exception Parse_error of string
+type tactic = (CicAst.term, string) TacticAst.tactic
+type tactical = (CicAst.term, string) TacticAst.tactic TacticAst.tactical
+type command = CicAst.term CommandAst.command
+type script = CicAst.term CommandAst.Script.script
let choice_of_uri (uri: string) =
let cic = HelmLibraryObjects.term_of_uri (UriManager.uri_of_string uri) in
(uri, (fun _ _ _ -> cic))
let tactic = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "tactic"
let tactical = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "tactical"
let tactical0 = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "tactical0"
+let command = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "command"
+let script = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "script"
let return_term loc term = CicAst.AttributedTerm (`Loc loc, term)
let return_tactic loc tactic = TacticAst.LocatedTactic (loc, tactic)
let return_tactical loc tactical = TacticAst.LocatedTactical (loc, tactical)
+let return_command loc cmd = cmd
+let return_script loc script = script
let fail (x, y) msg =
failwith (Printf.sprintf "Error at characters %d - %d: %s" x y msg)
| s -> Cic.Name s
- GLOBAL: term term0 tactic tactical tactical0;
+ GLOBAL: term term0 tactic tactical tactical0 command script;
int: [
[ num = NUM ->
| "whd" -> `Whd ]
tactic: [
- [ IDENT "absurd" -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Absurd
- | IDENT "apply"; t = tactic_term -> return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Apply t)
- | IDENT "assumption" -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Assumption
- | IDENT "change"; t1 = tactic_term; "with"; t2 = tactic_term;
+ [ [ IDENT "absurd" | IDENT "Absurd" ] -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Absurd
+ | [ IDENT "apply" | IDENT "Apply" ];
+ t = tactic_term -> return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Apply t)
+ | [ IDENT "assumption" | IDENT "Assumption" ] ->
+ return_tactic loc TacticAst.Assumption
+ | [ IDENT "change" | IDENT "Change" ];
+ t1 = tactic_term; "with"; t2 = tactic_term;
where = tactic_where ->
return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Change (t1, t2, where))
(* TODO Change_pattern *)
- | IDENT "contradiction" -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Contradiction
- | IDENT "cut"; t = tactic_term -> return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Cut t)
- | IDENT "decompose"; principles = ident_list1; where = IDENT ->
+ | [ IDENT "contradiction" | IDENT "Contradiction" ] ->
+ return_tactic loc TacticAst.Contradiction
+ | [ IDENT "cut" | IDENT "Cut" ];
+ t = tactic_term -> return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Cut t)
+ | [ IDENT "decompose" | IDENT "Decompose" ];
+ principles = ident_list1; where = IDENT ->
return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Decompose (where, principles))
- | IDENT "discriminate"; hyp = IDENT ->
+ | [ IDENT "discriminate" | IDENT "Discriminate" ];
+ hyp = IDENT ->
return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Discriminate hyp)
- | IDENT "elim"; IDENT "type"; t = tactic_term ->
+ | [ IDENT "elim" | IDENT "Elim" ]; IDENT "type";
+ t = tactic_term ->
return_tactic loc (TacticAst.ElimType t)
- | IDENT "elim"; t1 = tactic_term;
+ | [ IDENT "elim" | IDENT "Elim" ];
+ t1 = tactic_term;
using = OPT [ "using"; using = tactic_term -> using ] ->
return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Elim (t1, using))
