type text_out_spec = {out : string -> unit;
+ sep : string;
path : (string -> unit) -> M.path -> unit;
- query : (string -> unit) -> string -> M.query -> unit;
+ query : (string -> unit) -> string -> M.query -> unit;
result : (string -> unit) -> string -> M.result -> unit
let std o =
{s_out = o.out; s_path = o.path o.out;
- s_query = o.query o.out ""; s_result = o.result o.out "\n"
+ s_query = o.query o.out o.sep; s_result = o.result o.out o.sep
let out_txt2 o n x1 x2 =
type text_out_spec = {out : string -> unit;
+ sep : string;
path : (string -> unit) -> MathQL.path -> unit;
query : (string -> unit) -> string -> MathQL.query -> unit;
result : (string -> unit) -> string -> MathQL.result -> unit
| _ -> []
exec ("select " ^ pg_cols ^ " from " ^ table ^ pg_where ^
- " order by " ^ List.hd cols ^ " asc")
+ " order by " ^ List.hd cols ^ " asc") (* desc *)
(* Galax backend ***********************************************************)
(* Common functions ********************************************************)
-let pg_result distinct subj el res =
- let res, compose =
- if distinct then List.rev res, U.append_iter else res, U.iter
- in
+let pg_result subj el res =
let get_name = function (p, None) -> p | (_, Some p) -> p in
let names = List.map get_name el in
let mk_grp l = U.grp_iter2 I.grp_make names l in
if subj = "" then I.make "" (mk_grp l)
else I.make (List.hd l) (mk_grp (List.tl l))
- compose mk_avs res
+ U.iter mk_avs res
let get_table h mc ct cfl el =
let aux_c ts (_, p, _) = A.refine_tables ts (C.tables h p) in
let cols = if first = "" then other_cols else first :: other_cols in
let low_level = if C.set h C.Galax then gx_query else pg_query in
let result = low_level h (C.resolve h table) cols cons_true cons_false in
- pg_result false first el result
+ pg_result first el result
let deadline = 100
let text_of_result out sep x =
let txt_attr _ p l b =
txt_path out p;
- if l <> [] then begin
- out " = "; P.flat_list out (txt_str out) ", " l
+ begin match l with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | [s] -> out " = "; txt_str out s
+ | l -> out " = {"; P.flat_list out (txt_str out) ", " l; out "}"
- if b then out ("; " ^ sep)
+ if b then out ("; ")
let txt_group l = out "{"; I.x_grp_iter txt_attr () l; out "}" in
let txt_res _ s l b =
txt_str out s;
if l <> [] then begin
- out " = "; P.flat_list out txt_group ", " l
+ out " attr "; P.flat_list out txt_group ", " l
- if b then out "; "
+ if b then out ("; " ^ sep)
I.x_iter txt_res () x; out sep
| M.From av -> txt_avar av
and txt_set = function
| M.Fun (p, pl, xl) ->
- let o = {L.out = out; L.path = txt_path;
+ let o = {L.out = out; L.sep = ""; L.path = txt_path;
L.query = text_of_query; L.result = text_of_result
txt_set x; out sep
let text_out_spec out sep =
- {L.out = out; L.path = txt_path;
+ {L.out = out; L.sep = sep; L.path = txt_path;
L.query = text_of_query; L.result = text_of_result
let rec eval_query c = function
| M.Const r ->
let aux2 s g = I.make s (eval_list c g) in
- let aux (s, gl) = U.iter (aux2 s) gl in
+ let aux (s, gl) =
+ if gl = [] then U.avs_of_string s else U.iter (aux2 s) gl
+ in
c, U.iter aux r
| M.Dot (i, p) ->
d, f r s
let d, r = eval_query c x1 in
- I.x_iter for_aux (d, I.empty) r
+ I.x_iter for_aux (d, I.empty) (I.optimize r)
| M.While (k, x1, x2) ->
let f = match k with
| M.GenFJoin -> I.union
let f = if b then I.d_union else I.union in
let agl = eval_grp c z in
let aux r sj gl _ =
- I.append (f (U.make_x sj gl) (U.make_x sj agl)) r
+ I.union r (f (U.make_x sj gl) (U.make_x sj agl))
let _, r = eval_query c x in
- c, I.x_iter aux I.empty r
+ c, I.x_iter aux I.empty (I.optimize r)
| M.Property (q0, q1, q2, mc, ct, cfl, el, pat, y) ->
let _, r = eval_query c y in
let subj, mct =
let aux (d, r) sj gl _ =
let d = {d with avars = P.add_assoc (i, (sj, gl)) d.avars} in
let d, s = eval_query d y in
- if s = U.val_false then d, r else d, (I.append (U.make_x sj gl) r)
+ if s = U.val_false then d, r else d, (I.union r (U.make_x sj gl))
let d, r = eval_query c x in
- I.x_iter aux (d, I.empty) r
+ I.x_iter aux (d, I.empty) (I.optimize r)
| M.Fun (p, pl, xl) ->
let e = {L.eval = (fun x -> snd (eval_query c x)); L.conn = h} in
c, L.fun_eval e (F.text_out_spec (C.log h) "\n") F.text_in_spec
| [x] ->
let rs = ref "" in
let out s = rs := ! rs ^ s in
- o.L.result out " " (e.L.eval x);
+ o.L.result out "" (e.L.eval x);
I.make ! rs I.grp_empty
| _ -> assert false
let c = String.length v in
if c < l then String.make (l - c) ' ' ^ v else v
- let aux l r s gl _ = I.append r (U.make_x (aux2 l s) gl) in
+ let aux l r s gl _ = I.union r (U.make_x (aux2 l s) gl) in
let arity_p = L.Const 0 in
let arity_s = L.Const 2 in
let body e _ _ _ = function
| [y; x] ->
let l = U.int_of_avs (e.L.eval y) in
- I.x_iter (aux l) I.empty (e.L.eval x)
+ I.x_iter (aux l) I.empty (I.optimize (e.L.eval x))
| _ -> assert false
let txt_out o _ = function
let keep_fun b =
let aux2 s l a q v _ =
- if List.mem q l = b then a else I.union a (I.make s (U.grp_make_x q v))
+ I.union a (I.make s
+ (if List.mem q l = b then I.grp_empty else U.grp_make_x q v)
+ )
let aux l a s gl _ =
- I.append a (
+ I.union a (
if l = [] then I.make s I.grp_empty else
U.iter (I.x_grp_iter (aux2 s l) I.empty) gl)
let arity_s = L.Const 1 in
let body e _ _ pl xl =
match b, pl, xl with
- | true, [], [x] -> e.L.eval x
- | _, l, [x] -> I.x_iter (aux l) I.empty (e.L.eval x)
- | _ -> assert false
+ | true, [], [x] -> e.L.eval x
+ | _, l, [x] -> I.x_iter (aux l) I.empty (I.optimize (e.L.eval x))
+ | _ -> assert false
let txt_out o pl xl =
match pl, xl with
- | path BE strs { U.grp_make_x $1 $3 }
- | path { U.grp_make_x $1 [] }
+ | path BE STR { U.grp_make_x $1 [$3] }
+ | path BE LC strs RC { U.grp_make_x $1 $4 }
| attr SC attrs { I.grp_union $1 $3 }