x ->
+ let w = who_uses x in
+ if w = [] then (x::acc,todo) else (acc,uniq (todo@w)))
+ (acc,[]) l
+ in
+ if todo = [] then uniq acc else fix acc todo
+ in
+ fix [] alluris)
+ in
+ prerr_endline "generating Coq graphs...";
+ CicEnvironment.set_trust (fun _ -> trust_environment);
+ List.iter
+ (fun u ->
+ prerr_endline (" - " ^ UriManager.string_of_uri u);
+ try
+ ignore(CicTypeChecker.typecheck u);
+ with
+ | CicTypeChecker.AssertFailure s
+ | CicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure s ->
+ prerr_endline (Lazy.force s);
+ assert false
+ ) roots_alluris;
+ prerr_endline "loading...";
+ List.iter
+ (fun u ->
+ prerr_endline (" - "^UriManager.string_of_uri u);
+ try load_graph u with exn -> ())
+ roots_alluris;
+ prerr_endline "finished....";
+ let lll, uuu =(CicUniv.do_rank (get_graph ())) in
+ CicUniv.print_ugraph (get_graph ());
+ let lll = List.sort compare lll in
+ List.iter (fun k ->
+ prerr_endline (CicUniv.string_of_universe k ^ " = " ^ string_of_int (CicUniv.get_rank k))) uuu;
+ let _ =
+ try
+ let rec aux = function
+ | a::(b::_ as tl) ->
+ NCicEnvironment.add_lt_constraint (mk_type a) (mk_type b);
+ NCicEnvironment.add_lt_constraint (mk_type a) (mk_cprop b);
+ aux tl
+ | _ -> ()
+ in
+ aux lll
+ with NCicEnvironment.BadConstraint s as e ->
+ prerr_endline (Lazy.force s); raise e
+ in
+ prerr_endline "ranked....";
+ prerr_endline (NCicEnvironment.pp_constraints ());
+ HExtlib.profiling_enabled := false;
+ List.iter (fun uu ->
+ let uu= OCic2NCic.nuri_of_ouri uu in
+ indent := 0;
+ let o = NCicLibrary.get_obj uu in
+ if print_object then prerr_endline (NCicPp.ppobj o);
+ try
+ NCicEnvironment.check_and_add_obj o
+ with
+ exn ->
+ let rec aux = function
+ | NCicTypeChecker.AssertFailure s
+ | NCicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure s
+ | NCicEnvironment.ObjectNotFound s
+ | NCicEnvironment.BadConstraint s as e->
+ prerr_endline ("######### " ^ Lazy.force s);
+ if not ignore_exc then raise e
+ | NCicEnvironment.BadDependency (s,x) as e ->
+ prerr_endline ("######### " ^ Lazy.force s);
+ aux x;
+ if not ignore_exc then raise e
+ | e -> raise e
+ in
+ aux exn
+ )
+ alluris;
+ NCicEnvironment.invalidate ();
+ Gc.compact ();
+ HExtlib.profiling_enabled := true;
+ NCicTypeChecker.set_logger (fun _ -> ());
+ do_old_logging := false;
+ prerr_endline "typechecking, first with the new and then with the old kernel";
+ let prima = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+ List.iter
+ (fun u ->
+ let u= OCic2NCic.nuri_of_ouri u in
+ indent := 0;
+ ignore (NCicEnvironment.get_checked_obj u))
+ alluris;
+ let dopo = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+ Gc.compact ();
+ let dopo2 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+ Printf.eprintf "NEW typing: %3.2f, gc: %3.2f\n%!" (dopo -. prima) (dopo2 -. dopo);
+ CicEnvironment.invalidate ();
+ Gc.compact ();
+ let prima = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+ List.iter (fun u -> ignore (CicTypeChecker.typecheck u)) alluris;
+ let dopo = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+ Gc.compact ();
+ let dopo2 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+ Printf.eprintf "OLD typing: %3.2f, gc: %3.2f\n%!" (dopo -. prima) (dopo2 -. dopo)
--- /dev/null
+ ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ ||I||
+ ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
+ \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY.