- | IDENT "exact"; t = tactic_term -> return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Exact t)
- | IDENT "exists" -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Exists
- | IDENT "fold"; kind = reduction_kind; t = tactic_term ->
+ | [ IDENT "exact" | IDENT "Exact" ]; t = tactic_term ->
+ return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Exact t)
+ | [ IDENT "exists" | IDENT "Exists" ] ->
+ return_tactic loc TacticAst.Exists
+ | [ IDENT "fold" | IDENT "Fold" ];
+ kind = reduction_kind; t = tactic_term ->
return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Fold (kind, t))
- | IDENT "fourier" -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Fourier
- | IDENT "injection"; ident = IDENT ->
+ | [ IDENT "fourier" | IDENT "Fourier" ] ->
+ return_tactic loc TacticAst.Fourier
+ | [ IDENT "injection" | IDENT "Injection" ]; ident = IDENT ->
return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Injection ident)
- | IDENT "intros";
+ | [ IDENT "intros" | IDENT "Intros" ];
num = OPT [ num = int -> num ];
idents = OPT ident_list0 ->
let idents = match idents with None -> [] | Some idents -> idents in
return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Intros (num, idents))
- | IDENT "left" -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Left
- | "let"; t = tactic_term; IDENT "in"; where = IDENT ->
+ | [ IDENT "left" | IDENT "Left" ] -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Left
+ | [ "let" | "Let" ];
+ t = tactic_term; IDENT "in"; where = IDENT ->
return_tactic loc (TacticAst.LetIn (t, where))
(* TODO Reduce *)
- | IDENT "reflexivity" -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Reflexivity
- | IDENT "replace"; t1 = tactic_term; "with"; t2 = tactic_term ->
+ | [ IDENT "reflexivity" | IDENT "Reflexivity" ] ->
+ return_tactic loc TacticAst.Reflexivity
+ | [ IDENT "replace" | IDENT "Replace" ];
+ t1 = tactic_term; "with"; t2 = tactic_term ->
return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Replace (t1, t2))
(* TODO Rewrite *)
(* TODO Replace_pattern *)
- | IDENT "right" -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Right
- | IDENT "ring" -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Ring
- | IDENT "split" -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Split
- | IDENT "symmetry" -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Symmetry
- | IDENT "transitivity"; t = tactic_term ->
+ | [ IDENT "right" | IDENT "Right" ] -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Right
+ | [ IDENT "ring" | IDENT "Ring" ] -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Ring
+ | [ IDENT "split" | IDENT "Split" ] -> return_tactic loc TacticAst.Split
+ | [ IDENT "symmetry" | IDENT "Symmetry" ] ->
+ return_tactic loc TacticAst.Symmetry
+ | [ IDENT "transitivity" | IDENT "Transitivity" ];
+ t = tactic_term ->
return_tactic loc (TacticAst.Transitivity t)
- tactical0 : [ [ t = tactical; SYMBOL "." -> t ] ];
+ tactical0: [ [ t = tactical; SYMBOL "." -> t ] ];
[ "sequence" LEFTA
[ tactics = LIST1 NEXT SEP SYMBOL ";" ->
return_tactical loc (TacticAst.Then (tac, tacs))
| "loops" RIGHTA
- [ IDENT "do"; count = int; tac = tactical ->
+ [ [ IDENT "do" | IDENT "Do" ]; count = int; tac = tactical ->
return_tactical loc (TacticAst.Do (count, tac))
- | IDENT "repeat"; tac = tactical ->
+ | [ IDENT "repeat" | IDENT "Repeat" ]; tac = tactical ->
return_tactical loc (TacticAst.Repeat tac)
| "simple" NONA
- [ IDENT "tries";
