id w (CicPp.ppterm ty)
(CicPp.ppterm left)
(Utils.string_of_comparison o) (CicPp.ppterm right)
-(* (String.concat ", " ( (fun (i,_,_) -> string_of_int i) m)) *)
- "..."
+ (String.concat ", " ( (fun (i,_,_) -> string_of_int i) m))
+(* "..." *)
| Some (_, context, _) ->
let names = Utils.names_of_context context in
let w, _, (ty, left, right, o), m , id = open_equality eq in
id w (CicPp.pp ty names)
(CicPp.pp left names) (Utils.string_of_comparison o)
(CicPp.pp right names)
-(* (String.concat ", " ( (fun (i,_,_) -> string_of_int i) m)) *)
- "..."
+ (String.concat ", " ( (fun (i,_,_) -> string_of_int i) m))
+(* "..." *)
let compare (_,_,_,s1,_,_) (_,_,_,s2,_,_) =
Cic.LetIn (name,remove_refl bo,remove_refl rest)
| _ -> t
- let rec canonical context t =
+ let rec canonical_trough_lambda context = function
+ | Cic.Lambda(name,ty,bo) ->
+ let context' = (Some (name,Cic.Decl ty))::context in
+ Cic.Lambda(name,ty,canonical_trough_lambda context' bo)
+ | t -> canonical context t
+ and canonical context t =
match t with
| Cic.LetIn(name,bo,rest) ->
+ let bo = canonical_trough_lambda context bo in
let context' = (Some (name,Cic.Def (bo,None)))::context in
- Cic.LetIn(name,canonical context bo,canonical context' rest)
+ Cic.LetIn(name,bo,canonical context' rest)
| Cic.Appl (((Cic.Const(uri_sym,ens))::tl) as args)
when LibraryObjects.is_sym_eq_URI uri_sym ->
(match p_of_sym ens tl with
mk_trans uri_trans ty r m l
(canonical context (mk_sym uri_sym ty m r p2))
(canonical context (mk_sym uri_sym ty l m p1))
- | Cic.Appl (([Cic.Const(uri_feq,ens);ty1;ty2;f;x;y;p])) ->
+ | Cic.Appl (([Cic.Const(uri_feq,ens);ty1;ty2;f;x;y;p]))
+ when LibraryObjects.is_eq_f_URI uri_feq ->
let eq = LibraryObjects.eq_URI_of_eq_f_URI uri_feq in
let eq_f_sym =
Cic.Const (LibraryObjects.eq_f_sym_URI ~eq, [])
- Cic.Appl (([eq_f_sym;ty1;ty2;f;x;y;p]))
+ let rc = Cic.Appl [eq_f_sym;ty1;ty2;f;x;y;p] in
+ prerr_endline ("CANONICAL " ^ CicPp.ppterm rc);
+ rc
| Cic.Appl [Cic.MutConstruct (uri, 0, 1,_);_;_] as t
when LibraryObjects.is_eq_URI uri -> t
| _ -> Cic.Appl ( (canonical context) args))
-let parametrize_proof menv p l r ty =
- let uniq l = HExtlib.list_uniq (List.sort l) in
+let parametrize_proof p l r =
+ let uniq l = HExtlib.list_uniq (List.sort (fun (i,_) (j,_) -> i j) l) in
let mot = CicUtil.metas_of_term_set in
let parameters = uniq (mot p @ mot l @ mot r) in
(* ?if they are under a lambda? *)
HExtlib.list_uniq (List.sort parameters)
+ (* resorts l such that *hopefully* dependencies can be inferred *)
+ let guess_dependency p l =
+ match p with
+ | Cic.Appl ((Cic.Const(uri_ind,ens))::tl)
+ when LibraryObjects.is_eq_ind_URI uri_ind ||
+ LibraryObjects.is_eq_ind_r_URI uri_ind ->
+ let ty,_,_,_,_,_ = open_eq_ind tl in
+ let metas = CicUtil.metas_of_term ty in
+ let nondep, dep =
+ List.partition (fun (i,_) -> List.exists (fun (j,_) -> j=i) metas) l
+ in
+ nondep@dep
+ | _ -> l
+ in
+ let parameters = guess_dependency p parameters in
let what = (fun (i,l) -> Cic.Meta (i,l)) parameters in
let with_what, lift_no =
List.fold_right (fun _ (acc,n) -> ((Cic.Rel n)::acc),n+1) what ([],1)
match t1,t2 with Cic.Meta (i,_),Cic.Meta(j,_) -> i=j | _ -> false)
~what ~with_what ~where:p
- let ty_of_m _ = Cic.Implicit (Some `Type)
- let ty_of_m = function
- | Cic.Meta (i,_) ->
- (try
- let _,_,ty = CicUtil.lookup_meta i menv in ty
- with CicUtil.Meta_not_found _ ->
- prerr_endline "eccoci";assert false)
- | _ -> assert false
- (*
- let ty_of_m _ = ty (*function
- | Cic.Meta (i,_) -> List.assoc i menv
- | _ -> assert false *)
- *)
- in
+ let ty_of_m _ = Cic.Implicit (Some `Type) in
let args, proof,_ =
(fun (instance,p,n) m ->
let string_of_id (id_to_eq,_) names id =
if id = 0 then "" else
- let (_,p,(_,l,r,_),m,_) = open_equality (Hashtbl.find id_to_eq id) in
+ let (_,p,(t,l,r,_),m,_) = open_equality (Hashtbl.find id_to_eq id) in
match p with
| Exact t ->
Printf.sprintf "%d = %s: %s = %s [%s]" id
(CicPp.pp t names) (CicPp.pp l names) (CicPp.pp r names)
- "..."