+ V_______________________________________________________________ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+exception LibraryOutOfSync of string Lazy.t
+let magic = 2;;
+let refresh_uri uri = NUri.uri_of_string (NUri.string_of_uri uri);;
+let refresh_uri_in_universe =
+ List.map (fun (x,u) -> x, refresh_uri u)
+let rec refresh_uri_in_term =
+ function
+ | NCic.Meta (i,(n,NCic.Ctx l)) ->
+ NCic.Meta (i,(n,NCic.Ctx (List.map refresh_uri_in_term l)))
+ | NCic.Meta _ as t -> t
+ | NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (u,spec)) ->
+ NCic.Const (NReference.reference_of_spec (refresh_uri u) spec)
+ | NCic.Sort (NCic.Type l) -> NCic.Sort (NCic.Type (refresh_uri_in_universe l))
+ | NCic.Match (NReference.Ref (uri,spec),outtype,term,pl) ->
+ let r = NReference.reference_of_spec (refresh_uri uri) spec in
+ let outtype = refresh_uri_in_term outtype in
+ let term = refresh_uri_in_term term in
+ let pl = List.map refresh_uri_in_term pl in
+ NCic.Match (r,outtype,term,pl)
+ | t -> NCicUtils.map (fun _ _ -> ()) () (fun _ -> refresh_uri_in_term) t
+let refresh_uri_in_obj (uri,height,metasenv,subst,obj_kind) =
+ assert (metasenv = []);
+ assert (subst = []);
+ refresh_uri uri,height,metasenv,subst,
+ NCicUntrusted.map_obj_kind refresh_uri_in_term obj_kind
+let path_of_baseuri ?(no_suffix=false) baseuri =
+ let uri = NUri.string_of_uri baseuri in
+ let path = String.sub uri 4 (String.length uri - 4) in
+ let path = Helm_registry.get "matita.basedir" ^ path in
+ let dirname = Filename.dirname path in
+ HExtlib.mkdir dirname;
+ if no_suffix then
+ path
+ else
+ path ^ ".ng"
+let require_path path =
+ let ch = open_in path in
+ let mmagic,dump = Marshal.from_channel ch in
+ close_in ch;
+ if mmagic <> magic then
+ raise (LibraryOutOfSync (lazy "The library is out of sync with the implementation. Please recompile the library."))
+ else
+ dump
+let require0 ~baseuri = require_path (path_of_baseuri baseuri);;
+let db_path () = Helm_registry.get "matita.basedir" ^ "/ng_db.ng";;
+type timestamp =
+ [ `Obj of NUri.uri * NCic.obj
+ | `Constr of NCic.universe * NCic.universe] list *
+ (NUri.uri * string * NReference.reference) list *
+ NCic.obj NUri.UriMap.t *
+ NUri.uri list
+let time0 = [],[],NUri.UriMap.empty,[];;
+let storage = ref [];;
+let local_aliases = ref [];;
+let cache = ref NUri.UriMap.empty;;
+let includes = ref [];;
+let load_db,set_global_aliases,get_global_aliases,add_deps,get_deps,remove_deps=
+ let global_aliases = ref [] in
+ let rev_includes_map = ref NUri.UriMap.empty in
+ let store_db () =
+ let ch = open_out (db_path ()) in
+ Marshal.to_channel ch (magic,(!global_aliases,!rev_includes_map)) [];
+ close_out ch in
+ let load_db () =
+ HExtlib.mkdir (Helm_registry.get "matita.basedir");
+ try
+ let ga,im = require_path (db_path ()) in
+ let ga =
+ List.map
+ (fun (uri,name,NReference.Ref (uri2,spec)) ->
+ refresh_uri uri,name,NReference.reference_of_spec (refresh_uri uri2) spec
+ ) ga in
+ let im =
+ NUri.UriMap.fold
+ (fun u l im -> NUri.UriMap.add (refresh_uri u) (List.map refresh_uri l) im
+ ) im NUri.UriMap.empty
+ in
+ global_aliases := ga;
+ rev_includes_map := im
+ with
+ Sys_error _ -> () in
