open NTacStatus
open Continuationals.Stack
-let debug = false
+let debug = true
let pp =
if debug then (fun x -> prerr_endline (Lazy.force x)) else (fun _ -> ())
let default_pattern = "",0,(None,[],Some CicNotationPt.UserInput);;
(* returns the discrimination = injection+contradiction principle *)
-(* FIXME: mi riservo di considerare tipi con parametri sx alla fine *)
-let mk_discriminator it nleft status =
+let mk_discriminator it ~use_jmeq nleft xyty status =
let _,indname,_,cl = it in
let mk_eq tys ts us es n =
+ if use_jmeq then
+ mk_appl [mk_id "jmeq";
+ CicNotationPt.Implicit `JustOne; List.nth ts n;
+ CicNotationPt.Implicit `JustOne; List.nth us n]
+ else
(* eqty = Tn u0 e0...un-1 en-1 *)
let eqty = mk_appl
(List.nth tys n :: iter (fun i acc ->
List.nth es i:: acc) (n-1) []) in
mk_appl [mk_id "eq"; eqty;
mk_appl (mk_id ("R" ^ string_of_int n) :: params);
- List.nth us n]
+ List.nth us n]
let kname it j =
let nargs = nargs it nleft i in
let es = (fun x -> mk_id ("e" ^ string_of_int x)) (HExtlib.list_seq 0 nargs) in
let tys =
- (fun x -> CicNotationPt.Implicit (`Tagged ("T" ^ (string_of_int x))))
- (HExtlib.list_seq 0 nargs) in
+ (fun x -> iter
+ (fun i acc ->
+ CicNotationPt.Binder (`Lambda, (mk_id ("x" ^ string_of_int i), None),
+ CicNotationPt.Binder (`Lambda, (mk_id ("p" ^ string_of_int i), None),
+ acc))) (x-1)
+ (CicNotationPt.Implicit (`Tagged ("T" ^ (string_of_int x)))))
+ (HExtlib.list_seq 0 nargs) in
let tys = tys @
[iter (fun i acc ->
CicNotationPt.Binder (`Lambda, (mk_id ("x" ^ string_of_int i), None),
List.combine ts nones),
inner i ts)
(HExtlib.list_seq 0 (List.length cl))) in
- let principle = CicNotationPt.Binder (`Lambda, (mk_id "x", (*Some (mk_id indname)*) None),
- CicNotationPt.Binder (`Lambda, (mk_id "y", (*Some (mk_id indname)*) None), outer))
+ let principle = CicNotationPt.Binder (`Lambda, (mk_id "x", Some xyty),
+ CicNotationPt.Binder (`Lambda, (mk_id "y", Some xyty), outer))
pp (lazy ("discriminator = " ^ (CicNotationPp.pp_term principle)));
let discriminate_tac ~context cur_eq status =
pp (lazy (Printf.sprintf "discriminate: equation %s" (name_of_rel ~context cur_eq)));
- let dbranch it leftno consno =
+ let dbranch it ~use_jmeq leftno consno =
+ let refl_id = mk_id (if use_jmeq then "refl_jmeq" else "refl") in
pp (lazy (Printf.sprintf "dbranch %d %d" leftno consno));
let nlist = HExtlib.list_seq 0 (nargs it leftno consno) in
(* (\forall ...\forall P.\forall DH : ( ... = ... -> P). P) *)
NTactics.intro_tac "P";
NTactics.intro_tac "DH";
NTactics.apply_tac ("",0,mk_id "DH");
- NTactics.apply_tac ("",0,mk_id "refl");
+ NTactics.apply_tac ("",0,refl_id); (* well, it works even if no goal is selected after applying DH... *)
] in
- let dbranches it leftno =
+ let dbranches it ~use_jmeq leftno =
pp (lazy (Printf.sprintf "dbranches %d" leftno));
let _,_,_,cl = it in
let nbranches = List.length cl in
let branches = iter (fun n acc ->
let m = nbranches - n - 1 in
- if m = 0 then acc @ (dbranch it leftno m)
- else acc @ NTactics.shift_tac :: (dbranch it
+ if m = 0 then acc @ (dbranch it ~use_jmeq leftno m)
+ else acc @ NTactics.shift_tac :: (dbranch it ~use_jmeq
leftno m))
(nbranches-1) [] in
if nbranches > 1 then
let _,ctx' = HExtlib.split_nth cur_eq context in
let status, s = NTacStatus.whd status ctx' (mk_cic_term ctx' s) in
