termty can be Implicit if it is not needed. The result (one of the sides of
the equality, actually) should be not greater (wrt the term ordering) than
+ Format of the return value:
+ (term to substitute, [Cic.Rel 1 properly lifted - see the various
+ build_newtarget functions inside the various
+ demodulation_* functions]
+ substitution used for the matching,
+ metasenv,
+ ugraph, [substitution, metasenv and ugraph have the same meaning as those
+ returned by CicUnification.fo_unif]
+ (equality where the matching term was found, [i.e. the equality to use as
+ rewrite rule]
+ uri [either eq_ind_URI or eq_ind_r_URI, depending on the direction of
+ the equality: this is used to build the proof term, again see one of
+ the build_newtarget functions]
+ ))
let rec find_matches metasenv context ugraph lift_amount term termty =
let module C = Cic in