+ let get_deps u =
+ let get_deps_one_step u =
+ try NUri.UriMap.find u !rev_includes_map with Not_found -> [] in
+ let rec aux res =
+ function
+ [] -> res
+ | he::tl ->
+ if List.mem he res then
+ aux res tl
+ else
+ aux (he::res) (get_deps_one_step he @ tl)
+ in
+ aux [] [u] in
+ let remove_deps u =
+ rev_includes_map := NUri.UriMap.remove u !rev_includes_map;
+ rev_includes_map :=
+ NUri.UriMap.map
+ (fun l -> List.filter (fun uri -> not (NUri.eq u uri)) l) !rev_includes_map;
+ store_db ()
+ in
+ load_db,
+ (fun ga -> global_aliases := ga; store_db ()),
+ (fun () -> !global_aliases),
+ (fun u l ->
+ rev_includes_map := NUri.UriMap.add u (l @ get_deps u) !rev_includes_map;
+ store_db ()),
+ get_deps,
+ remove_deps
+let init = load_db;;
+class type g_status =
+ object
+ inherit NRstatus.g_status
+ method timestamp: timestamp
+ end
+class status =
+ object
+ inherit NRstatus.status
+ val timestamp = (time0 : timestamp)
+ method timestamp = timestamp
+ method set_timestamp v = {< timestamp = v >}
+ method set_library_status
+ : 'status. #g_status as 'status -> 'self
+ = fun o -> {< timestamp = o#timestamp >}
+ end
+module type SerializerT =
+ sig
+ type status
+ type obj
+ val register:
+ string ->
+ ('a -> refresh_uri_in_universe:(NCic.universe -> NCic.universe) -> refresh_uri_in_term:(NCic.term -> NCic.term) -> status -> status) ->
+ ('a -> obj)
+ val serialize: baseuri:NUri.uri -> obj list -> unit
+ val require: baseuri:NUri.uri -> status -> status
+ end
+let time_travel status =
+ let sto,ali,cac,inc = status#timestamp in
+ let diff_len = List.length !storage - List.length sto in
+ let to_be_deleted,_ = HExtlib.split_nth diff_len !storage in
+ if List.length to_be_deleted > 0 then
+ NCicEnvironment.invalidate_item (HExtlib.list_last to_be_deleted);
+ storage := sto; local_aliases := ali; cache := cac; includes := inc
+let serialize ~baseuri dump =
+ let ch = open_out (path_of_baseuri baseuri) in
+ Marshal.to_channel ch (magic,dump) [];
+ close_out ch;
+ List.iter
+ (function
+ | `Obj (uri,obj) ->
+ let ch = open_out (path_of_baseuri uri) in
+ Marshal.to_channel ch (magic,obj) [];
+ close_out ch
+ | `Constr _ -> ()
+ ) !storage;
+ set_global_aliases (!local_aliases @ get_global_aliases ());
+ List.iter (fun u -> add_deps u [baseuri]) !includes;
+ time_travel (new status)
+module SerializerF(S: sig type status end) =
+ struct
+ type status = S.status
+ type obj = string * Obj.t
+ let require1 = ref (fun _ -> assert false (* unknown data*))
+ let already_registered = ref []
+ let register tag require =
+ assert (not (List.mem tag !already_registered));
+ already_registered := tag :: !already_registered;
+ let old_require1 = !require1 in
+ require1 :=
+ (fun (tag',data) as x ->
+ if tag=tag' then
+ require (Obj.magic data) ~refresh_uri_in_universe ~refresh_uri_in_term
+ else
+ old_require1 x);
+ (fun x -> tag,Obj.repr x)
+ let serialize = serialize
+ let require ~baseuri status =
+ includes := baseuri::!includes;
+ let dump = require0 ~baseuri in
+ List.fold_right !require1 dump status
+type sstatus = status
+module Serializer =
+ struct
+ include SerializerF(struct type status = sstatus end)
+ let require ~baseuri status =