let status, s = term_of_cic_term status s ctx' in
- let status, leftno, it =
- let it, t1, t2 = match s with
- | NCic.Appl [_;it;t1;t2] -> it,t1,t2
+ let status, leftno, it, use_jmeq =
+ let it, t1, t2, use_jmeq = match s with
+ | NCic.Appl [_;it;t1;t2] -> it,t1,t2,false
+ | NCic.Appl [_;it;t1;_;t2] -> it,t1,t2,true
| _ -> assert false in
(* XXX: serve? ho giĆ fatto whd *)
let status, it = whd status ctx' (mk_cic_term ctx' it) in
| _ -> pp (lazy ("discriminate: indty =" ^ NCicPp.ppterm
~metasenv:[] ~subst:[] ~context:[] it)) ; assert false in
let _,leftno,its,_,_ = its in
- status, leftno, List.nth its indtyno
+ status, leftno, List.nth its indtyno, use_jmeq
let itnargs =
List.length (arg_list 0 arity) in
let _,itname,_,_ = it in
let params = (fun x -> "a" ^ string_of_int x) (HExtlib.list_seq 1 (itnargs+1)) in
+ let xyty = mk_appl ( mk_id (itname::params)) in
let print_tac s status = pp s ; status in
NTactics.block_tac (
[(fun status ->
- let status, discr = mk_discriminator it leftno status in
- NTactics.cut_tac ("",0, mk_prods params (CicNotationPt.Binder (`Forall, (mk_id "x",
- Some (mk_appl ( mk_id (itname::params)))),
- CicNotationPt.Binder (`Forall, (mk_id "y", None),
+ let status, discr = mk_discriminator it ~use_jmeq leftno xyty status in
+ let cut_term = mk_prods params (CicNotationPt.Binder (`Forall, (mk_id "x",
+ Some xyty),
+ CicNotationPt.Binder (`Forall, (mk_id "y", Some xyty),
CicNotationPt.Binder (`Forall, (mk_id "e",
Some (mk_appl [mk_id "eq";CicNotationPt.Implicit `JustOne; mk_id "x"; mk_id "y"])),
- mk_appl [discr; mk_id "x"; mk_id "y"(*;mk_id "e"*)])))))
+ mk_appl [discr; mk_id "x"; mk_id "y"(*;mk_id "e"*)])))) in
+ let status = print_tac (lazy ("cut_term = "^ CicNotationPp.pp_term cut_term)) status in
+ NTactics.cut_tac ("",0, cut_term)
print_tac (lazy "ci sono");
print_tac (lazy "ci sono 2");
NTactics.rewrite_tac ~dir:`RightToLeft ~what:("",0,mk_id "Deq") ~where:default_pattern;
NTactics.cases_tac ~what:("",0,mk_id "x") ~where:default_pattern]
- @ dbranches it leftno @
+ @ dbranches it ~use_jmeq leftno @
print_tac (lazy "ci sono 3");
NTactics.intro_tac "#discriminate";
[mk_id eq_name ]));
NTactics.reduce_tac ~reduction:(`Normalize true) ~where:default_pattern;
NTactics.clear_tac ["#discriminate"];
- NTactics.merge_tac]
+ NTactics.merge_tac; print_tac (lazy "the end of discriminate")]
) status
let status, s = term_of_cic_term status s ctx' in
pp (lazy (Printf.sprintf "subst: equation %s" eq_name));
let l, r = match s with
- | NCic.Appl [_;_;t1;t2] -> t1,t2
+ | NCic.Appl [_;_;t1;t2] | NCic.Appl [_;_;t1;_;t2] -> t1,t2
| _ -> assert false in
let var = match dir with
| `LeftToRight -> l
| `RightToLeft -> r in
- let var = match var with
+ (* let var = match var with
| NCic.Rel i -> i
- | _ -> assert false in
+ | _ -> assert false in *)
let names_to_gen, _ =
- cascade_select_in_ctx ~subst:(get_subst status) context (var+cur_eq) in
+ match var with
+ | NCic.Rel var ->
+ cascade_select_in_ctx ~subst:(get_subst status) context (var+cur_eq)
+ | _ -> cascade_select_in_ctx ~subst:(get_subst status) context cur_eq in
let names_to_gen = List.filter (fun n -> n <> eq_name) names_to_gen in
let gen_tac x =
let _,ctx' = HExtlib.split_nth cur_eq context in
let status, s = NTacStatus.whd status ctx' (mk_cic_term ctx' s) in
let status, s = term_of_cic_term status s ctx' in
+ let streicher_id =