+ [ [ IDENT "tries" | IDENT "Tries" ];
PAREN "["; tacs = LIST0 tactical SEP SYMBOL ";"; PAREN "]" ->
return_tactical loc (TacticAst.Tries tacs)
- | IDENT "try"; tac = NEXT -> return_tactical loc (TacticAst.Try tac)
- | IDENT "fail" -> return_tactical loc TacticAst.Fail
- | IDENT "id" -> return_tactical loc TacticAst.IdTac
+ | [ IDENT "try" | IDENT "Try" ]; tac = NEXT ->
+ return_tactical loc (TacticAst.Try tac)
+ | [ IDENT "fail" | IDENT "Fail" ] -> return_tactical loc TacticAst.Fail
+ | [ IDENT "id" | IDENT "Id" ] -> return_tactical loc TacticAst.IdTac
| PAREN "("; tac = tactical; PAREN ")" -> return_tactical loc tac
| tac = tactic -> return_tactical loc (TacticAst.Tactic tac)
+ theorem_flavour: [ (* all flavours but Goal *)
+ [ [ IDENT "definition" | IDENT "Definition" ] -> `Definition
+ | [ IDENT "fact" | IDENT "Fact" ] -> `Fact
+ | [ IDENT "lemma" | IDENT "Lemma" ] -> `Lemma
+ | [ IDENT "remark" | IDENT "Remark" ] -> `Remark
+ | [ IDENT "theorem" | IDENT "Theorem" ] -> `Theorem
+(* | [ IDENT "goal" | IDENT "Goal" ] -> `Goal *)
+ ]
+ ];
+ theorem_cmd: [
+ [ flavour = theorem_flavour; name = OPT IDENT; SYMBOL ":"; typ = term;
+ body = OPT [ SYMBOL <:unicode<def>> (* ≝ *); body = term -> body ];
+ SYMBOL "." ->
+ (loc, flavour, name, typ, body)
+ | [ IDENT "goal" | IDENT "Goal" ]; typ = term;
+ body = OPT [ SYMBOL <:unicode<def>> (* ≝ *); body = term -> body ];
+ SYMBOL "." ->
+ (loc, `Goal, None, typ, body)
+ ]
+ ];
+ proof_cmd: [ [ [ IDENT "proof" | IDENT "Proof" ]; SYMBOL "." -> loc ] ];
+ qed_cmd: [
+ [ [ IDENT "qed" | IDENT "Qed" ]; SYMBOL "." -> (loc, None)
+ | [ IDENT "save" | IDENT "Save" ]; name = IDENT; SYMBOL "." ->
+ (loc, Some name)
+ ]
+ ];
+ command: [
+ [ (loc', flavour, name, typ, body) = theorem_cmd ->
+ return_command loc (CommandAst.Theorem (loc', flavour, name, typ, body))
+ | (loc') = proof_cmd -> return_command loc (CommandAst.Proof loc')
+ | (loc, name) = qed_cmd -> return_command loc (CommandAst.Qed (loc, name))
+ ]
+ ];
+ script_entry: [
+ [ theorem = theorem_cmd;
+ proof = OPT [
+ proof_cmd; tacticals = LIST1 tactical0; qed = qed_cmd ->
+ (tacticals, qed)
+ ] ->
+ let (loc', flavour, name', typ, body_verbatim) = theorem in
+ let name'' =
+ match proof with
+ | None | Some (_, (_, None)) -> None
+ | Some (_, (_, Some name)) -> Some name
+ in
+ let name =
+ match (name', name'') with
+ | Some name, None -> name
+ | None, Some name -> name
+ | None, None ->
+ Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc (Failure "theorem's name is missing")
+ | Some name', Some name'' when name' <> name'' ->
+ Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc (Failure (sprintf
+ "theorem's name mismatch: %s <> %s" name' name''))
+ | Some name, _ -> name
+ in
+ let body =
+ match (body_verbatim, proof) with
+ | Some term, None -> CommandAst.Script.Verbatim (loc', term)
+ | None, Some (tacticals, (loc'', _)) ->
+ CommandAst.Script.Tactics (loc'', tacticals)
+ | Some _, Some _ ->
+ Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc (Failure (sprintf
+ "theorem %s has too many proofs" name))
+ | None, None ->
+ Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc (Failure (sprintf
+ "theorem %s has no proof" name))
+ in
+ return_script loc (CommandAst.Script.Theorem (flavour, name, typ, body))
+ ]
+ ];
+ script: [ [ entries = LIST0 script_entry; EOI -> entries ] ];
-let parse_term stream =
+let exc_located_wrapper f =
- Grammar.Entry.parse term0 stream
+ Lazy.force f