+ let rstatus = require ~baseuri (status : #status :> status) in
+ let status = status#set_coerc_db (rstatus#coerc_db) in
+ let status = status#set_uhint_db (rstatus#uhint_db) in
+ let status = status#set_timestamp (rstatus#timestamp) in
+ status
+ end
+class type g_dumpable_status =
+ object
+ inherit g_status
+ method dump: Serializer.obj list
+ end
+class dumpable_status =
+ object(self)
+ inherit status
+ val dump = ([] : Serializer.obj list)
+ method dump = dump
+ method set_dump v = {< dump = v >}
+ method set_dumpable_status : 'status. #g_dumpable_status as 'status -> 'self
+ = fun o -> (self#set_dump o#dump)#set_coercion_status o
+ end
+let decompile ~baseuri =
+ let baseuris = get_deps baseuri in
+ List.iter (fun baseuri ->
+ remove_deps baseuri;
+ HExtlib.safe_remove (path_of_baseuri baseuri);
+ let basepath = path_of_baseuri ~no_suffix:true baseuri in
+ try
+ let od = Unix.opendir basepath in
+ let rec aux names =
+ try
+ let name = Unix.readdir od in
+ if name <> "." && name <> ".." then aux (name::names) else aux names
+ with
+ End_of_file -> names in
+ let names = List.map (fun name -> basepath ^ "/" ^ name) (aux []) in
+ Unix.closedir od;
+ List.iter Unix.unlink names;
+ HExtlib.rmdir_descend basepath;
+ set_global_aliases
+ (List.filter
+ (fun (_,_,NReference.Ref (nuri,_)) ->
+ Filename.dirname (NUri.string_of_uri nuri) <> NUri.string_of_uri baseuri
+ ) (get_global_aliases ()))
+ with
+ Unix.Unix_error _ -> () (* raised by Unix.opendir, we hope :-) *)
+ ) baseuris
+ (fun ~baseuri -> decompile ~baseuri:(NUri.uri_of_string baseuri));;
+let fetch_obj uri =
+ let obj = require0 ~baseuri:uri in
+ refresh_uri_in_obj obj
+let resolve name =
+ try
+ HExtlib.filter_map
+ (fun (_,name',nref) -> if name'=name then Some nref else None)
+ (!local_aliases @ get_global_aliases ())
+ with
+ Not_found -> raise (NCicEnvironment.ObjectNotFound (lazy name))
+let aliases_of uri =
+ HExtlib.filter_map
+ (fun (uri',_,nref) ->
+ if NUri.eq uri' uri then Some nref else None) !local_aliases
+let add_obj status ((u,_,_,_,_) as obj) =
+ NCicEnvironment.check_and_add_obj obj;
+ storage := (`Obj (u,obj))::!storage;
+ let _,height,_,_,obj = obj in
+ let references =
+ match obj with
+ NCic.Constant (_,name,None,_,_) ->
+ [u,name,NReference.reference_of_spec u NReference.Decl]
+ | NCic.Constant (_,name,Some _,_,_) ->
+ [u,name,NReference.reference_of_spec u (NReference.Def height)]
+ | NCic.Fixpoint (is_ind,fl,_) ->
+ HExtlib.list_mapi
+ (fun (_,name,recno,_,_) i ->
+ if is_ind then
+ u,name,NReference.reference_of_spec u(NReference.Fix(i,recno,height))
+ else
+ u,name,NReference.reference_of_spec u (NReference.CoFix i)) fl
+ | NCic.Inductive (inductive,leftno,il,_) ->
+ List.flatten
+ (HExtlib.list_mapi
+ (fun (_,iname,_,cl) i ->
+ HExtlib.list_mapi
+ (fun (_,cname,_) j->
+ u,cname,
+ NReference.reference_of_spec u (NReference.Con (i,j+1,leftno))
+ ) cl @
+ [u,iname,
+ NReference.reference_of_spec u
+ (NReference.Ind (inductive,i,leftno))]
+ ) il)
+ in
+ local_aliases := references @ !local_aliases;
+ status#set_timestamp (!storage,!local_aliases,!cache,!includes)
+let add_constraint status u1 u2 =
+ NCicEnvironment.add_lt_constraint u1 u2;
