open Printf
+let time_out = ref 5;;
Helm_registry.load_from "gTopLevel.conf.xml";;
let mqi_debug_fun s =
debug_print "AInductiveDefinition: boh ..." ;
assert false
+exception TimeOut;;
+ (Sys.signal Sys.sigalrm
+ (Sys.Signal_handle
+ (fun _ ->
+ (* We do this in case that some "with _" intercepts the first exception *)
+ ignore (Unix.alarm 1) ;
+ raise TimeOut)))
let test_uri uri =
+ ignore (Unix.alarm !time_out) ;
if test_uri uri = 1 then `Ok else `Maybe
+ | TimeOut ->
+ (* We do this to clear the alarm set by the signal handler *)
+ ignore (Unix.alarm 0) ;
+ `TimeOut
| exn ->
prerr_endline (sprintf "Top Level Uncaught Exception: %s"
(Printexc.to_string exn));
-let report (ok,nok,maybe) =
+let report (ok,nok,maybe,timeout) =
print_newline ();
print_endline "TestLibrary report";
print_endline "Succeeded URIs:";
List.iter (fun s -> print_endline ("\t" ^ s)) (List.rev !nok);
print_endline "Multiple answers URIs:";
List.iter (fun s -> print_endline ("\t" ^ s)) (List.rev !maybe);
+ print_newline ();
+ print_endline ("URIs that timeout (" ^ string_of_int !time_out ^ "s):");
+ List.iter (fun s -> print_endline ("\t" ^ s)) (List.rev !timeout);
print_newline ()
-let do_uri (ok, nok, maybe) uri =
+let do_uri (ok, nok, maybe, timeout) uri =
let uri_str = UriManager.string_of_uri uri in
printf "Testing URI: %-55s %!" (uri_str ^ " ...");
match test_uri uri with
| `Maybe ->
print_endline "\e[01;33m[ MANY ]\e[00m";
maybe := uri_str :: !maybe
+ | `TimeOut ->
+ print_endline "\e[01;34m[TIMEOUT!]\e[00m";
+ timeout := uri_str :: !timeout
let do_file status fname =
"limit object choices to URIs beginning with prefix" ;
"-varsprefix", Arg.Set_string varsprefix,
"limit variable choices to URIs beginning with prefix; overrides -prefix" ;
+ "-timeout", Arg.Set_int time_out,
+ "number of seconds before a timeout; 0 means no timeout"
Arg.parse spec (fun name -> names := name :: !names) usage;
if !varsprefix = "####" then varsprefix := !prefix ;
uri_predicate :=
BatchParser.uri_pred_of_conf !tryvars ~prefix:!prefix ~varsprefix:!varsprefix;
- let status = (ref [], ref [], ref []) in (* <ok, nok, maybe> URIs *)
+ let status = (ref [], ref [], ref [], ref []) in (* <ok, nok, maybe, timeout> URIs *)
(fun name ->