(* the map from ids to annotated targets *)
let ann = ref (ref None);; (* current annotation *)
let radio_some_status = ref false;; (* is the radio_some button selected? *)
+let current_url = ref "";;
-let visited_urls = (ref [] : string list ref);;
-let to_visit_urls = ref [];;
-exception No_param_dot_CICURI_found_in of string;;
-exception Unexpected_URL_format of string;;
+let pathname_of_annuri uristring =
+ Configuration.annotations_dir ^
+ Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "^cic:") "" uristring
-(*CSC: never used: Urrah!!!
-let url_from_frameseturl frameseturl =
- let module N = Neturl in
- let l =
- (Str.split (Str.regexp "=")
- (N.url_query ~encoded:true (N.url_of_string N.ip_url_syntax frameseturl)))
- in
- match l with
- [_ ; url] -> Netencoding.Url.decode url
- | _ -> raise (Unexpected_URL_format frameseturl)
+let make_dirs dirpath =
+ ignore (Unix.system ("mkdir -p " ^ dirpath))
+exception No_param_dot_CICURI_or_param_dot_annotations_found_in of string;;
+exception Bad_formed_url of string;;
let uri_from_url url =
let module N = Neturl in
+ let founduri = ref None in
+ let foundann = ref None in
let rec find_uri =
- [] -> raise (No_param_dot_CICURI_found_in url)
+ [] -> raise (No_param_dot_CICURI_or_param_dot_annotations_found_in url)
| he::tl ->
match Str.split (Str.regexp "=") he with
- ["param.CICURI";uri] -> uri
+ ["param.CICURI";uri] ->
+ if !founduri <> None then
+ raise (Bad_formed_url url)
+ else
+ begin
+ founduri := Some uri ;
+ if !foundann = None then
+ find_uri tl
+ end
+ | ["param.annotations";ann] ->
+ if !foundann <> None then
+ raise (Bad_formed_url url)
+ else
+ begin
+ foundann :=
+ Some
+ (match ann with
+ "yes" -> ".ann"
+ | "NO" -> ""
+ | _ -> raise (Bad_formed_url url)
+ ) ;
+ if !founduri = None then
+ find_uri tl
+ end
| _ -> find_uri tl
(Str.split (Str.regexp "&")
- (N.url_query ~encoded:true (N.url_of_string N.ip_url_syntax url)))
-exception NoCurrentUrl;;
-exception NoNextOrPrevUrl;;
-let get_current_url () =
- match !visited_urls with
- [] -> raise NoCurrentUrl
- | url::_ -> url
+ (N.url_query ~encoded:true (N.url_of_string N.ip_url_syntax url))) ;
+ match !founduri,!foundann with
+ (Some uri),(Some ann) -> uri ^ ann
+ | _ , _ ->
+ raise (No_param_dot_CICURI_or_param_dot_annotations_found_in url)
let get_current_uri () =
- UriManager.uri_of_string (uri_from_url (get_current_url ()))
+ UriManager.uri_of_string (uri_from_url !current_url)
let get_annotated_obj () =
match !annotated_obj with
None ->
- let (annobj, ids_to_targets,_) =
+ let annobj =
(CicCache.get_annobj (get_current_uri ()))
- annotated_obj := Some (annobj, ids_to_targets) ;
- (annobj, ids_to_targets)
+ annotated_obj := Some annobj ;
+ annobj
| Some annobj -> annobj
rendering_window#output#load url
-let next rendering_window () =
- match !to_visit_urls with
- [] -> raise NoNextOrPrevUrl
- | url::tl ->
- to_visit_urls := tl ;
- visited_urls := url::!visited_urls ;
- annotated_obj := None ;
- update_output rendering_window url ;
- rendering_window#prevb#misc#set_sensitive true ;
- if tl = [] then
- rendering_window#nextb#misc#set_sensitive false
-let prev rendering_window () =
- match !visited_urls with
- [] -> raise NoCurrentUrl
- | [_] -> raise NoNextOrPrevUrl
- | uri::(uri'::tl as newvu) ->
- visited_urls := newvu ;
- to_visit_urls := uri::!to_visit_urls ;
- annotated_obj := None ;
- update_output rendering_window uri' ;
- rendering_window#nextb#misc#set_sensitive true ;
- if tl = [] then
- rendering_window#prevb#misc#set_sensitive false
(* called when an hyperlink is clicked *)
let jump rendering_window (node : Ominidom.o_mDOMNode) =
let module O = Ominidom in
| None -> assert false
-(*CSC: per ora mai chiamata. Deve essere chiamata quando attivata dal *)
-(*CSC: remote-control *)
+(* called by the remote control *)
let remotejump rendering_window url =
- rendering_window#prevb#misc#set_sensitive true ;
- rendering_window#nextb#misc#set_sensitive false ;
- visited_urls := url::!visited_urls ;
- to_visit_urls := [] ;
- annotated_obj := None ;
+ current_url := url ;
