let debug s = prerr_endline s ;;
let debug _ = ();;
+let monster = 500;;
module Paramod (B : Terms.Blob) = struct
exception Failure of string * B.t Terms.bag * int * int
module Utils = FoUtils.Utils(B)
module WeightOrderedPassives =
- type t = B.t Terms.passive_clause
- let compare = Utils.compare_passive_clauses_weight
+ type t = B.t Terms.passive_clause
+ let compare = Utils.compare_passive_clauses_weight
module AgeOrderedPassives =
- type t = B.t Terms.passive_clause
- let compare = Utils.compare_passive_clauses_age
+ type t = B.t Terms.passive_clause
+ let compare = Utils.compare_passive_clauses_age
module WeightPassiveSet = Set.Make(WeightOrderedPassives)
if is_passive_set_empty passives then begin
assert (not (is_passive_set_empty g_passives));
let g_cl = pick_min_passive ~use_age:use_age g_passives in
- (true,snd g_cl,passives,remove_passive_clause g_passives g_cl)
+ (true,g_cl,passives,remove_passive_clause g_passives g_cl)
else let cl = pick_min_passive ~use_age:use_age passives in
if is_passive_set_empty g_passives then
- (false,snd cl,remove_passive_clause passives cl,g_passives)
+ (false,cl,remove_passive_clause passives cl,g_passives)
- let g_cl = pick_min_passive ~use_age:use_age g_passives in
- if (fst cl <= fst g_cl) then
- (false,snd cl,remove_passive_clause passives cl,g_passives)
- else
- (true,snd g_cl,passives,remove_passive_clause g_passives g_cl)
+ let g_cl = pick_min_passive ~use_age:use_age g_passives in
+ if (fst cl <= fst g_cl) then
+ (false,cl,remove_passive_clause passives cl,g_passives)
+ else
+ (true,g_cl,passives,remove_passive_clause g_passives g_cl)
let backward_infer_step bag maxvar actives passives
let bag, maxvar, new_goals =
Sup.infer_left bag maxvar g_current actives
- debug "Performed infer_left step";
+ debug "Performed infer_left step";
bag, maxvar, actives, passives, g_current::g_actives,
(add_passive_clauses g_passives new_goals)
debug "Demodulating goals with actives...";
(* keep goals demodulated w.r.t. actives and check if solved *)
let bag, g_actives =
- List.fold_left
+ List.fold_left
(fun (bag,acc) c ->
- match
- Sup.simplify_goal ~no_demod:false maxvar (snd actives) bag acc c
- with
- | None -> bag, acc
- | Some (bag,c) -> bag,c::acc)
+ match
+ Sup.simplify_goal ~no_demod:false maxvar (snd actives) bag acc c
+ with
+ | None -> bag, acc
+ | Some (bag,c) -> bag,c::acc)
(bag,[]) g_actives
let ctable = IDX.index_unit_clause IDX.DT.empty current in
let bag, maxvar, new_goals =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (bag,m,acc) g ->
- let bag, m, ng = Sup.infer_left bag m g
- ([current],ctable) in
- bag,m,ng@acc)
- (bag,maxvar,[]) g_actives
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (bag,m,acc) g ->
+ let bag, m, ng = Sup.infer_left bag m g
+ ([current],ctable) in
+ bag,m,ng@acc)
+ (bag,maxvar,[]) g_actives
- bag, maxvar, actives,
+ bag, maxvar, actives,
add_passive_clauses passives new_clauses, g_actives,
add_passive_clauses g_passives new_goals
(match timeout with
| None -> assert false
| Some timeout -> Unix.gettimeofday () > timeout) then
- begin
- prerr_endline("Last chance: "^string_of_float (Unix.gettimeofday()));
- given_clause ~noinfer:true bag maxvar iterno max_steps None
- actives passives g_actives g_passives
- (*raise (Failure ("Timeout !",bag,maxvar,iterno))*)
- end
- else
+ if noinfer then
+ begin
+ debug
+ ("Last chance: all is indexed " ^ string_of_float
+ (Unix.gettimeofday()));
+ let maxgoals = 100 in
+ ignore(List.fold_left
+ (fun (acc,i) x ->
+ if i < maxgoals then
+ ignore(Sup.simplify_goal ~no_demod:true
+ maxvar (snd actives) bag acc x)
+ else
+ ();
+ x::acc,i+1)
+ ([],0) g_actives);
+ raise (Failure (("Last chance: failed over " ^
+ string_of_int maxgoals^ " goal " ^
+ string_of_float (Unix.gettimeofday())),bag,maxvar,0));
+ end
+ else if false then (* activates last chance strategy *)
+ begin
+ debug("Last chance: "^string_of_float (Unix.gettimeofday()));
+ given_clause ~noinfer:true bag maxvar iterno max_steps
+ (Some (Unix.gettimeofday () +. 20.))