+ storage := (`Constr (u1,u2)) :: !storage;
+ status#set_timestamp (!storage,!local_aliases,!cache,!includes)
+let get_obj u =
+ try
+ List.assq u
+ (HExtlib.filter_map
+ (function `Obj (u,o) -> Some (u,o) | _ -> None )
+ !storage)
+ with Not_found ->
+ try fetch_obj u
+ with Sys_error _ ->
+ try NUri.UriMap.find u !cache
+ with Not_found ->
+ let ouri = NCic2OCic.ouri_of_nuri u in
+ try
+ let o,_ = CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph ouri in
+ let l = OCic2NCic.convert_obj ouri o in
+ List.iter (fun (u,_,_,_,_ as o) -> cache:= NUri.UriMap.add u o !cache) l;
+ HExtlib.list_last l
+ with CicEnvironment.Object_not_found u ->
+ raise (NCicEnvironment.ObjectNotFound
+ (lazy (NUri.string_of_uri (OCic2NCic.nuri_of_ouri u))))
+let clear_cache () = cache := NUri.UriMap.empty;;
+NCicEnvironment.set_get_obj get_obj;;
+NCicPp.set_get_obj get_obj;;
--- /dev/null
+ ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ ||I||
+ ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
+ \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY.
+ V_______________________________________________________________ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+exception LibraryOutOfSync of string Lazy.t
+type timestamp
+class type g_status =
+ object
+ method timestamp: timestamp
+ inherit NRstatus.g_status
+ end
+class status :
+ object ('self)
+ inherit g_status
+ method set_timestamp: timestamp -> 'self
+ method set_library_status: #g_status -> 'self
+ end
+(* it also checks it and add it to the environment *)
+val add_obj: #status as 'status -> NCic.obj -> 'status
+val add_constraint:
+ #status as 'status -> NCic.universe -> NCic.universe -> 'status
+val aliases_of: NUri.uri -> NReference.reference list
+val resolve: string -> NReference.reference list
+(* warning: get_obj may raise (NCicEnvironment.ObjectNotFoud l) *)
+val get_obj: NUri.uri -> NCic.obj (* changes the current timestamp *)
+val clear_cache : unit -> unit
+val time_travel: #status -> unit
+val decompile: baseuri:NUri.uri -> unit
+module type SerializerT =
+ sig
+ type status
+ type obj
+ val register:
+ string ->
+ ('a -> refresh_uri_in_universe:(NCic.universe -> NCic.universe) -> refresh_uri_in_term:(NCic.term -> NCic.term) -> status -> status) ->
+ ('a -> obj)
+ val serialize: baseuri:NUri.uri -> obj list -> unit
+ val require: baseuri:NUri.uri -> status -> status
+ end
+val init: unit -> unit
+module Serializer:
+ sig
+ include SerializerT with type status = status
+ val require: baseuri:NUri.uri -> (#status as 'status) -> 'status
+ end
+class type g_dumpable_status =
+ object
+ inherit g_status
+ method dump: Serializer.obj list
+ end
+class dumpable_status :
+ object ('self)
+ inherit status
+ inherit g_dumpable_status
+ method set_dump: Serializer.obj list -> 'self
+ method set_dumpable_status: #g_dumpable_status -> 'self
+ end
+(* CSC: only required during old-to-NG phase, to be deleted *)
+val refresh_uri: NUri.uri -> NUri.uri
+(* EOF *)
--- /dev/null
+ ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ ||I||
+ ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
+ \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY.