update_output rendering_window url
(* called when the annotation is confirmed *)
let save_annotation annotation =
- if !radio_some_status then
- !ann := Some (annotation#get_chars 0 annotation#length)
- else
- !ann := None ;
- match !annotated_obj with
- None -> assert false
- | Some (annobj,_) ->
- let uri = get_current_uri () in
- let annxml = Annotation2Xml.pp_annotation annobj uri in
- Xml.pp annxml (Some (fst (Getter.get_ann_file_name_and_uri uri)))
+ let module S = Str in
+ let module U = UriManager in
+ if !radio_some_status then
+ !ann := Some (annotation#get_chars 0 annotation#length)
+ else
+ !ann := None ;
+ match !annotated_obj with
+ None -> assert false
+ | Some (annobj,_) ->
+ let uri = get_current_uri () in
+ let annxml = Annotation2Xml.pp_annotation annobj uri in
+ make_dirs
+ (pathname_of_annuri (U.buri_of_uri uri)) ;
+ Xml.pp ~quiet:true annxml
+ (Some
+ (pathname_of_annuri (U.string_of_uri (U.annuri_of_uri uri)) ^
+ ".xml"
+ )
+ )
window_to_annotate#misc#hide () ;
save_annotation annotation ;
GMain.Grab.remove (window_to_annotate#coerce) ;
- let new_current_uri =
- snd (Getter.get_ann_file_name_and_uri (get_current_uri ()))
- in
-(*CSC: qui c'e' un gran casino: e' l'XsltProcessor che deve ricevere
- la richiesta e non il ClientHTTP. Inoltre, prima di inoltrarla,
- bisogna comunicare al getter che ora esiste anche il file di annotazioni!!!
- visited_urls := new_current_uri::(List.tl !visited_urls) ;
- *)
- let new_current_url = XsltProcessor.url_of_uri new_current_uri in
- visited_urls := new_current_url::(List.tl !visited_urls) ;
+ let new_current_uri = UriManager.annuri_of_uri (get_current_uri ()) in
+ Getter.register new_current_uri
+ (Configuration.annotations_url ^
+ Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "^cic:") ""
+ (UriManager.string_of_uri new_current_uri) ^ ".xml"
+ ) ;
+(*CSC: corretto, up to XsltProcessor.url_of_uri
+ let new_current_url = XsltProcessor.url_of_uri new_current_uri in
+ current_url := new_current_url ;
label#set_text (UriManager.string_of_uri new_current_uri) ;
- (*CSC: Perche' non usare update_output? *)
- let mmlfile =
- ClientHTTP.get_and_save_to_tmp new_current_url
- in
- output#load mmlfile
+ output#load new_current_url
+*) ()
)) ;
ignore (abortb#connect#clicked
(fun () ->
let _ = scrolled_window0#add output#coerce in
let hbox =
GPack.hbox ~packing:(vbox#pack ~expand:false ~fill:false ~padding:5) () in
- let prevb =
- GButton.button ~label:"Prev"
- ~packing:(hbox#pack ~expand:false ~fill:false ~padding:5) () in
- let nextb =
- GButton.button ~label:"Next"
- ~packing:(hbox#pack ~expand:false ~fill:false ~padding:5) () in
let annotateb =
GButton.button ~label:"Annotate"
~packing:(hbox#pack ~expand:false ~fill:false ~padding:5) () in
GButton.button ~label:"Close"
~packing:(hbox#pack ~expand:false ~fill:false ~padding:5) () in
- method nextb = nextb
- method prevb = prevb
method label = label
method output = (output : GMathView.math_view)
method show () = window#show ()
- nextb#misc#set_sensitive false ;
- prevb#misc#set_sensitive false ;
button_export_to_postscript#misc#set_sensitive false ;
(* signal handlers here *)
ignore(output#connect#jump (jump self)) ;
ignore(output#connect#selection_changed (choose_selection self)) ;
- ignore(nextb#connect#clicked (next self)) ;
- ignore(prevb#connect#clicked (prev self)) ;
ignore(closeb#connect#clicked (fun _ -> GMain.Main.quit ())) ;
ignore(annotateb#connect#clicked (annotateb_pressed self annotation_window)) ;
let settings_window = new settings_window output scrolled_window0
if x = "" then raise (Arg.Bad "Empty filename or URL not allowed") ;
if !filename = "" then
filename := x
+ else if !current_url = "" then
+ current_url := x
- visited_urls := x :: !visited_urls
+ begin
+ prerr_string "More than two arguments provided\n" ;
+ Arg.usage [] usage_msg ;
+ exit (-1)
+ end
) usage_msg ;
- match !visited_urls with
- [url] -> initialize_everything !filename url
- | _ ->
- prerr_string "Exactly one url expected\n" ;
- Arg.usage [] usage_msg ;
- exit (-1)
+ initialize_everything !filename !current_url