metasenv, subst, hbr he, ty_he
with Uncertain _ | RefineFailure _ -> refine_appl metasenv subst args
- (* CSC: whd can be useful on he and expty ... *)
+ (* CSC: whd can be useful on he too... *)
(match he with
C.Const (Ref.Ref (uri1,Ref.Con _)) -> (
when NUri.eq uri1 uri2 ->
let _,leftno,_,_,_ = NCicEnvironment.get_checked_indtys ref in
- let leftargs,rightargs = HExtlib.split_nth leftno args in
let leftexpargs,_ = HExtlib.split_nth leftno expargs in
- let metasenv,subst,leftargs_rev =
- List.fold_left2
- (fun (metasenv,subst,args) arg exparg ->
- let metasenv,subst,arg,_ =
- typeof_aux metasenv subst context None arg in
- let metasenv,subst =
- NCicUnification.unify rdb metasenv subst context arg exparg
- in
- metasenv,subst,arg::args
- ) (metasenv,subst,[]) leftargs leftexpargs
- in
- (* some checks are re-done here, but it would be complex to
- * avoid them (e.g. we did not check yet that the constructor
- * is a construtor for that inductive type) *)
- refine_appl metasenv subst ((List.rev leftargs_rev)@rightargs)
+ let rec instantiate metasenv subst revargs args =
+ function
+ [] ->
+ (* some checks are re-done here, but it would be complex
+ to avoid them (e.g. we did not check yet that the
+ constructor is a constructor for that inductive type)*)
+ refine_appl metasenv subst ((List.rev revargs)@args)
+ | (exparg::expargs) as allexpargs ->
+ match args with
+ [] -> raise (Failure "Not enough args")
+ | (C.Implicit `Vector::args) as allargs ->
+ (try
+ instantiate metasenv subst revargs args allexpargs
+ with
+ Sys.Break as exn -> raise exn
+ | _ ->
+ instantiate metasenv subst revargs
+ (C.Implicit `Term :: allargs) allexpargs)
+ | arg::args ->
+ let metasenv,subst,arg,_ =
+ typeof_aux metasenv subst context None arg in
+ let metasenv,subst =
+ NCicUnification.unify rdb metasenv subst context
+ arg exparg
+ in
+ instantiate metasenv subst(arg::revargs) args expargs
+ in
+ instantiate metasenv subst [] args leftexpargs
| Sys.Break as exn -> raise exn
- | _ -> refine_appl metasenv subst args (* to try coercions *))
+ | _ ->
+ refine_appl metasenv subst args (* to try coercions *))
| _ -> refine_appl metasenv subst args)
| _ -> refine_appl metasenv subst args)
| C.Appl _ -> raise (AssertFailure (lazy "Appl of length < 2"))