with Stdpp.Exc_located ((x, y), exn) ->
raise (Parse_error (sprintf "parse error at characters %d-%d: %s" x y
(Printexc.to_string exn)))
+let parse_term stream =
+ exc_located_wrapper (lazy (Grammar.Entry.parse term0 stream))
let parse_tactic stream =
- try
- Grammar.Entry.parse tactic stream
- with Stdpp.Exc_located ((x, y), exn) ->
- raise (Parse_error (sprintf "parse error at characters %d-%d: %s" x y
- (Printexc.to_string exn)))
+ exc_located_wrapper (lazy (Grammar.Entry.parse tactic stream))
let parse_tactical stream =
- try
- Grammar.Entry.parse tactical0 stream
- with Stdpp.Exc_located ((x, y), exn) ->
- raise (Parse_error (sprintf "parse error at characters %d-%d: %s" x y
- (Printexc.to_string exn)))
+ exc_located_wrapper (lazy (Grammar.Entry.parse tactical0 stream))
+let parse_command stream =
+ exc_located_wrapper (lazy (Grammar.Entry.parse command stream))
+let parse_script stream =
+ exc_located_wrapper (lazy (Grammar.Entry.parse script stream))
(Printexc.to_string exn)))
+(* vim:set encoding=utf8: *)
(* let pp_tactical = TacticAstPp.pp_tactical *)
let pp_tactical = TacticAst2Box.tacticalPp
+let pp_command = CommandAst.pp_command
+let pp_script = CommandAst.pp_script
let _ =
| "term" -> mode := `Term
| "tactic" -> mode := `Tactic
| "tactical" -> mode := `Tactical
+ | "command" -> mode := `Command
+ | "script" -> mode := `Script
| _ ->
prerr_endline "What???????";
exit 1
let _ =
let ic = stdin in
- while true do
- try
- let line = input_line ic in
- let istream = Stream.of_string line in
- (match !mode with
- | `Term ->
- let term = CicTextualParser2.parse_term istream in
- print_endline (BoxPp.pp_term term)
- | `Tactic ->
- let term = CicTextualParser2.parse_tactic istream in
- print_endline (TacticAstPp.pp_tactic term)
- | `Tactical ->
- let term = CicTextualParser2.parse_tactical istream in
- print_endline (pp_tactical term)
- | `Alias ->
- let env = CicTextualParser2.EnvironmentP3.of_string line in
- print_endline (CicTextualParser2.EnvironmentP3.to_string env));
- flush stdout
- with
- | CicTextualParser2.Parse_error msg -> prerr_endline msg
- | Stdpp.Exc_located ((p_start, p_end), exn) ->
- prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "Exception at character %d-%d: %s"
- p_start p_end (Printexc.to_string exn))
- done
+ if !mode = `Script then begin
+ let script = CicTextualParser2.parse_script (Stream.of_channel ic) in
+ print_endline (pp_script script)
+ end else
+ while true do
+ try
+ let line = input_line ic in
+ let istream = Stream.of_string line in
+ (match !mode with
+ | `Term ->
+ let term = CicTextualParser2.parse_term istream in
+ print_endline (BoxPp.pp_term term)
+ | `Tactic ->
+ let tac = CicTextualParser2.parse_tactic istream in
+ print_endline (TacticAstPp.pp_tactic tac)
+ | `Tactical ->
+ let tac = CicTextualParser2.parse_tactical istream in
+ print_endline (pp_tactical tac)
+ | `Command ->
+ let cmd = CicTextualParser2.parse_command istream in
+ print_endline (pp_command cmd)
+ | `Script -> assert false (* catched above *)
+ | `Alias ->
+ let env = CicTextualParser2.EnvironmentP3.of_string line in
+ print_endline (CicTextualParser2.EnvironmentP3.to_string env));
+ flush stdout
+ with
+ | CicTextualParser2.Parse_error msg -> prerr_endline msg
+ (*
+ | Stdpp.Exc_located ((p_start, p_end), exn) ->
+ prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "Exception at character %d-%d: %s"
+ p_start p_end (Printexc.to_string exn))
+ *)
+ done
with End_of_file ->
close_in ic