--- /dev/null
+(* ___ *)
+(* ||M|| *)
+(* ||A|| A project by Andrea Asperti *)
+(* ||T|| *)
+(* ||I|| Developers: *)
+(* ||T|| The HELM team. *)
+(* ||A|| http://helm.cs.unibo.it *)
+(* \ / *)
+(* \ / This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* v GNU General Public License Version 2 *)
+(* *)
+include "ground_2/arith.ma".
+(* ITEMS ********************************************************************)
+(* atomic items *)
+inductive item0: Type[0] ≝
+ | Sort: nat → item0 (* sort: starting at 0 *)
+ | LRef: nat → item0 (* reference by index: starting at 0 *)
+ | GRef: nat → item0 (* reference by position: starting at 0 *)
+(* binary binding items *)
+inductive bind2: Type[0] ≝
+ | Abbr: bind2 (* abbreviation *)
+ | Abst: bind2 (* abstraction *)
+(* binary non-binding items *)
+inductive flat2: Type[0] ≝
+ | Appl: flat2 (* application *)
+ | Cast: flat2 (* explicit type annotation *)
+(* binary items *)
+inductive item2: Type[0] ≝
+ | Bind2: bool → bind2 → item2 (* polarized binding item *)
+ | Flat2: flat2 → item2 (* non-binding item *)
+(* TERMS ********************************************************************)
+include "basic_2/notation/constructors/item0_1.ma".
+include "basic_2/notation/constructors/snitem2_3.ma".
+include "basic_2/notation/constructors/snbind2_4.ma".
+include "basic_2/notation/constructors/snbind2pos_3.ma".
+include "basic_2/notation/constructors/snbind2neg_3.ma".
+include "basic_2/notation/constructors/snflat2_3.ma".
+include "basic_2/notation/constructors/star_1.ma".
+include "basic_2/notation/constructors/lref_1.ma".
+include "basic_2/notation/constructors/gref_1.ma".
+include "basic_2/notation/constructors/snabbr_3.ma".
+include "basic_2/notation/constructors/snabbrpos_2.ma".
+include "basic_2/notation/constructors/snabbrneg_2.ma".
+include "basic_2/notation/constructors/snabst_3.ma".
+include "basic_2/notation/constructors/snabstpos_2.ma".
+include "basic_2/notation/constructors/snabstneg_2.ma".
+include "basic_2/notation/constructors/snappl_2.ma".
+include "basic_2/notation/constructors/sncast_2.ma".
+include "basic_2/grammar/item.ma".
+(* terms *)
+inductive term: Type[0] ≝
+ | TAtom: item0 → term (* atomic item construction *)
+ | TPair: item2 → term → term → term (* binary item construction *)
+interpretation "term construction (atomic)"
+ 'Item0 I = (TAtom I).
+interpretation "term construction (binary)"
+ 'SnItem2 I T1 T2 = (TPair I T1 T2).
+interpretation "term binding construction (binary)"
+ 'SnBind2 a I T1 T2 = (TPair (Bind2 a I) T1 T2).
+interpretation "term positive binding construction (binary)"
+ 'SnBind2Pos I T1 T2 = (TPair (Bind2 true I) T1 T2).
+interpretation "term negative binding construction (binary)"
+ 'SnBind2Neg I T1 T2 = (TPair (Bind2 false I) T1 T2).
+interpretation "term flat construction (binary)"
+ 'SnFlat2 I T1 T2 = (TPair (Flat2 I) T1 T2).
+interpretation "sort (term)"
+ 'Star k = (TAtom (Sort k)).
+interpretation "local reference (term)"
+ 'LRef i = (TAtom (LRef i)).
+interpretation "global reference (term)"
+ 'GRef p = (TAtom (GRef p)).
+interpretation "abbreviation (term)"
+ 'SnAbbr a T1 T2 = (TPair (Bind2 a Abbr) T1 T2).
+interpretation "positive abbreviation (term)"
+ 'SnAbbrPos T1 T2 = (TPair (Bind2 true Abbr) T1 T2).
+interpretation "negative abbreviation (term)"
+ 'SnAbbrNeg T1 T2 = (TPair (Bind2 false Abbr) T1 T2).
+interpretation "abstraction (term)"
+ 'SnAbst a T1 T2 = (TPair (Bind2 a Abst) T1 T2).
+interpretation "positive abstraction (term)"
+ 'SnAbstPos T1 T2 = (TPair (Bind2 true Abst) T1 T2).
+interpretation "negative abstraction (term)"
+ 'SnAbstNeg T1 T2 = (TPair (Bind2 false Abst) T1 T2).
+interpretation "application (term)"
+ 'SnAppl T1 T2 = (TPair (Flat2 Appl) T1 T2).
+interpretation "native type annotation (term)"
+ 'SnCast T1 T2 = (TPair (Flat2 Cast) T1 T2).
+(* WEIGHT OF A TERM *********************************************************)
+include "basic_2/notation/functions/weight_1.ma".
+let rec tw T ≝ match T with
+[ TAtom _ ⇒ 1
+| TPair _ V T ⇒ tw V + tw T + 1
+interpretation "weight (term)" 'Weight T = (tw T).
+(* LOCAL ENVIRONMENTS *******************************************************)
+include "basic_2/notation/constructors/star_0.ma".
+include "basic_2/notation/constructors/dxbind2_3.ma".
+include "basic_2/notation/constructors/dxabbr_2.ma".
+include "basic_2/notation/constructors/dxabst_2.ma".
+(* local environments *)
+inductive lenv: Type[0] ≝
+| LAtom: lenv (* empty *)
+| LPair: lenv → bind2 → term → lenv (* binary binding construction *)
+interpretation "sort (local environment)"
+ 'Star = LAtom.
+interpretation "environment binding construction (binary)"
+ 'DxBind2 L I T = (LPair L I T).
+interpretation "abbreviation (local environment)"
+ 'DxAbbr L T = (LPair L Abbr T).
+interpretation "abstraction (local environment)"
+ 'DxAbst L T = (LPair L Abst T).
+(* WEIGHT OF A LOCAL ENVIRONMENT ********************************************)
+let rec lw L ≝ match L with
+[ LAtom ⇒ 0
+| LPair L _ V ⇒ lw L + ♯{V}
+interpretation "weight (local environment)" 'Weight L = (lw L).
+(* GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTS ******************************************************)
+include "ground_2/list.ma".
+(* global environments *)
+definition genv ≝ list2 bind2 term.
+interpretation "sort (global environment)"
+ 'Star = (nil2 bind2 term).
+interpretation "environment binding construction (binary)"
+ 'DxBind2 L I T = (cons2 bind2 term I T L).
+interpretation "abbreviation (global environment)"
+ 'DxAbbr L T = (cons2 bind2 term Abbr T L).
+interpretation "abstraction (global environment)"
+ 'DxAbst L T = (cons2 bind2 term Abst T L).
+(* WEIGHT OF A CLOSURE ******************************************************)
+include "basic_2/notation/functions/weight_3.ma".
+(* activate genv *)
+definition fw: genv → lenv → term → ? ≝ λG,L,T. ♯{L} + ♯{T}.
+interpretation "weight (closure)" 'Weight G L T = (fw G L T).
+(* Basic properties *********************************************************)
+(* Basic_1: was: flt_shift *)
+lemma fw_shift: ∀a,I,G,K,V,T. ♯{G, K.ⓑ{I}V, T} < ♯{G, K, ⓑ{a,I}V.T}.
+normalize //