basic_rg/brgEnvironment.cmx: lib/nUri.cmx basic_rg/brg.cmx \
+basic_rg/brgReduction.cmo: lib/nUri.cmi basic_rg/brgEnvironment.cmi \
+ basic_rg/brg.cmx basic_rg/brgReduction.cmi
+basic_rg/brgReduction.cmx: lib/nUri.cmx basic_rg/brgEnvironment.cmx \
+ basic_rg/brg.cmx basic_rg/brgReduction.cmi
toplevel/meta.cmo: lib/nUri.cmi automath/aut.cmx
toplevel/meta.cmx: lib/nUri.cmx automath/aut.cmx
toplevel/metaOutput.cmi: toplevel/meta.cmx
$(H)$(OCAMLOPT) -c $<
ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS), $(MAIN).opt)
- include .depend.opt
+ include .depend.opt
+ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS), test)
+ include .depend.opt
-brg brgOutput brgEnvironment
+brg brgOutput brgEnvironment brgReduction
--- /dev/null
+ ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ ||I||
+ ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
+ \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY.
+ V_______________________________________________________________ *)
+module U = NUri
+module B = Brg
+module E = BrgEnvironment
+exception LRefNotFound of string Lazy.t
+type environment = int * (B.bind * B.term) list
+type stack = B.term list
+type context = {
+ g: environment;
+ l: environment;
+ s: stack
+type whd_result =
+ | Sort_ of int
+ | LRef_ of int
+ | GRef_ of int * U.uri * B.bind
+ | Abst_ of B.term
+(* Internal functions *******************************************************)
+let push_e f b t (l, e) =
+ f (succ l, (b, t) :: e)
+let rec find_e f c i =
+ let (gl, ge), (ll, le) = c.g, c.l in
+ if i >= gl + ll then raise (LRefNotFound (lazy (string_of_int i)));
+ let b, t =
+ if i < gl then List.nth ge (gl - (succ i))
+ else List.nth le (gl + ll - (succ i))
+ in
+ f t b
+let rec whd f c t = match t with
+ | B.Sort h -> f c t (Sort_ h)
+ | B.GRef uri ->
+ let f (i, _, b, t) = f c t (GRef_ (i, uri, b)) in
+ E.get_obj f uri
+ | B.LRef i ->
+ let f t = function
+ | B.Abst -> f c t (LRef_ i)
+ | B.Abbr -> whd f c t
+ in
+ find_e f c i
+ | B.Appl (v, t) -> whd f {c with s = v :: c.s} t
+ | B.Bind (_, B.Abbr, v, t) ->
+ let f l = whd f {c with l = l} t in
+ push_e f B.Abbr v c.l
+ | B.Bind (_, B.Abst, w, t) ->
+ begin match c.s with
+ | [] -> f c t (Abst_ w)
+ | v :: tl ->
+ let f tl l = whd f {c with l = l; s = tl} t in
+ push_e (f tl) B.Abbr v c.l
+ end
+ | B.Cast (_, t) -> whd f c t
+(* Interface functions ******************************************************)
+let push f c b t =
+ assert (fst c.l = 0 && c.s = []);
+ let f g = f {c with g = g} in
+ push_e f b t c.g
--- /dev/null
+ ||M|| This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ ||A|| Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ ||T|| Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ ||I||
+ ||T|| HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ ||A|| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ \ / version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
+ \ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY.
+ V_______________________________________________________________ *)
+exception LRefNotFound of string Lazy.t
+type context
\ / This software is distributed as is, NO WARRANTY.
V_______________________________________________________________ *)
-module H = Hashtbl
module U = NUri
+module H = U.UriHash
module M = Meta
module A = Aut
-type qid = * list (* qualified identifier: name, qualifiers *)
+(* qualified identifier: uri, name, qualifiers *)
+type qid = U.uri * * list
-type environment = (qid, H.t
+type environment = H.t
type context_node = qid option (* context node: None = root *)
let id_of_name (id, _, _) = id
-let uri_of_qid (id, path) =
- let path = String.concat "/" path in
- let str = Filename.concat path id in
- U.uri_of_string ("ld:/" ^ str)
+let mk_qid id path =
+ let str = String.concat "/" path in
+ let str = Filename.concat str id in
+ U.uri_of_string ("ld:/" ^ str), id, path
+let uri_of_qid (uri, _, _) = uri
let complete_qid f st (id, is_local, qs) =
- let f qs = f (id, qs) in
+ let f qs = f (mk_qid id qs) in
let f path = Cps.list_rev_append f path ~tail:qs in
let rec skip f = function
| phd :: ptl, qshd :: _ when phd = qshd -> f ptl
if is_local then f st.path else skip f (st.path, qs)
-let relax_qid f (id, path) =
- let f path = f (id, path) in
+let relax_qid f (_, id, path) =
+ let f path = f (mk_qid id path) in
let f = function
| _ :: tl -> Cps.list_rev f tl
| [] -> assert false
resolve_lref f st l lenv id
let resolve_gref f st qid =
- try let args = H.find st.henv qid in f qid (Some args)
+ try let args = H.find st.henv (uri_of_qid qid) in f qid (Some args)
with Not_found -> f qid None
let resolve_gref_relaxed f st qid =
let get_pars f st = function
| None -> f [] None
- | Some name as node ->
- try let pars = H.find st.hcnt name in f pars None
+ | Some qid as node ->
+ try let pars = H.find st.hcnt (uri_of_qid qid) in f pars None
with Not_found -> f [] (Some node)
let get_pars_relaxed f st =
let f qid =
let f pars =
let f ww =
- H.add st.hcnt qid ((name, ww) :: pars);
+ H.add st.hcnt (uri_of_qid qid) ((name, ww) :: pars);
f {st with node = Some qid} None
xlate_term f st pars w
let f qid =
let f ww =
let entry = (st.line, pars, uri_of_qid qid, ww, None) in
- H.add st.henv qid pars;
+ H.add st.henv (uri_of_qid qid) pars;
f {st with line = succ st.line} (Some entry)
xlate_term f st pars w
let f qid =
let f ww vv =
let entry = (st.line, pars, uri_of_qid qid, ww, Some (trans, vv)) in
- H.add st.henv qid pars;
+ H.add st.henv (uri_of_qid qid) pars;
f {st with line = succ st.line} (Some entry)
let f ww = xlate_term (f ww) st pars v in