| (Arrow T1 T2) \Rightarrow (Arrow (subst_type_nat T1 U i) (subst_type_nat T2 U i))
| (Forall T1 T2) \Rightarrow (Forall (subst_type_nat T1 U i) (subst_type_nat T2 U (S i))) ].
-(*** height of T's syntactic tree ***)
-let rec t_len T \def
- match T with
- [(TVar n) \Rightarrow (S O)
- |(TFree X) \Rightarrow (S O)
- |Top \Rightarrow (S O)
- |(Arrow T1 T2) \Rightarrow (S (max (t_len T1) (t_len T2)))
- |(Forall T1 T2) \Rightarrow (S (max (t_len T1) (t_len T2)))].
(*** definitions about lists ***)
definition fv_env : (list bound) \to (list nat) \def
interpretation "subst bound var" 'substvar S T n =
(cic:/matita/Fsub/defn/subst_type_nat.con S T n).
-notation "hvbox(|T|)"
- non associative with precedence 30 for @{ 'tlen $T }.
-interpretation "type length" 'tlen T =
- (cic:/matita/Fsub/defn/t_len.con T).
notation "hvbox(!X ⊴ T)"
non associative with precedence 60 for @{ 'subtypebound $X $T }.
interpretation "subtyping bound" 'subtypebound X T =
lemma fv_append : ∀G,H.fv_env (G @ H) = (fv_env G @ fv_env H).
intro;elim G;simplify;autobatch paramodulation;
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