+ match s with
+ | NCic.Appl [_;_;_;_] -> mk_id "streicherK"
+ | NCic.Appl [_;_;_;_;_] -> mk_id "streicherKjmeq"
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
pp (lazy (Printf.sprintf "clearid: equation %s" eq_name));
let names_to_gen, _ =
cascade_select_in_ctx ~subst:(get_subst status) context cur_eq in
~where:("",0,(Some (mk_id x),[], Some CicNotationPt.UserInput)) in
NTactics.block_tac (( gen_tac names_to_gen)@
[NTactics.clear_tac names_to_gen;
- NTactics.apply_tac ("",0, mk_appl [mk_id "streicherK";
+ NTactics.apply_tac ("",0, mk_appl [streicher_id;
CicNotationPt.Implicit `JustOne;
CicNotationPt.Implicit `JustOne;
CicNotationPt.Implicit `JustOne;
let newprods = nargs it nleft (ki-1) in
`Discriminate (newprods, false)
| NCic.Rel j, _
- when NCicTypeChecker.does_not_occur ~subst ctx' (j-1) j r ->
- `Subst `LeftToRight
+ when NCicTypeChecker.does_not_occur ~subst ctx' (j-1) j r
+ && l = NCic.Rel j -> `Subst `LeftToRight
| _, NCic.Rel j
- when NCicTypeChecker.does_not_occur ~subst ctx' (j-1) j l ->
- `Subst `RightToLeft
- | (NCic.Rel _, _ | _, NCic.Rel _ ) -> `Cycle
+ when NCicTypeChecker.does_not_occur ~subst ctx' (j-1) j l
+ && r = NCic.Rel j -> `Subst `RightToLeft
+ | (NCic.Rel _, _ | _, NCic.Rel _ ) -> `Cycle (* could be a blob too... *)
| _ -> `Blob) in
let rec aux i =
let status, ty = NTacStatus.whd status ctx_ty (mk_cic_term ctx_ty ty) in
let status, ty = term_of_cic_term status ty ctx_ty in
pp (lazy (Printf.sprintf "select_eq tries %s" (NCicPp.ppterm ~context:ctx_ty ~subst:[] ~metasenv:[] ty)));
- match ty with
- | NCic.Appl [NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (u,_)) ;_;l;r] when NUri.name_of_uri u = "eq" ->
- (let status, kind = classify ~subst:(get_subst status) ctx_ty l r in
- match kind with
- | `Identity ->
- let status, goalty = term_of_cic_term status (get_goalty status goal) ctx in
- status, Some (List.length ctx - i), kind
- | `Cycle | `Blob -> aux (i+1) (* XXX: skip cyclic/blob equations for now *)
- | _ ->
- if (List.for_all (fun x -> x <> n) acc) then
- status, Some (List.length ctx - i), kind
- else aux (i+1))
- | _ -> aux (i+1))
+ let status, kind = match ty with
+ | NCic.Appl [NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (u,_)) ;_;l;r]
+ when NUri.name_of_uri u = "eq" ->
+ classify ~subst:(get_subst status) ctx_ty l r
+ | NCic.Appl [NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (u,_)) ;lty;l;rty;r]
+ when NUri.name_of_uri u = "jmeq" &&
+ NCicReduction.are_convertible ~metasenv:[]
+ ~subst:(get_subst status) ctx_ty lty rty
+ -> classify ~subst:(get_subst status) ctx_ty l r
+ | _ -> status, `NonEq
+ in match kind with
+ | `Identity ->
+ let status, goalty = term_of_cic_term status (get_goalty status goal) ctx in
+ status, Some (List.length ctx - i), kind
+ | `Cycle | `Blob | `NonEq -> aux (i+1) (* XXX: skip cyclic/blob equations for now *)
+ | _ ->
+ if (List.for_all (fun x -> x <> n) acc) then
+ status, Some (List.length ctx - i), kind
+ else aux (i+1))
with Failure _ | Invalid_argument _ -> status, None, `Blob
in aux 0
| Some cur_eq, `Blob ->
pp (lazy (Printf.sprintf "destruct: blob - nprods is %d, selection is %d, context is %s" nprods cur_eq (NCicPp.ppcontext ~metasenv:[] ~subst ctx)));
assert false
+ | _ -> assert false
let destruct_tac s = NTactics.distribute_tac (destruct_tac0 0 []) s;;