let xxx_type_of_aux' m c t =
(* let t1 = Sys.time () in *)
- let res,_ = CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' m c t CicUniv.empty_ugraph in
+ let res,_ =
+ try
+ CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' m c t CicUniv.empty_ugraph
+ with
+ | CicTypeChecker.AssertFailure _
+ | CicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure _ ->
+ Cic.Sort Cic.Prop, CicUniv.empty_ugraph
+ in
(* let t2 = Sys.time () in
type_of_aux'_add_time := !type_of_aux'_add_time +. t2 -. t1 ; *)
| (_,_) -> raise NotEnoughElements
-let acic_of_cic_context' seed ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids ids_to_inner_sorts
- ids_to_inner_types metasenv context idrefs t expectedty
+let acic_of_cic_context' ~computeinnertypes:global_computeinnertypes
+ seed ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids ids_to_inner_sorts ids_to_inner_types
+ metasenv context idrefs t expectedty
let module D = DoubleTypeInference in
let module C = Cic in
prerr_endline ("*** Fine double_type_inference:" ^ (string_of_float (time2 -. time1)));
- D.double_type_of metasenv context t expectedty
+ if global_computeinnertypes then
+ D.double_type_of metasenv context t expectedty
+ else
+ D.CicHash.empty ()
let time2 = Sys.time () in
(* We are already in an inner-type and Coscoy's double *)
(* type inference algorithm has not been applied. *)
- {D.synthesized =
+ { D.synthesized =
(***CSC: patch per provare i tempi
CicReduction.whd context (xxx_type_of_aux' metasenv context tt) ; *)
-Cic.Sort (Cic.Type (CicUniv.fresh())); (* TASSI: non dovrebbe fare danni *)
+ if global_computeinnertypes then
+ Cic.Sort (Cic.Type (CicUniv.fresh()))
+ else
+ CicReduction.whd context (xxx_type_of_aux' metasenv context tt);
D.expected = None}
(* incr number_new_type_of_aux' ; *)
("+++++++++++++ Tempi della aux dentro alla acic_of_cic: "^ string_of_float (timeb -. timea)) ;
- aux true None context idrefs t
+ aux global_computeinnertypes None context idrefs t
-let acic_of_cic_context metasenv context idrefs t =
+let acic_of_cic_context ~computeinnertypes metasenv context idrefs t =
let ids_to_terms = Hashtbl.create 503 in
let ids_to_father_ids = Hashtbl.create 503 in
let ids_to_inner_sorts = Hashtbl.create 503 in
let ids_to_inner_types = Hashtbl.create 503 in
let seed = ref 0 in
- acic_of_cic_context' seed ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids ids_to_inner_sorts
+ acic_of_cic_context' ~computeinnertypes seed ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids ids_to_inner_sorts
ids_to_inner_types metasenv context idrefs t,
ids_to_terms, ids_to_father_ids, ids_to_inner_sorts, ids_to_inner_types
let aconjecture_of_conjecture seed ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids
ids_to_inner_sorts ids_to_inner_types ids_to_hypotheses hypotheses_seed
- metasenv (metano,context,goal) =
+ metasenv (metano,context,goal)
+ let computeinnertypes = false in
let acic_of_cic_context =
acic_of_cic_context' seed ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids ids_to_inner_sorts
ids_to_inner_types metasenv in
incr hypotheses_seed ;
match binding with
Some (n,Cic.Def (t,_)) ->
- let acic = acic_of_cic_context context idrefs t None in
+ let acic = acic_of_cic_context ~computeinnertypes context idrefs t None in
((hid,Some (n,Cic.ADef acic))::acontext),(hid::idrefs)
| Some (n,Cic.Decl t) ->
- let acic = acic_of_cic_context context idrefs t None in
+ let acic = acic_of_cic_context ~computeinnertypes context idrefs t None in
((hid,Some (n,Cic.ADecl acic))::acontext),(hid::idrefs)
| None ->
) context ([],[],[])
- let agoal = acic_of_cic_context context final_idrefs goal None in
+ let agoal = acic_of_cic_context ~computeinnertypes context final_idrefs goal None in
C.Constant (id,Some bo,ty,params,attrs) ->
let bo' = eta_fix [] [] bo in
let ty' = eta_fix [] [] ty in
- let abo = acic_term_of_cic_term' bo' (Some ty') in
- let aty = acic_term_of_cic_term' ty' None in
+ let abo = acic_term_of_cic_term' ~computeinnertypes:true bo' (Some ty') in
+ let aty = acic_term_of_cic_term' ~computeinnertypes:false ty' None in
("mettereaposto",Some "mettereaposto2",id,Some abo,aty,params,attrs)
| C.Constant (id,None,ty,params,attrs) ->
let ty' = eta_fix [] [] ty in
- let aty = acic_term_of_cic_term' ty' None in
+ let aty = acic_term_of_cic_term' ~computeinnertypes:false ty' None in
| C.Variable (id,bo,ty,params,attrs) ->
None -> None
| Some bo ->
let bo' = eta_fix [] [] bo in
- Some (acic_term_of_cic_term' bo' (Some ty'))
+ Some (acic_term_of_cic_term' ~computeinnertypes:true bo' (Some ty'))
- let aty = acic_term_of_cic_term' ty' None in
+ let aty = acic_term_of_cic_term' ~computeinnertypes:false ty' None in
| C.CurrentProof (id,conjectures,bo,ty,params,attrs) ->
DoubleTypeInference.syntactic_equality_add_time := 0.0 ;
let abo =
- acic_term_of_cic_term_context' conjectures' [] [] bo' (Some ty') in
- let aty = acic_term_of_cic_term_context' conjectures' [] [] ty' None in
+ acic_term_of_cic_term_context' ~computeinnertypes:true conjectures' [] [] bo' (Some ty') in
+ let aty = acic_term_of_cic_term_context' ~computeinnertypes:false conjectures' [] [] ty' None in
let time3 = Sys.time () in
(function (name,ty) ->
- acic_term_of_cic_term_context' [] context idrefs ty None)
+ acic_term_of_cic_term_context' ~computeinnertypes:false [] context idrefs ty None)
) cons
- (id,name,inductive,acic_term_of_cic_term' ty None,acons)
+ (id,name,inductive,
+ acic_term_of_cic_term' ~computeinnertypes:false ty None,acons)
) (List.rev idrefs) tys
C.AInductiveDefinition ("mettereaposto",atys,params,paramsno,attrs)