-(* (String.concat ", " ( (fun (i,_,_) -> string_of_int i) m)) *)
- | Step (_,(step,id1, (_,id2), _) ) ->
- Printf.sprintf "%6d: %s %6d %6d %s = %s [%s]" id
+(* "..." *)
+ (String.concat ", " ( (fun (i,_,_) -> string_of_int i) m))
+ | Step (_,(step,id1, (dir,id2), p) ) ->
+ Printf.sprintf "%6d: %s %6d %6d %s =(%s) %s [%s]" id
(string_of_rule step)
- id1 id2 (CicPp.pp l names) (CicPp.pp r names)
-(* (String.concat ", " ( (fun (i,_,_) -> string_of_int i) m)) *)
- "..."
+ id1 id2 (CicPp.pp l names) (CicPp.pp t names) (CicPp.pp r names)
+ (String.concat ", " ( (fun (i,_,_) -> string_of_int i) m))
+ (*"..."*)
Not_found -> assert false
let se = (fun i -> Cic.Meta (i,[])) se in
let lets = get_duplicate_step_in_wfo bag l initial in
let letsno = List.length lets in
- let _,mty,_,_ = open_eq ty in
let lift_list l = (fun (i,t) -> i,CicSubstitution.lift 1 t) l in
let lets,_,h =
let p,l,r = proof_of_id bag id in
let cic = build_proof_term bag eq h n p in
let real_cic,instance =
- parametrize_proof menv cic l r (CicSubstitution.lift n mty)
+ parametrize_proof cic l r
let h = (id, instance)::lift_list h in
(* (fun i ,_,_ -> i) menv *)
- (Utils.metas_of_term left @ Utils.metas_of_term right))
+ (Utils.metas_of_term left @ Utils.metas_of_term right @
+ Utils.metas_of_term ty))
let subst, metasenv, newmeta = relocate newmeta menv to_be_relocated in
let ty = Subst.apply_subst subst ty in
let real_menv,fixed_proof = fix_proof proof_menv context false goal_proof in
(* prerr_endline ("PROOF: " ^ CicPp.pp goal_proof names); *)
+ let pp_error goal_proof names error exn =
+ prerr_endline "THE PROOF DOES NOT TYPECHECK! <begin>";
+ prerr_endline (CicPp.pp goal_proof names);
+ prerr_endline "THE PROOF DOES NOT TYPECHECK!";
+ prerr_endline error;
+ prerr_endline "THE PROOF DOES NOT TYPECHECK! <end>";
+ raise exn
+ in
let goal_proof,goal_ty,real_menv,_ =
(* prerr_endline ("parte la refine per: " ^ (CicPp.pp goal_proof names)); *)
+ prerr_endline (CicPp.ppterm goal_proof);
CicRefine.type_of_aux' real_menv context goal_proof CicUniv.empty_ugraph
- | CicUtil.Meta_not_found _
- | CicRefine.RefineFailure _
- | CicRefine.Uncertain _
- | CicRefine.AssertFailure _
+ | CicRefine.RefineFailure s
+ | CicRefine.Uncertain s
+ | CicRefine.AssertFailure s as exn ->
+ pp_error goal_proof names (Lazy.force s) exn
+ | CicUtil.Meta_not_found i as exn ->
+ pp_error goal_proof names ("META NOT FOUND: "^string_of_int i) exn
| Invalid_argument "list_fold_left2" as exn ->
- prerr_endline "THE PROOF DOES NOT TYPECHECK!";
- prerr_endline (CicPp.pp goal_proof names);
- prerr_endline "THE PROOF DOES NOT TYPECHECK!";
- raise exn
+ pp_error goal_proof names "Invalid_argument: list_fold_left2" exn
let subst_side_effects,real_menv,_ =
let pump_actives context bag maxm active passive saturation_steps max_time =
maxmeta := maxm;
let max_l l =
(fun acc e -> let _,_,_,menv,_ = Equality.open_equality e in
List.fold_left (fun acc (i,_,_) -> max i acc) acc menv)
0 l in
- let active_l = fst active in
- let passive_l = fst passive in
- let ma = max_l active_l in
- let mp = max_l passive_l in
+(* let active_l = fst active in *)
+(* let passive_l = fst passive in *)
+(* let ma = max_l active_l in *)
+(* let mp = max_l passive_l in *)
match LibraryObjects.eq_URI () with
| None -> active, passive, !maxmeta
| Some eq_uri ->
maxmeta := maxm;
+ let active_l = fst active in
let max_l l =
(fun acc e -> let _,_,_,menv,_ = Equality.open_equality e in
List.fold_left (fun acc (i,_,_) -> max i acc) acc menv)
0 l
- let active_l = fst active in
let passive_l = fst passive in
let ma = max_l active_l in
let mp = max_l passive_l in
let proof, goalno = status in
let uri, metasenv, meta_proof, term_to_prove, attrs = proof in
let _, context, type_of_goal = CicUtil.lookup_meta goalno metasenv in