open Printf;;
open Http_types;;
+exception Emphasized_error of string
module Stack = Continuationals.Stack
let rt_path () = Helm_registry.get "matita.rt_base_dir"
let ft = MatitaAuthentication.read_ft u in
(* first we add new files/dirs to the repository *)
- let to_be_added = fst
- (List.filter (fun (_,flag) -> flag = MatitaFilesystem.MAdd) ft)
+ (* must take the reverse because svn requires the add to be performed in
+ the correct order
+ (otherwise run with --parents option) *)
+ let to_be_added = List.rev ( fst
+ (List.filter (fun (_,flag) -> flag = MatitaFilesystem.MAdd) ft))
+ prerr_endline ("@@@ ADDING files: " ^ String.concat ", " to_be_added);
let out =
let newout = MatitaFilesystem.add_files u to_be_added in
(String.concat ", " not_added)
(String.concat ", " not_committed) (String.concat ", " conflicts)))
- "" (List.rev !to_be_committed)
+ (* XXX: at the moment, we don't keep track of the order in which users have
+ scheduled their commits, but we should, otherwise we will get a
+ "first come, random served" policy *)
+ "" (* (List.rev !to_be_committed) *) (MatitaAuthentication.get_users ())
(*** from ***)
let status = MatitaAuthentication.get_status sid in
let status = status#reset_disambiguate_db () in
let (st,new_statements,new_unparsed),(* newtext TODO *) _,parsed_len =
- try
- eval_statement !include_paths (*buffer*) status (`Raw text)
- with
- | HExtlib.Localized (_,e) -> raise e
- (*| End_of_file -> raise Margin *)
- in
+ try
+ eval_statement !include_paths (*buffer*) status (`Raw text)
+ with
+ | HExtlib.Localized (floc,e) as exn ->
+ let x, y = HExtlib.loc_of_floc floc in
+ let pre = Netconversion.ustring_sub `Enc_utf8 0 x text in
+ let err = Netconversion.ustring_sub `Enc_utf8 x (y-x) text in
+ let post = Netconversion.ustring_sub `Enc_utf8 y
+ (Netconversion.ustring_length `Enc_utf8 text - y) text in
+ let _,title = MatitaExcPp.to_string exn in
+ (* let title = "" in *)
+ let marked =
+ pre ^ "\005span class=\"error\" title=\"" ^ title ^ "\"\006" ^ err ^ "\005/span\006" ^ post in
+ let marked = Netencoding.Html.encode ~in_enc:`Enc_utf8 ~prefer_name:false
+ () (html_of_matita marked) in
+ raise (Emphasized_error marked)
+ (* | End_of_file -> ... *)
+ in
let stringbuf = Ulexing.from_utf8_string new_statements in
let interpr = GrafiteDisambiguate.get_interpr st#disambiguate_db in
let outstr = ref "" in
(* prerr_endline ("serializing proof objects..."); *)
~baseuri:(NUri.uri_of_string status#baseuri) status;
- (* prerr_endline ("adding to the commit queue..."); *)
- add_user_for_commit uid;
(* prerr_endline ("done."); *)
~content_type:"text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\""
cgi#out_channel#output_string body
- with
+ with
+ | Emphasized_error text ->
+(* | MultiPassDisambiguator.DisambiguationError (offset,errorll) -> *)
+ let body = "<response><error>" ^ text ^ "</error> </response>" in
+ cgi # set_header
+ ~cache:`No_cache
+ ~content_type:"text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\""
+ ();
+ cgi#out_channel#output_string body
| Not_found _ ->
cgi # set_header
return text_of_html(u)
+function filterByClass (elements,class){
+ var itemsfound = new Array;
+ for(var i=0;i<elements.length;i++){
+ if(elements[i].className == class){
+ itemsfound.push(elements[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return itemsfound;
function initialize()
if (readCookie("session") == null) {
texmacro = texmacro.substring(1);
return unescape(macro2utf8[texmacro]);
+function strip_errors()
+ errors = filterByClass(unlocked.getElementsByTagName("span"),"error");
+ for (i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) {
+ children = errors[i].childNodes;
+ for (j = 0; j < children.length; j++) {
+ unlocked.insertBefore(children[j],errors[i]);
+ }
+ unlocked.removeChild(errors[i]);
+ }
function keypress(e)
if (!e) e= event;
var s = string_of_key(e.charCode);
+ strip_errors();
if (s == " ") {
j = getCursorPos();
i = unlocked.innerHTML.lastIndexOf('\\',j);
processor = function(xml) {
if (is_defined(xml)) {
+ parsed = xml.getElementsByTagName("parsed")[0];
+ if (is_defined(parsed)) {
// debug("advance: received response\nBEGIN\n" + req.responseText + "\nEND");
- parsed = xml.getElementsByTagName("parsed")[0];
- len = parseInt(parsed.getAttribute("length"));
- // len0 = unlocked.innerHTML.length;
- unescaped = unlocked.innerHTML.html_to_matita();
- parsedtxt = parsed.childNodes[0].nodeValue;
- //parsedtxt = unescaped.substr(0,len);
- unparsedtxt = unescaped.substr(len);
- lockedbackup += parsedtxt;
- locked.innerHTML = lockedbackup;
- unlocked.innerHTML = unparsedtxt.matita_to_html();
- // len1 = unlocked.innerHTML.length;
- // len2 = len0 - len1;
- len2 = parsedtxt.length;
- metasenv = xml.getElementsByTagName("meta");
- populate_goalarray(metasenv);
- statements = listcons(len2,statements);
- unlocked.scrollIntoView(true);
+ len = parseInt(parsed.getAttribute("length"));
+ // len0 = unlocked.innerHTML.length;
+ unescaped = unlocked.innerHTML.html_to_matita();
+ parsedtxt = parsed.childNodes[0].nodeValue;
+ //parsedtxt = unescaped.substr(0,len);
+ unparsedtxt = unescaped.substr(len);
+ lockedbackup += parsedtxt;
+ locked.innerHTML = lockedbackup;
+ unlocked.innerHTML = unparsedtxt.matita_to_html();
+ // len1 = unlocked.innerHTML.length;
+ // len2 = len0 - len1;
+ len2 = parsedtxt.length;
+ metasenv = xml.getElementsByTagName("meta");
+ populate_goalarray(metasenv);
+ statements = listcons(len2,statements);
+ unlocked.scrollIntoView(true);
+ }
+ else {
+ error = xml.getElementsByTagName("error")[0];
+ unlocked.innerHTML = error.childNodes[0].nodeValue;
+ // debug(xml.childNodes[0].nodeValue);
+ }
} else {
debug("advance failed");