"Daemon.respond_permission_denied" ~body:"" () ~version ~code:403 outchan
-let send_file ?name ?file outchan =
+(* let send_file ?name ?file outchan = *)
+let send_file ~src outchan =
let buflen = 1024 in
let buf = String.make buflen ' ' in
let (file, cleanup) =
(match (name, file) with
| Some n, None -> (* if we open the file, we close it before returning *)
| _ -> (* TODO use some static type checking *)
failwith "Daemon.send_file: either name or file must be given")
+ let (file, cleanup) =
+ match src with
+ | FileSrc fname -> (* if we open the file, we close it before returning *)
+ let f = open_in fname in
+ f, (fun () -> close_in f)
+ | InChanSrc inchan -> inchan, ignore
+ in
while true do
let bytes = input file buf 0 buflen in
~value:(string_of_int (Http_misc.filesize fname))
send_CRLF outchan;
- send_file ~file outchan;
+ send_file ~src:(InChanSrc file) outchan;
close_in file
| `Fork -> Http_tcp_server.fork
| `Thread -> Http_tcp_server.thread
+ (* TODO what happens when a Quit exception is raised by a callback? Do other
+ callbacks keep on living until the end or are them all killed immediatly?
+ The right semantics should obviously be the first one *)
(* TODO support also chroot to 'root', not only chdir *)
(* curried request *)
let start
(** as send_header, but for a list of pairs <header, value> *)
val send_headers: headers:(string * string) list -> out_channel -> unit
(** send a file through an out_channel, file can be passed as an in_channel
(if 'file' is given) or as a file name (if 'name' is given) *)
val send_file: ?name:string -> ?file:in_channel -> out_channel -> unit
+ (** send a file through an out_channel *)
+val send_file: src:Http_types.file_source -> out_channel -> unit
(** high level response function, respond on outchan sending: basic headers
(including Content-Length computed using 'body' argument), headers probided