type cic_term = NCic.conjecture (* name, context, term *)
let ctx_of (_,c,_) = c ;;
-let relocate context (name,ctx,t as term) =
- let is_prefix l1 l2 =
- let rec aux = function
- | [],[] -> true
- | x::xs, y::ys -> x=y && aux (xs,ys)
- | _ -> false
- in
- aux (List.rev l1, List.rev l2)
+let relocate status destination (name,source,t as orig) =
+ if source == destination then status, orig else
+ let rec lcp j i = function
+ | (n1, t1)::cl1, (n2, t2)::cl2 ->
+ if n1 = n2 && t1 = t2 then
+ NCic.Rel i :: lcp (j-1) (i-1) (cl1,cl2)
+ else
+ HExtlib.mk_list (NCic.Appl
+ [NCic.Sort NCic.Prop; NCic.Sort NCic.Prop]) j
+ | _::_, [] ->
+ HExtlib.mk_list (NCic.Appl
+ [NCic.Sort NCic.Prop; NCic.Sort NCic.Prop]) j
+ | _ -> []
- if ctx == context then term else
- if ctx = context then term else
- if is_prefix ctx context then
- (name, context,
- NCicSubstitution.lift (List.length context - List.length ctx) t)
- else
- assert false
+ let lc =
+ lcp (List.length destination) (List.length source)
+ (List.rev destination, List.rev source)
+ in
+ let lc = (0,NCic.Ctx (List.rev lc)) in
+ let u, d, metasenv, subst, o = status.pstatus in
+ let db = NCicUnifHint.db () in (* XXX fixme *)
+ let (metasenv, subst), t =
+ NCicMetaSubst.delift
+ ~unify:(fun m s c t1 t2 ->
+ try Some (NCicUnification.unify db m s c t1 t2)
+ with
+ | NCicUnification.UnificationFailure _
+ | NCicUnification.Uncertain _ -> None)
+ metasenv subst source 0 lc t
+ in
+ let status = { status with pstatus = u, d, metasenv, subst, o } in
+ status, (name, destination, t)
-let term_of_cic_term t c =
- let _,_,t = relocate c t in
- t
+let term_of_cic_term s t c =
+ let s, (_,_,t) = relocate s c t in
+ s, t
type ast_term = string * int * CicNotationPt.term
let disambiguate (status : lowtac_status) (t : ast_term)
(ty : cic_term option) context =
- let uri,height,metasenv,subst,obj = status.pstatus in
- let expty =
+ let status, expty =
match ty with
- | None -> None | Some ty -> let _,_,x = relocate context ty in Some x
+ | None -> status, None
+ | Some ty ->
+ let status, (_,_,x) = relocate status context ty in status, Some x
+ let uri,height,metasenv,subst,obj = status.pstatus in
let metasenv, subst, lexicon_status, t =
GrafiteDisambiguate.disambiguate_nterm expty
status.lstatus context metasenv subst t
let typeof status ctx t =
+ let status, (_,_,t) = relocate status ctx t in
let _,_,metasenv,subst,_ = status.pstatus in
- let _,_,t = relocate ctx t in
let ty = NCicTypeChecker.typeof ~subst ~metasenv ctx t in
- None, ctx, ty
+ status, (None, ctx, ty)
let whd status ?delta ctx t =
- let _,_,metasenv,subst,_ = status.pstatus in
- let name,_,t = relocate ctx t in
+ let status, (name,_,t) = relocate status ctx t in
+ let _,_,_,subst,_ = status.pstatus in
let t = NCicReduction.whd ~subst ?delta ctx t in
- name, ctx, t
+ status, (name, ctx, t)
let unify status ctx a b =
+ let status, (_,_,a) = relocate status ctx a in
+ let status, (_,_,b) = relocate status ctx b in
let n,h,metasenv,subst,o = status.pstatus in
- let _,_,a = relocate ctx a in
- let _,_,b = relocate ctx b in
let metasenv, subst =
NCicUnification.unify (NCicUnifHint.db ()) metasenv subst ctx a b
let refine status ctx term expty =
- let nt,_,term = relocate ctx term in
- let ne, expty =
- match expty with None -> None, None
- | Some e -> let n,_, e = relocate ctx e in n, Some e
+ let status, (nt,_,term) = relocate status ctx term in
+ let status, ne, expty =
+ match expty with None -> status, None, None
+ | Some e ->
+ let status, (n,_, e) = relocate status ctx e in status, n, Some e
let name,height,metasenv,subst,obj = status.pstatus in
let db = NCicUnifHint.db () in (* XXX fixme *)
let metasenv, subst, t, ty =
NCicRefiner.typeof db ~look_for_coercion metasenv subst ctx term expty
- { status with pstatus = (name,height,metasenv,subst,obj) },
+ { status with pstatus = name,height,metasenv,subst,obj },
(nt,ctx,t), (ne,ctx,ty)
let mk_meta status ?name ctx bo_or_ty =
- let n,h,metasenv,subst,o = status.pstatus in
match bo_or_ty with
| `Decl ty ->
- let _,_,ty = relocate ctx ty in
+ let status, (_,_,ty) = relocate status ctx ty in
+ let n,h,metasenv,subst,o = status.pstatus in
let metasenv, _, instance, _ =
NCicMetaSubst.mk_meta ?name metasenv ctx (`WithType ty)
let status = { status with pstatus = n,h,metasenv,subst,o } in
status, (None,ctx,instance)
| `Def bo ->
- let _,_,bo_ as bo = relocate ctx bo in
- let _,_,ty = typeof status ctx bo in
+ let status, (_,_,bo_ as bo) = relocate status ctx bo in
+ let status, (_,_,ty) = typeof status ctx bo in
