open Printf
open Http_types
+let port = 9999
let callback (req: Http_types.request) outchan =
let i = int_of_string (req#param "x") in
- match i with
- | 0 -> output_string outchan "1"
- | x when x > 0 ->
- let data =
- Http_user_agent.get (sprintf "" (x - 1))
- in
- output_string outchan (sprintf "%s %d" data x)
- | _ -> assert false
+ let body =
+ match i with
+ | 0 -> "0"
+ | x when x > 0 ->
+ let data =
+ Http_user_agent.get (sprintf ""
+ port (x - 1))
+ in
+ sprintf "%s %d" data x
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ Http_daemon.respond ~code:(`Code 200) ~body outchan;
+ close_out outchan (* Http_user_agent relies on EOF, not Content-Length *)
let spec =
{ Http_daemon.default_spec with
callback = callback;
- port = 9999;
+ port = port;
mode = `Thread;
open Http_types
let callback req outchan =
- Http_daemon.send_basic_headers ~code:(`Code 200) outchan;
- Http_daemon.send_CRLF outchan;
let str =
(sprintf "request path = %s\n" req#path) ^
(sprintf "request GET params = %s\n"
(sprintf "request ALL params = %s\n"
(String.concat ";"
( (fun (h,v) -> String.concat "=" [h;v]) req#params))) ^
- (sprintf "request BODY = '%s'\n" req#body)
+ (sprintf "request BODY = '%s'\n\n" req#body)
- output_string outchan str
+ Http_daemon.respond ~code:(`Code 200) ~body: str outchan
let spec =
{ Http_daemon.default_spec with
(int_of_code code) func_name)
else begin (* status code suitable for answering *)
let headers =
- [ "Connection", "close";
- "Content-Type", "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" ] @ headers
+ [ "Content-Type", "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" ] @ headers
let body = (foo_body (int_of_code code) body) ^ body in
respond ?version ~code ~headers ~body outchan
will support http keep alive signaling that a new request has to be parsed
from client) *)
let rec wrap_parse_request_w_safety parse_function inchan outchan =
-(* try *)
parse_function inchan
- | (End_of_file) as e ->
- debug_print (pp_parse_exc e);
- respond_error ~code:(`Code 400) ~body:"Unexpected End Of File" outchan;
- raise Again
| (Malformed_request req) as e ->
debug_print (pp_parse_exc e);
respond_error ~code:(`Code 400)
- ~body:("request 1st line format should be: '<method> <url> <version>'" ^
- "<br />\nwhile received request 1st line was:<br />\n" ^ req)
+ ~body:("request 1st line format should be: " ^
+ "'<method> <url> <version>'" ^
+ "<br />\nwhile received request 1st line was:<br />\n" ^ req)
raise Again
| (Invalid_HTTP_method meth) as e ->
~body:(sprintf "Malformed query part '%s' in query '%s'" binding query)
raise Again)
-(* (* preliminary support for HTTP keep alive connections ... *)
- with Again ->
- wrap_parse_request_w_safety parse_function inchan outchan
(* wrapper around Http_parser.parse_request which catch parsing exceptions and
return error messages to client as needed
chdir_to_document_root spec.root_dir;
let sockaddr = Http_misc.build_sockaddr (spec.address, spec.port) in
let daemon_callback inchan outchan =
- try
- let req = safe_parse_request' inchan outchan in
- handle_auth req spec outchan;
- flush outchan
+ let next_req () =
+ try Some (safe_parse_request' inchan outchan)
+ with _ -> None
+ in
+ let rec loop n =
+ match next_req () with
+ | Some req ->
+ debug_print (sprintf "request #%d" n);
+ handle_auth req spec outchan;
+ flush outchan;
+ loop (n + 1)
+ | None ->
+ debug_print "server exiting";
+ ()
+ in
+ debug_print "server starting";
+ try loop 1
with exn ->
+ debug_print (sprintf "uncaught exception: %s" (Printexc.to_string exn));
(match spec.exn_handler with
| Some f ->
- debug_print "uncaught exception: executing handler";
+ debug_print "executing handler";
f exn outchan
| None ->
- debug_print "uncaught exception but no handler given: re-raising";
+ debug_print "no handler given: re-raising";
raise exn)
Some (safe_parse_request' inchan outchan)
- with Again -> None
+ with _ -> None
method respond_with res =