+ V_______________________________________________________________ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+let _ =
+ Helm_registry.load_from "conf.xml";
+ CicParser.impredicative_set := false;
+ let u = UriManager.uri_of_string Sys.argv.(1) in
+ let o, _ = CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.oblivion_ugraph u in
+ prerr_endline "VECCHIO";
+ prerr_endline (CicPp.ppobj o);
+ let l = OCic2NCic.convert_obj u o in
+ prerr_endline "OGGETTI:.........................................";
+ List.iter (fun o -> prerr_endline (NCicPp.ppobj o)) l;
+ prerr_endline "/OGGETTI:.........................................";
+ let objs =
+ List.flatten
+ (List.map NCic2OCic.convert_nobj l) in
+ List.iter
+ (fun (u,o) ->
+ prerr_endline ("round trip: " ^ UriManager.string_of_uri u);
+ prerr_endline (CicPp.ppobj o);
+ prerr_endline "tipo.......";
+ try CicTypeChecker.typecheck_obj u o
+ with
+ CicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure s
+ | CicTypeChecker.AssertFailure s ->
+ prerr_endline (Lazy.force s)
+ | CicEnvironment.Object_not_found uri ->
+ prerr_endline
+ ("CicEnvironment: Object not found " ^ UriManager.string_of_uri uri))
+ objs;
%.cmi: OCAMLOPTIONS += -w Ae
%.cmx: OCAMLOPTIONS += -w Ae
-all: rt check
-%: %.ml $(PACKAGE).cma
- $(OCAMLC) -package helm-$(PACKAGE) -linkpkg -o $@ $<
-all.opt opt: rt.opt check.opt
-%.opt: %.ml $(PACKAGE).cmxa
- $(OCAMLOPT) -package helm-$(PACKAGE) -linkpkg -o $@ $<
- ocamldoc -o depend.dot -rectypes -I ../extlib/ -I ../cic -I ../cic_proof_checking/ -I ../urimanager/ -I ../logger/ -I ../registry/ -I ../getter/ -I ../hmysql/ -I ../library/ -I ../metadata/ -dot nUri.ml nReference.ml nCic.ml nCicPp.ml nCicEnvironment.ml nCicSubstitution.ml nCicReduction.ml nCicTypeChecker.ml nCicUtils.ml nCicLibrary.ml
- cat depend.dot | grep -v "^}$$" > /tmp/depend.dot && mv /tmp/depend.dot .
- for i in `cat depend.dot | grep darkturquoise | cut -d '"' -f 2`; do j=`echo $$i | sed s/^N/n/g`; size=`cat $$j.ml | wc -l`; funs=`cat $$j.mli | grep "^val " | wc -l`; size=`expr $$size - 13`; echo "\"$$i\" [ label=\"$$i\\n$$size lines,\\n$$funs functions\"];"; done >> depend.dot
- echo "}" >> depend.dot
- cat depend.dot | grep -v "darkturquoise" > /tmp/depend.dot && mv /tmp/depend.dot .
- cat depend.dot
- tred < depend.dot > /tmp/depend.dot && mv /tmp/depend.dot .
- cat depend.dot | grep -v "^}$$" > /tmp/depend.dot && mv /tmp/depend.dot .
- echo " NCicEnvironment -> NCicTypeChecker;" >> depend.dot
- cat depend.dot | grep -v "NCicEnvironment -> NCic;" > /tmp/depend.dot && mv /tmp/depend.dot .
- echo "NCicLibrary [ style=dashed ];" >> depend.dot
- echo "NCicPp [ style=dashed ];" >> depend.dot
- echo "}" >> depend.dot
- cat depend.dot | grep -v "rotate" > /tmp/depend.dot && mv /tmp/depend.dot .