+ actives passives g_actives g_passives;
+ raise (Failure ("Timeout !",bag,maxvar,iterno))
+ end
+ else raise (Failure ("Timeout !",bag,maxvar,iterno));
- let use_age = iterno mod 10 = 0 in
+ (* let use_age = iterno mod 10 = 0 in *)
let rec aux_select bag passives g_passives =
- if noinfer &&
- is_passive_set_empty passives &&
- is_passive_set_empty g_passives then
- begin
- prerr_endline
- ("Last chance: all is indexed " ^ string_of_float
- (Unix.gettimeofday()));
- let maxgoals = 100 in
- List.fold_left
- (fun (acc,i) x ->
- if i < maxgoals then
- ignore(Sup.simplify_goal ~no_demod:true
- maxvar (snd actives) bag acc x)
- else
- ();
- x::acc,i+1)
- ([],0) g_actives;
- raise (Failure (("Last chance: failed over " ^
- string_of_int maxgoals^ " goal " ^
- string_of_float (Unix.gettimeofday())),bag,maxvar,0));
- end;
- let backward,current,passives,g_passives =
- select ~use_age:false passives g_passives
+ let backward,(weight,current),passives,g_passives =
+ select ~use_age:false passives g_passives
- if backward then
- match
- if noinfer then Some (bag,current)
- else
- Sup.simplify_goal
- ~no_demod:false maxvar (snd actives) bag g_actives current
- with
- | None -> aux_select bag passives g_passives
- | Some (bag,g_current) ->
+ if backward then
+ match
+ if noinfer then
+ if weight > monster then None else Some (bag,current)
+ else
+ Sup.simplify_goal
+ ~no_demod:false maxvar (snd actives) bag g_actives current
+ with
+ | None -> aux_select bag passives g_passives
+ | Some (bag,g_current) ->
if noinfer then
- let g_actives = g_current :: g_actives in
- bag,maxvar,actives,passives,g_actives,g_passives
- else
- backward_infer_step bag maxvar actives passives
- g_actives g_passives g_current
- else
- (* debug ("Selected fact : " ^ Pp.pp_unit_clause current); *)
+ let g_actives = g_current :: g_actives in
+ bag,maxvar,actives,passives,g_actives,g_passives
+ else
+ backward_infer_step bag maxvar actives passives
+ g_actives g_passives g_current
+ else
+ let _ = debug ("Selected fact : " ^ Pp.pp_unit_clause current) in
(*let is_orphan = Sup.orphan_murder bag (fst actives) current in*)
- if noinfer then bag, Some (current,actives)
- else if Sup.orphan_murder bag (fst actives) current then
- let (id,_,_,_) = current in
- let bag = Terms.M.add id (current,true) bag in
- bag, None
- else Sup.keep_simplified current actives bag maxvar
- with
- (*match Sup.one_pass_simplification current actives bag maxvar with*)
- | bag,None -> aux_select bag passives g_passives
- | bag,Some (current,actives) ->
-(* if is_orphan then prerr_endline
- ("WRONG discarded: " ^ (Pp.pp_unit_clause current));
- List.iter (fun x ->
- prerr_endline (Pp.pp_unit_clause x))
- (fst actives);*)
+ if noinfer then
+ if weight > monster then bag,None
+ else bag, Some (current,actives)
+ else if Sup.orphan_murder bag (fst actives) current then
+ let (id,_,_,_) = current in
+ let bag = Terms.M.add id (current,true) bag in
