inductive And3 (A,B,C:CProp) : CProp ≝
| Conj3 : A → B → C → And3 A B C.
-notation < "a ∧ b ∧ c" left associative with precedence 35 for @{'and3 $a $b $c}.
+notation < "a ∧ b ∧ c" with precedence 35 for @{'and3 $a $b $c}.
interpretation "constructive ternary and" 'and3 x y z = (Conj3 x y z).
inductive And4 (A,B,C,D:CProp) : CProp ≝
| Conj4 : A → B → C → D → And4 A B C D.
-notation < "a ∧ b ∧ c ∧ d" left associative with precedence 35 for @{'and4 $a $b $c $d}.
+notation < "a ∧ b ∧ c ∧ d" with precedence 35 for @{'and4 $a $b $c $d}.
interpretation "constructive quaternary and" 'and4 x y z t = (Conj4 x y z t).
∀i:nat.∃j:nat.spec i j));unfold spec in aux ⊢ %;
[1: apply (H2 pred nP);
|4: unfold X in H2; clear H4 n aux spec H3 H1 H X;
- generalize in match H2;
- generalize in match Hs;
- generalize in match a;
- clear H2 Hs a; cases u; intros (a Hs H);
- [1: left; split; [apply le_n]
+ cases u in H2 Hs a ⊢ %; intros (a Hs H);
+ [1: left; split; [apply le_n]
generalize in match H;
generalize in match Hs;
rewrite > (?:s = O);
apply (trans_le ??? (os_le_to_nat_le ?? H1));
apply le_plus_n_r;]
|2,3: clear H6;
- generalize in match H5; clear H5; cases (aux n1); intros;
+ cases (aux n1) in H5 ⊢ %; intros;
change in match (a 〈w,H5〉) in H6 ⊢ % with (a w);
cases H5; clear H5; cases H7; clear H7;
[1: left; split; [ apply (le_S ?? H5); | assumption]
alias symbol "pair" = "dependent pair".
theorem nat_lebesgue_oc:
- ∀a:sequence ℕ.∀l,u:nat_ordered_uniform_space.∀H:∀i:nat.a i ∈ [l,u].
+ ∀a:sequence ℕ.∀l,u:ℕ.∀H:∀i:nat.a i ∈ [l,u].
∀x:ℕ.a order_converges x →
x ∈ [l,u] ∧
∀h:x ∈ [l,u].
∀O:ordered_set.∀u,v:O.{[u,v]} square → (bishop_set_of_ordered_set O) square ≝
λO:ordered_set.λu,v:O.λb:{[u,v]} square.〈fst(fst b),fst(snd b)〉.
-notation < "x \sub \neq" left associative with precedence 91 for @{'bsss $x}.
+notation < "x \sub \neq" with precedence 91 for @{'bsss $x}.
interpretation "bs_of_ss" 'bsss x = (bs_of_ss _ _ _ x).
alias symbol "square" (instance 7) = "ordered set square".
λb:(O:bishop_set) square.λH1,H2.〈〈fst b,H1〉,〈snd b,H2〉〉.
-notation < "x \sub \nleq" left associative with precedence 91 for @{'ssbs $x}.
+notation < "x \sub \nleq" with precedence 91 for @{'ssbs $x}.
interpretation "ss_of_bs" 'ssbs x = (ss_of_bs _ _ _ x _ _).
lemma segment_ordered_uniform_space:
intros; lapply (H5 i j) as H14;
[2: apply (max_le_l ??? H6);|3:apply (max_le_l ??? H7);]
cases (le_to_or_lt_eq ?? H10); [2: destruct H11; destruct H4; assumption]
- generalize in match H6; generalize in match H7;
- cases (aux n1); simplify in ⊢ (? (? ? %) ?→? (? ? %) ?→?); intros;
- apply H12; [3: apply le_S_S_to_le; assumption]
+ cases (aux n1) in H6 H7 ⊢ %; simplify in ⊢ (? (? ? %) ?→? (? ? %) ?→?); intros;
+ apply H6; [3: apply le_S_S_to_le; assumption]
apply lt_to_le; apply (max_le_r w1); assumption;
|4: intros; clear H6; rewrite > H4 in H5;
rewrite < (le_n_O_to_eq ? H11); apply H5; assumption;]
coercion cic:/matita/dama/sequence/fun_of_seq.con 1.
-notation < "hvbox((\lfloor p \rfloor) \sub ident i)"
- left associative with precedence 70
+notation < "hvbox((\lfloor p \rfloor) \sub ident i)" with precedence 70
for @{ 'sequence (\lambda ${ident i} : $t . $p)}.
-notation > "hvbox((\lfloor p \rfloor) \sub ident i)"
- left associative with precedence 70
+notation > "hvbox((\lfloor p \rfloor) \sub ident i)" with precedence 70
for @{ 'sequence (\lambda ${ident i} . $p)}.
-notation > "hvbox(\lfloor ident i, p \rfloor)"
- left associative with precedence 70
+notation > "hvbox(\lfloor ident i, p \rfloor)" with precedence 70
for @{ 'sequence (\lambda ${ident i} . $p)}.
notation "a \sub i" left associative with precedence 70
λC:bishop_set.λU:C square → Prop.
λx:C square. U 〈snd x,fst x〉.
-notation < "s \sup (-1)" left associative with precedence 70
- for @{ 'invert $s }.
-notation < "s \sup (-1) x" left associative with precedence 70
+notation < "s \sup (-1)" with precedence 70 for @{ 'invert $s }.
+notation < "s \sup (-1) x" with precedence 70
for @{ 'invert_appl $s $x}.
-notation > "'inv'" right associative with precedence 70
- for @{ 'invert_symbol }.
+notation > "'inv'" with precedence 70 for @{ 'invert_symbol }.
interpretation "relation invertion" 'invert a = (invert_bs_relation _ a).
interpretation "relation invertion" 'invert_symbol = (invert_bs_relation _).
interpretation "relation invertion" 'invert_appl a x = (invert_bs_relation _ a x).