(* first, we simplify *)
let right = U.guarded_simpl context right in
let left = U.guarded_simpl context left in
- let w = Utils.compute_equality_weight eq_ty left right in
let order = !Utils.compare_terms left right in
- let target = w, proof, (eq_ty, left, right, order), metas, args in
+ let stat = (eq_ty, left, right, order) in
+ let w = Utils.compute_equality_weight stat in
+ let target = w, proof, stat, metas, args in
if Utils.debug_metas then
ignore(check_target context target "demod equalities input");
let metasenv' = (* metasenv @ *) metas in
let left, right = if is_left then newterm, right else left, newterm in
let ordering = !Utils.compare_terms left right in
+ let stat = (eq_ty, left, right, ordering) in
let time2 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
build_newtarget_time := !build_newtarget_time +. (time2 -. time1);
let res =
- let w = Utils.compute_equality_weight eq_ty left right in
- (w, newproof, (eq_ty, left, right, ordering),newmenv,args) in
+ let w = Utils.compute_equality_weight stat in
+ (w, newproof, stat,newmenv,args) in
if Utils.debug_metas then
ignore(check_target context res "buildnew_target output");
!maxmeta, res
let left, right =
if ordering = U.Gt then newgoal, right else left, newgoal in
let neworder = !Utils.compare_terms left right in
+ let stat = (eq_ty, left, right, neworder) in
let newmenv = (* Inference.filter s *) menv in
let time2 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
build_newtarget_time := !build_newtarget_time +. (time2 -. time1);
- let w = Utils.compute_equality_weight eq_ty left right in
- (w, newproof, (eq_ty, left, right, neworder), newmenv, [])
+ let w = Utils.compute_equality_weight stat in
+ (w, newproof, stat, newmenv, [])
!maxmeta, List.map build_new expansions
let neworder = !Utils.compare_terms left right in
let newmenv = (* Inference.filter s *) m in
let newargs = args @ args' in
+ let stat = (eq_ty, left, right, neworder) in
let eq' =
- let w = Utils.compute_equality_weight eq_ty left right in
- (w, newproof, (eq_ty, left, right, neworder), newmenv, newargs) in
+ let w = Utils.compute_equality_weight stat in
+ (w, newproof, stat, newmenv, newargs) in
if Utils.debug_metas then
ignore (check_target context eq' "buildnew3");
let newm, eq' = Inference.fix_metas !maxmeta eq' in
(Printf.sprintf "OK: %s" (CicPp.ppterm term)));
let o = !Utils.compare_terms t1 t2 in
- let w = compute_equality_weight ty t1 t2 in
+ let stat = (ty,t1,t2,o) in
+ let w = compute_equality_weight stat in
let proof = BasicProof p in
- let e = (w, proof, (ty, t1, t2, o), newmetas, args) in
+ let e = (w, proof, stat, newmetas, args) in
Some e, (newmeta+1)
| _ -> None, newmeta
let t1 = S.lift index t1 in
let t2 = S.lift index t2 in
let o = !Utils.compare_terms t1 t2 in
- let w = compute_equality_weight ty t1 t2 in
- let e = (w, BasicProof (C.Rel index), (ty, t1, t2, o), [], []) in
+ let stat = (ty,t1,t2,o) in
+ let w = compute_equality_weight stat in
+ let e = (w, BasicProof (C.Rel index), stat, [], []) in
Some e, (newmeta+1)
| _ -> None, newmeta
in (
(Printf.sprintf "OK: %s" (CicPp.ppterm term)));
let o = !Utils.compare_terms t1 t2 in
- let w = compute_equality_weight ty t1 t2 in
+ let stat = (ty,t1,t2,o) in
+ let w = compute_equality_weight stat in
let proof = BasicProof p in
- let e = (w, proof, (ty, t1, t2, o), newmetas, args) in
+ let e = (w, proof, stat, newmetas, args) in
Some e, (newmeta+1)
| _ -> None, newmeta
| C.Appl [C.MutInd (uri, _, _); ty; t1; t2]
when iseq uri && not (has_vars termty) ->
let o = !Utils.compare_terms t1 t2 in
- let w = compute_equality_weight ty t1 t2 in
- let e = (w, BasicProof term, (ty, t1, t2, o), [], []) in
+ let stat = (ty,t1,t2,o) in
+ let w = compute_equality_weight stat in
+ let e = (w, BasicProof term, stat, [], []) in
Some e, (newmeta+1)
| _ -> None, newmeta
match term with
| Cic.Appl [Cic.MutInd (uri, _, _); ty; t1; t2] when iseq uri ->
let o = !Utils.compare_terms t1 t2 in
- let w = compute_equality_weight ty t1 t2 in
- let e = (w, BasicProof proof, (ty, t1, t2, o), [], []) in
+ let stat = (ty,t1,t2,o) in
+ let w = compute_equality_weight stat in
+ let e = (w, BasicProof proof, stat, [], []) in
| _ ->
raise TermIsNotAnEquality
(* equality-selection related globals *)
let use_fullred = ref true;;
-let weight_age_ratio = ref 4 (* 5 *);; (* settable by the user *)
+let weight_age_ratio = ref 5 (* 5 *);; (* settable by the user *)
let weight_age_counter = ref !weight_age_ratio ;;
let symbols_ratio = ref 0 (* 3 *);;
let symbols_counter = ref 0;;
| _ ->
symbols_counter := !symbols_ratio;
- (* let set_selection set = EqualitySet.min_elt set in *)
- let set_selection l = min_elt (fun (w,_,_,_,_) -> w) l in
+ let set_selection set = EqualitySet.min_elt set in
+ (* let set_selection l = min_elt (fun (w,_,_,_,_) -> w) l in *)
if EqualitySet.is_empty neg_set then
- let current = set_selection pos_list in
+ let current = set_selection pos_set in
let passive =
(neg_list, neg_set),
(remove current pos_list, EqualitySet.remove current pos_set),
(Positive, current), passive
- let current = set_selection neg_list in
+ let current = set_selection neg_set in
let passive =
(remove current neg_list, EqualitySet.remove current neg_set),
(pos_list, pos_set),
module IntSet = Set.Make(OrderedInt)
-let compute_equality_weight ty left right =
+let compute_equality_weight (ty,left,right,o) =
let metasw = ref 0 in
let weight_of t =
let w, m = (weight_of_term
~consider_metas:true ~count_metas_occurrences:false t) in
- metasw := !metasw + (2 * (List.length m)) ;
+ metasw := !metasw + (1 * (List.length m)) ;
(* Warning: the following let cannot be expanded since it forces the
right evaluation order!!!! *)
- let w = (weight_of ty) + (weight_of left) + (weight_of right) in
+ let w = (weight_of ty) + (weight_of left) + (weight_of right) in
+ (* let w = weight_of (Cic.Appl [ty;left;right]) in *)
w + !metasw
val string_of_pos: pos -> string
-val compute_equality_weight: Cic.term -> Cic.term -> Cic.term -> int
+val compute_equality_weight: Cic.term * Cic.term * Cic.term * comparison -> int
val debug_print: string Lazy.t -> unit