exact_tac ("",0,eliminator) status) ])
-let rewrite_tac ~dir ~what:(_,_,what) ~where =
+let sort_of_goal_tac sortref = distribute_tac (fun status goal ->
+ let goalty = get_goalty status goal in
+ let status,sort = typeof status (ctx_of goalty) goalty in
+ let status,sort = term_of_cic_term status sort (ctx_of goalty) in
+ sortref := sort;
+ status)
+let rewrite_tac ~dir ~what:(_,_,what) ~where status =
+ let sortref = ref (NCic.Rel 1) in
+ let status = sort_of_goal_tac sortref status in
+ let suffix =
+ match !sortref with
+ | NCic.Sort NCic.Prop -> "_ind"
+ | NCic.Sort NCic.Type u ->
+ "_rect_" ^ NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv:[] ~subst:[] ~context:[] !sortref
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
let name =
- match dir with `LeftToRight -> "eq_elim_r" | `RightToLeft -> "eq_ind"
+ match dir with `LeftToRight -> "eq_elim_r" | `RightToLeft -> "eq" ^ suffix
[ select_tac ~where ~job:(`Substexpand 1) true;
Ast.Appl(Ast.Ident(name,None)::HExtlib.mk_list Ast.Implicit 5 @
- [what]))]
+ [what]))] status
let intro_tac name =