#x #y #z #H @nmk (elim H) -H /3/
+theorem arith4: ∀x,y. S x ≰ y → x≠y → y < x.
+#x #y #H1 #H2 lapply (not_le_to_lt … H1) -H1 #H1 @not_eq_to_le_to_lt /2/
+theorem arith5: ∀x,y. x < y → S (y - 1) ≰ x.
+#x #y #H @lt_to_not_le <minus_Sn_m /2/
(* lists **********************************************************************)
(* all(P,l) holds when P holds for all members of l *)
lift (Prod N M) k p = Prod (lift N k p) (lift M (k + 1) p).
// qed.
-(* telescopic non-delifting substitution of l in M.
- * [this is the telescoping delifting substitution lifted by |l|]
+theorem subst_app: ∀M,N,k,L. (App M N)[k≝L] = App M[k≝L] N[k≝L].
+// qed.
+theorem subst_lambda: ∀N,M,k,L. (Lambda N M)[k≝L] = Lambda N[k≝L] M[k+1≝L].
+// qed.
+theorem subst_prod: ∀N,M,k,L. (Prod N M)[k≝L] = Prod N[k≝L] M[k+1≝L].
+// qed.
+(* telescopic delifting substitution of l in M.
* Rel 0 is replaced with the head of l
-let rec substc M l on l ≝ match l with
- [ nil ⇒ M
- | cons A D ⇒ (lift (substc M[0≝A] D) 0 1)
+let rec tsubst M l on l ≝ match l with
+ [ nil ⇒ M
+ | cons A D ⇒ (tsubst M[0≝A] D)
-interpretation "Substc" 'Subst1 M l = (substc M l).
-(* this is just to test that substitution works as expected
-theorem test1: ∀A,B,C. (App (App (Rel 0) (Rel 1)) (Rel 2))[A::B::C::nil ?] =
- App (App (lift A 0 1) (lift B 0 2)) (lift C 0 3).
-#A #B #C normalize
->lift_0 >lift_0 >lift_0
+interpretation "telescopic substitution" 'Subst1 M l = (tsubst M l).
-theorem substc_refl: ∀l,t. (lift t 0 (|l|))[l] = (lift t 0 (|l|)).
-#l (elim l) -l (normalize) // #A #D #IHl #t cut (S (|D|) = |D| + 1) // (**) (* eliminate cut *)
+theorem tsubst_refl: ∀l,t. (lift t 0 (|l|))[l] = t.
+#l (elim l) -l (normalize) // #hd #tl #IHl #t cut (S (|tl|) = |tl| + 1) // (**) (* eliminate cut *)
-theorem substc_sort: ∀n,l. (Sort n)[l] = Sort n.
+theorem tsubst_sort: ∀n,l. (Sort n)[l] = Sort n.
--- /dev/null
+(* ___ *)
+(* ||M|| *)
+(* ||A|| A project by Andrea Asperti *)
+(* ||T|| *)
+(* ||I|| Developers: *)
+(* ||T|| The HELM team. *)
+(* ||A|| http://helm.cs.unibo.it *)
+(* \ / *)
+(* \ / This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* v GNU General Public License Version 2 *)
+(* *)
+include "lambda/rc_sat.ma".
+(* HIGHER ORDER REDUCIBILITY CANDIDATES ***************************************)
+(* An arity is a type of λ→ to be used as carrier for a h.o. r.c. *)
+inductive ARITY: Type[0] ≝
+(* The type of the higher order r.c.'s having a given carrier.
+ * a h.o. r.c is implemented as an inductively defined metalinguistic function
+ * [ a CIC function in the present case ].
+ *)
+let rec HRC P ≝ match P with
+ [ SORT ⇒ RC
+ | IMPL Q P ⇒ HRC Q → HRC P
+ ].
+(* The default h.o r.c.
+ * This is needed to complete the partial interpretation of types.
+ *)
+let rec defHRC P ≝ match P return λP. HRC P with
+ [ SORT ⇒ snRC
+ | IMPL Q P ⇒ λ_. defHRC P
+ ].
+(* extensional equality *******************************************************)
+(* This is the extensional equalty of functions
+ * modulo the extensional equality on the domain.
+ * The functions may not respect extensional equality so reflexivity fails.
+ *)
+let rec hrceq P ≝ match P return λP. HRC P → HRC P → Prop with
+ [ SORT ⇒ λC1,C2. C1 ≅ C2
+ | IMPL Q P ⇒ λC1,C2. ∀B1,B2. hrceq Q B1 B2 → hrceq P (C1 B1) (C2 B2)
+ ].
+ "extensional equality (h.o. reducibility candidate)"
+ 'Eq1 P C1 C2 = (hrceq P C1 C2).
+lemma symmetric_hrceq: ∀P. symmetric ? (hrceq P).
+#P (elim P) -P /4/
+lemma transitive_hrceq: ∀P. transitive ? (hrceq P).
+#P (elim P) -P /5/
+lemma reflexive_defHRC: ∀P. defHRC P ≅^P defHRC P.
+#P (elim P) -P (normalize) /2/