TacticAst.Transitivity (loc, t)
| [ IDENT "fwd" ]; t = term ->
TacticAst.FwdSimpl (loc, t)
- | [ IDENT "lapply" ]; what = tactic_term; to_what = OPT [ "to" ; t = tactic_term -> t ] ->
- TacticAst.LApply (loc, to_what, what)
+ | [ IDENT "lapply" ]; what = tactic_term;
+ to_what = OPT [ "to" ; t = tactic_term -> t ] ->
+ TacticAst.LApply (loc, to_what, what)
| Symmetry _ -> "symmetry"
| Transitivity (_, term) -> "transitivity " ^ pp_term_ast term
| FwdSimpl (_, term) -> sprintf "fwd %s" (pp_term_ast term)
+ | LApply (_, term_opt, term) ->
+ sprintf "lapply %s%s" (pp_term_ast term)
+ (match term_opt with | None -> "" | Some t -> " to " ^ pp_term_ast t)
let pp_flavour = function
| `Definition -> "Definition"
* http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
- let debug_print = prerr_endline
+ let debug_print = ignore (*prerr_endline *)
(* let debug_print = fun _ -> () *)