exception MetaSubstFailure of string Lazy.t
exception Uncertain of string Lazy.t
-(*** Functions to apply a substitution ***)
-let apply_subst_gen ~appl_fun subst term =
- let rec um_aux =
- let module C = Cic in
- let module S = CicSubstitution in
- function
- C.Rel _ as t -> t
- | C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
- let exp_named_subst' =
- List.map (fun (uri, t) -> (uri, um_aux t)) exp_named_subst
- in
- C.Var (uri, exp_named_subst')
- | C.Meta (i, l) ->
- (try
- let (_, t,_) = lookup_subst i subst in
- um_aux (S.subst_meta l t)
- with CicUtil.Subst_not_found _ ->
- (* unconstrained variable, i.e. free in subst*)
- let l' =
- List.map (function None -> None | Some t -> Some (um_aux t)) l
- in
- C.Meta (i,l'))
- | C.Sort _
- | C.Implicit _ as t -> t
- | C.Cast (te,ty) -> C.Cast (um_aux te, um_aux ty)
- | C.Prod (n,s,t) -> C.Prod (n, um_aux s, um_aux t)
- | C.Lambda (n,s,t) -> C.Lambda (n, um_aux s, um_aux t)
- | C.LetIn (n,s,ty,t) -> C.LetIn (n, um_aux s, um_aux ty, um_aux t)
- | C.Appl (hd :: tl) -> appl_fun um_aux hd tl
- | C.Appl _ -> assert false
- | C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
- let exp_named_subst' =
- List.map (fun (uri, t) -> (uri, um_aux t)) exp_named_subst
- in
- C.Const (uri, exp_named_subst')
- | C.MutInd (uri,typeno,exp_named_subst) ->
- let exp_named_subst' =
- List.map (fun (uri, t) -> (uri, um_aux t)) exp_named_subst
- in
- C.MutInd (uri,typeno,exp_named_subst')
- | C.MutConstruct (uri,typeno,consno,exp_named_subst) ->
- let exp_named_subst' =
- List.map (fun (uri, t) -> (uri, um_aux t)) exp_named_subst
- in
- C.MutConstruct (uri,typeno,consno,exp_named_subst')
- | C.MutCase (sp,i,outty,t,pl) ->
- let pl' = List.map um_aux pl in
- C.MutCase (sp, i, um_aux outty, um_aux t, pl')
- | C.Fix (i, fl) ->
- let fl' =
- List.map (fun (name, i, ty, bo) -> (name, i, um_aux ty, um_aux bo)) fl
- in
- C.Fix (i, fl')
- | C.CoFix (i, fl) ->
- let fl' =
- List.map (fun (name, ty, bo) -> (name, um_aux ty, um_aux bo)) fl
- in
- C.CoFix (i, fl')
- in
- um_aux term
-let apply_subst =
- let appl_fun um_aux he tl =
- let tl' = List.map um_aux tl in
- let t' =
- match um_aux he with
- Cic.Appl l -> Cic.Appl (l@tl')
- | he' -> Cic.Appl (he'::tl')
- in
- begin
- match he with
- Cic.Meta (m,_) -> CicReduction.head_beta_reduce t'
- | _ -> t'
- end
- in
- fun subst t ->
-(* incr apply_subst_counter; *)
-match subst with
- [] -> t
- | _ -> apply_subst_gen ~appl_fun subst t
-let profiler = HExtlib.profile "U/CicMetaSubst.apply_subst"
-let apply_subst s t =
- profiler.HExtlib.profile (apply_subst s) t
-let apply_subst_context subst context =
- match subst with
- [] -> context
- | _ ->
- incr apply_subst_context_counter;
- context_length := !context_length + List.length context;
- List.fold_right
- (fun item context ->
- match item with
- | Some (n, Cic.Decl t) ->
- let t' = apply_subst subst t in
- Some (n, Cic.Decl t') :: context
- | Some (n, Cic.Def (t, ty)) ->
- let ty' = apply_subst subst ty in
- let t' = apply_subst subst t in
- Some (n, Cic.Def (t', ty')) :: context
- | None -> None :: context)
- context []
-let apply_subst_metasenv subst metasenv =
- incr apply_subst_metasenv_counter;
- metasenv_length := !metasenv_length + List.length metasenv;
-match subst with
- [] -> metasenv
- | _ ->
- List.map
- (fun (n, context, ty) ->
- (n, apply_subst_context subst context, apply_subst subst ty))
- (List.filter
- (fun (i, _, _) -> not (List.mem_assoc i subst))
- metasenv)
-let tempi_type_of_aux_subst = ref 0.0;;
-let tempi_subst = ref 0.0;;
-let tempi_type_of_aux = ref 0.0;;
let newmeta =
let maxmeta = ref 0 in
fun () -> incr maxmeta; !maxmeta
aux k ms (NCicSubstitution.lift n bo))
| _,NCic.Decl _ -> ms, NCic.Rel ((position (n-k) l) + k)
with Failure _ -> assert false) (*Unbound variable found in delift*)
- | NCic.Meta (_,(_,(NCic.Irl 0| NCic.Ctx []))) as orig -> ms, orig
+ | NCic.Meta (i,_) when i=n ->
+ raise (MetaSubstFailure (lazy (Printf.sprintf (
+ "Cannot unify the metavariable ?%d with a term that has "^^
+ "as subterm %s in which the same metavariable "^^
+ "occurs (occur check)") i
+ (NCicPp.ppterm ~context ~metasenv ~subst t))))
| NCic.Meta (i,l1) as orig ->
let _,_,t,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst i subst in
aux k ms (NCicSubstitution.subst_meta l1 t)
with NCicUtils.Subst_not_found _ ->
- (* see the top level invariant *)
- if (i = n) then
- raise (MetaSubstFailure (lazy (Printf.sprintf (
- "Cannot unify the metavariable ?%d with a term that has "^^
- "as subterm %s in which the same metavariable "^^
- "occurs (occur check)") i
- (NCicPp.ppterm ~context ~metasenv ~subst t))))
+ if snd l1 = NCic.Irl 0 || snd l1 = NCic.Ctx [] then ms, orig
let shift1,lc1 = l1 in
let shift,lc = l in