* http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
-(* $Id$ *)
let debug = true;;
let debug_print s = if debug then prerr_endline (Lazy.force s);;
let compare w1 w2 =
match w1, w2 with
| (m1, _), (m2, _) -> m2 - m1
- in
+ in
(w, List.sort compare l) (* from the biggest meta to the smallest (0) *)
else if hdiff > 0 then Gt
else Eq (* Incomparable *)
| (m, _, 0) ->
+ if diffs < (- hdiff) then Lt
+ else if diffs = (- hdiff) then Le else Incomparable
if hdiff <= 0 then
if m > 0 || hdiff < 0 then Lt
else if diffs >= (- hdiff) then Le else Incomparable
- if diffs >= (- hdiff) then Le else Incomparable
+ if diffs >= (- hdiff) then Le else Incomparable *)
| (0, _, m) ->
+ if (- hdiff) < diffs then Gt
+ else if (- hdiff) = diffs then Ge else Incomparable
if hdiff >= 0 then
if m > 0 || hdiff > 0 then Gt
else if (- diffs) >= hdiff then Ge else Incomparable
- if (- diffs) >= hdiff then Ge else Incomparable
+ if (- diffs) >= hdiff then Ge else Incomparable *)
| (m, _, n) when m > 0 && n > 0 ->
| _ -> assert false
let nonrec_kbo t1 t2 =
let w1 = weight_of_term t1 in
let w2 = weight_of_term t2 in
+ (*
+ prerr_endline ("weight1 :"^(string_of_weight w1));
+ prerr_endline ("weight2 :"^(string_of_weight w2));
+ *)
match compare_weights ~normalize:true w1 w2 with
| Le -> if aux_ordering t1 t2 = Lt then Lt else Incomparable
| Ge -> if aux_ordering t1 t2 = Gt then Gt else Incomparable
(* settable by the user... *)
-(* let compare_terms = ref nonrec_kbo;; *)
-let compare_terms = ref ao;;
+let compare_terms = ref nonrec_kbo;;
+(* let compare_terms = ref ao;; *)
let guarded_simpl context t =
let t' = ProofEngineReduction.simpl context t in