`Continue p
+let safe_arity_of_var p x =
+ (* Compute the minimum number of arguments when x is in head
+ position at p.div or p.ps *)
+ let aux = function
+ | `Var(y,_) -> if x = y then 0 else max_int
+ | `I((y,_),args) -> if x = y then Listx.length args else max_int
+ | _ -> max_int in
+ let tms = ((match p.div with None -> [] | Some t -> [(t :> i_n_var)]) @ p.ps) in
+ List.fold_left (fun acc t -> Pervasives.min acc (aux t)) max_int tms
let instantiate p x perm n =
- let arity_of_x = max_arity_tms x (all_terms p) in
- (if arity_of_x = None then failwithProblem p "step on var non occurring in problem");
- let arity_of_x = Util.option_get(arity_of_x) in
- (if arity_of_x = min_int then failwithProblem p "step on fake variable");
- (if arity_of_x <= 0 then failwithProblem p "step on var of non-positive arity");
- (if perm < 1 || perm > arity_of_x then
- failwithProblem p ("Tried to permutate variable "^ string_of_var x ^" beyond its max arity"));
let n = (prerr_endline "WARNING: using constant initialSpecialK"); p.initialSpecialK in
let arities = Array.to_list (Array.make (n+1) min_int) in
let p,vars = make_fresh_vars p arities in
if special_k < n then
prerr_endline ("@@@@ NEW INSTANTIATE PHASE (" ^ string_of_int special_k ^ ") @@@@");
let arity_of_x = Util.option_get (max_arity_tms x (all_terms p)) in
- x,arity_of_x,special_k
+ let safe_arity_of_x = safe_arity_of_var p x in
+ x, min arity_of_x safe_arity_of_x, special_k
let rec auto_eat (n,p) =
prerr_endline "{{{{{{{{ Computing measure before auto_instantiate }}}}}}";