+ let n,h,metasenv,subst,o = status.pstatus in
let metasenv, metano, instance, _ =
NCicMetaSubst.mk_meta ?name metasenv ctx (`WithType ty) in
let metasenv = List.filter (fun j,_ -> j <> metano) metasenv in
let analyse_indty status ty =
+ let status, reduct = whd status (ctx_of ty) ty in
let ref, args =
- match whd status (ctx_of ty) ty with
+ match reduct with
| _,_,NCic.Const ref -> ref, []
| _,_,NCic.Appl (NCic.Const ref :: args) -> ref, args
| _,_,_ -> fail (lazy ("not an inductive type")) in
let _,_,_,cl = List.nth tl i in
let consno = List.length cl in
let left, right = HExtlib.split_nth lno args in
- ref, consno, left, right
+ status, (ref, consno, left, right)
let mk_cic_term c t = None,c,t ;;
module Ast = CicNotationPt
let id_tac status = status ;;
-let print_tac message status = prerr_endline message; status ;;
+let print_tac print_status message status =
+ if print_status then pp_tac_status status;
+ prerr_endline message;
+ status
let dot_tac status =
let new_gstatus =
{ status with pstatus = n,h,metasenv,subst,o })
-let force f s = Lazy.force f s;;
let generalize0_tac args =
if args = [] then id_tac
else exact_tac ("",0,Ast.Appl (Ast.Implicit :: args))
let l = ref [] in
block_tac [
select_tac ~where ~job:(`Collect l) true;
- force (lazy (distribute_tac (fun status goal ->
+ print_tac true "ha selezionato?";
+ (fun s -> distribute_tac (fun status goal ->
if !l = [] then fail (lazy "No term to generalize");
let goalty = get_goalty status goal in
let canon = List.hd !l in
(fun s t -> unify s (ctx_of goalty) canon t) status (List.tl !l)
+ let status, canon = term_of_cic_term status canon (ctx_of goalty) in
instantiate status goal
- (mk_cic_term (ctx_of goalty) (NCic.Appl [NCic.Implicit `Term ;
- term_of_cic_term canon (ctx_of goalty) ]))
- ))) ]
+ (mk_cic_term (ctx_of goalty) (NCic.Appl [NCic.Implicit `Term ; canon ]))
+ ) s) ]
let analyze_indty_tac ~what indtyref = distribute_tac (fun status goal ->
let goalty = get_goalty status goal in
let status, what = disambiguate status what None (ctx_of goalty) in
- let ty_what = typeof status (ctx_of what) what in
- let r,consno,lefts,rights = analyse_indty status ty_what in
+ let status, ty_what = typeof status (ctx_of what) what in
+ let status, (r,consno,lefts,rights) = analyse_indty status ty_what in
let leftno = List.length rights in
let rightno = List.length rights in
indtyref := Some {
let sort = ref None in
let compute_goal_sort_tac = distribute_tac (fun status goal ->
let goalty = get_goalty status goal in
- let goalsort = typeof status (ctx_of goalty) goalty in
+ let status, goalsort = typeof status (ctx_of goalty) goalty in
sort := Some goalsort;
exec id_tac status goal)
atomic_tac (block_tac [
analyze_indty_tac ~what indtyinfo;
- force (lazy (select_tac
- ~where ~job:(`Substexpand ((HExtlib.unopt !indtyinfo).rightno+1)) true));
+ (fun s -> select_tac
+ ~where ~job:(`Substexpand ((HExtlib.unopt !indtyinfo).rightno+1)) true s);
- force (lazy (
+ (fun status ->
let sort = HExtlib.unopt !sort in
let ity = HExtlib.unopt !indtyinfo in
let NReference.Ref (uri, _) = ity.reference in
+ let istatus, sort = term_of_cic_term status.istatus sort (ctx_of sort) in
+ let status = { status with istatus = istatus } in
let name = NUri.name_of_uri uri ^
- match term_of_cic_term sort (ctx_of sort) with
+ match sort with
| NCic.Sort NCic.Prop -> "_ind"
| NCic.Sort _ -> "_rect"
| _ -> assert false
let _,_,w = what in
Ast.Appl(Ast.Ident(name,None)::holes @ [ w ])
- exact_tac ("",0,eliminator))) ])
+ exact_tac ("",0,eliminator) status) ])
let rewrite_tac ~dir ~what:(_,_,what) ~where =
let cases ~what status goal =
let gty = get_goalty status goal in
let status, what = disambiguate status what None (ctx_of gty) in
- let ty = typeof status (ctx_of what) what in
- let ref, consno, _, _ = analyse_indty status ty in
+ let status, ty = typeof status (ctx_of what) what in
+ let status, (ref, consno, _, _) = analyse_indty status ty in
+ let status, what = term_of_cic_term status what (ctx_of gty) in
let t =
- NCic.Match (ref,NCic.Implicit `Term, term_of_cic_term what (ctx_of gty),
+ NCic.Match (ref,NCic.Implicit `Term, what,
HExtlib.mk_list (NCic.Implicit `Term) consno)
let ctx = ctx_of gty in
(block_tac [
analyze_indty_tac ~what indtyinfo;
- force (lazy (select_tac
- ~where ~job:(`Substexpand ((HExtlib.unopt !indtyinfo).rightno+1))true));
+ (fun s -> select_tac
+ ~where ~job:(`Substexpand ((HExtlib.unopt !indtyinfo).rightno+1))true s);
distribute_tac (cases ~what) ])