-depend.png depend.eps: depend.dot
- dot -Tpng > depend.png < depend.dot
- dot -Tps > depend.eps < depend.dot
include ../../Makefile.defs
include ../Makefile.common
(* $Id: nCicRefiner.ml 9802 2009-05-25 15:39:26Z tassi $ *)
-class type g_status =
- object
- inherit NCicCoercion.g_status
- inherit NCicLibrary.g_status
- end
+class type g_status = NCicCoercion.status
-class status =
- object (self)
- inherit NCicCoercion.status
- inherit NCicLibrary.status
- method set_rstatus : 'status. #g_status as 'status -> 'self
- = fun o -> (self#set_coercion_status o)#set_library_status o
- end
+class status = NCicCoercion.status
-type sstatus = status
-module Serializer =
- struct
- include NCicLibrary.Serializer(struct type status = sstatus end)
- let require ~baseuri status =
- let rstatus = require ~baseuri (status : #status :> status) in
- let status = status#set_coerc_db (rstatus#coerc_db) in
- let status = status#set_uhint_db (rstatus#uhint_db) in
- let status = status#set_timestamp (rstatus#timestamp) in
- status
- end
-class type g_dumpable_status =
- object
- inherit g_status
- method dump: Serializer.obj list
- end
-class dumpable_status =
- object(self)
- inherit status
- val dump = ([] : Serializer.obj list)
- method dump = dump
- method set_dump v = {< dump = v >}
- method set_dumpable_status : 'status. #g_dumpable_status as 'status -> 'self
- = fun o -> (self#set_dump o#dump)#set_rstatus o
- end
(* $Id: nCicRefiner.ml 9802 2009-05-25 15:39:26Z tassi $ *)
-class type g_status =
- object
- inherit NCicCoercion.g_status
- inherit NCicLibrary.g_status
- end
+class type g_status = NCicCoercion.status
-class status :
- object ('self)
- inherit NCicCoercion.status
- inherit NCicLibrary.status
- inherit g_status
- method set_rstatus: #g_status -> 'self
- end
+class status : NCicCoercion.status
-module Serializer:
- sig
- include NCicLibrary.Serializer with type status = status
- val require: baseuri:NUri.uri -> (#status as 'status) -> 'status
- end
-class type g_dumpable_status =
- object
- inherit g_status
- method dump: Serializer.obj list
- end
-class dumpable_status :
- object ('self)
- inherit status
- inherit g_dumpable_status
- method set_dump: Serializer.obj list -> 'self
- method set_dumpable_status: #g_dumpable_status -> 'self
- end
GrafiteMarshal.save_moo moo_fname grafite_status#moo_content_rev;
LexiconMarshal.save_lexicon lexicon_fname
- NRstatus.Serializer.serialize ~baseuri:(NUri.uri_of_string baseuri)
+ NCicLibrary.Serializer.serialize ~baseuri:(NUri.uri_of_string baseuri)
| _ -> clean_current_baseuri grafite_status
GrafiteMarshal.save_moo moo_fname moo_content_rev;
LexiconMarshal.save_lexicon lexicon_fname lexicon_content_rev;
- NRstatus.Serializer.serialize ~baseuri:(NUri.uri_of_string baseuri) dump;
+ NCicLibrary.Serializer.serialize ~baseuri:(NUri.uri_of_string baseuri) dump;
exit 0
(* FG: we do not generate .moo when dumping .mma files *)
GrafiteMarshal.save_moo moo_fname moo_content_rev;
LexiconMarshal.save_lexicon lexicon_fname lexicon_content_rev;
- NRstatus.Serializer.serialize ~baseuri:(NUri.uri_of_string baseuri)
+ NCicLibrary.Serializer.serialize ~baseuri:(NUri.uri_of_string baseuri)
let tm = Unix.gmtime elapsed in