+ bag, None
+ else Sup.keep_simplified current actives bag maxvar
+ with
+ (*match Sup.one_pass_simplification current actives bag maxvar with*)
+ | bag,None -> aux_select bag passives g_passives
+ | bag,Some (current,actives) ->
+(* if is_orphan then prerr_endline
+ ("WRONG discarded: " ^ (Pp.pp_unit_clause current));
+ List.iter (fun x ->
+ prerr_endline (Pp.pp_unit_clause x))
+ (fst actives);*)
-(* List.iter (fun (id,_,_,_) -> let (cl,d) =
- Terms.M.find id bag in
- if d then prerr_endline
- ("WRONG discarded: " ^ (Pp.pp_unit_clause cl)))
- (current::fst actives);*)
- if noinfer then
- let actives =
- current::fst actives,
- IDX.index_unit_clause (snd actives) current
- in
- bag,maxvar,actives,passives,g_actives,g_passives
- else
- forward_infer_step bag maxvar actives passives
- g_actives g_passives current
+(* List.iter (fun (id,_,_,_) -> let (cl,d) =
+ Terms.M.find id bag in
+ if d then prerr_endline
+ ("WRONG discarded: " ^ (Pp.pp_unit_clause cl)))
+ (current::fst actives);*)
+ if noinfer then
+ let actives =
+ current::fst actives,
+ IDX.index_unit_clause (snd actives) current
+ in
+ bag,maxvar,actives,passives,g_actives,g_passives
+ else
+ forward_infer_step bag maxvar actives passives
+ g_actives g_passives current
(*prerr_endline "Active table :";
(List.iter (fun x -> prerr_endline (Pp.pp_unit_clause x))
- (fst actives)); *)
+ (fst actives)); *)
let bag,maxvar,actives,passives,g_actives,g_passives =
aux_select bag passives g_passives
- (Printf.sprintf "Number of active goals : %d"
- (List.length g_actives));
+ (Printf.sprintf "Number of active goals : %d"
+ (List.length g_actives));
- (Printf.sprintf "Number of passive goals : %d"
- (passive_set_cardinal g_passives));
+ (Printf.sprintf "Number of passive goals : %d"
+ (passive_set_cardinal g_passives));
- (Printf.sprintf "Number of actives : %d" (List.length (fst actives)));
+ (Printf.sprintf "Number of actives : %d" (List.length (fst actives)));
- (Printf.sprintf "Number of passives : %d"
- (passive_set_cardinal passives));
+ (Printf.sprintf "Number of passives : %d"
+ (passive_set_cardinal passives));
given_clause ~noinfer
bag maxvar iterno max_steps timeout
actives passives g_actives g_passives
let rec traverse ongoal (accg,acce) i =
match Terms.M.find i bag with
| (id,_,_,Terms.Exact _),_ ->
- if ongoal then [i],acce else
- if (List.mem i acce) then accg,acce else accg,acce@[i]
+ if ongoal then [i],acce else
+ if (List.mem i acce) then accg,acce else accg,acce@[i]
| (_,_,_,Terms.Step (_,i1,i2,_,_,_)),_ ->
- if (not ongoal) && (List.mem i acce) then accg,acce
- else
+ if (not ongoal) && (List.mem i acce) then accg,acce
+ else
let accg,acce =
- traverse false (traverse ongoal (accg,acce) i1) i2
- in
- if ongoal then i::accg,acce else accg,i::acce
+ traverse false (traverse ongoal (accg,acce) i1) i2
+ in
+ if ongoal then i::accg,acce else accg,i::acce
let gsteps,esteps = traverse true ([],[]) i in
(List.rev esteps)@gsteps