"tactic_term expected here"))
| LSome t -> GrafiteAst.AndElim (loc, t, id1, t1, id2, t2)))
- | IDENT "we" ; IDENT "need" ; "to" ; IDENT "prove" ; t = tactic_term ; LPAREN ; id = IDENT ; RPAREN ; t1 = OPT [IDENT "or" ; IDENT "equivalently"; t' = tactic_term -> t']->
+ | IDENT "we" ; IDENT "need" ; "to" ; IDENT "prove" ; t = tactic_term ; id = OPT [ LPAREN ; id = IDENT ; RPAREN ] ; t1 = OPT [IDENT "or" ; IDENT "equivalently"; t' = tactic_term -> t']->
GrafiteAst.We_need_to_prove (loc, t, id, t1)
| IDENT "we" ; IDENT "proceed" ; IDENT "by" ; IDENT "induction" ; "on" ; t=tactic_term ; "to" ; IDENT "prove" ; t1=tactic_term ->
GrafiteAst.We_proceed_by_induction_on (loc, t, t1)
by_continuation: [
- [ IDENT "we" ; IDENT "proved" ; ty = tactic_term ; LPAREN ; id = IDENT ; RPAREN ; t1 = OPT [IDENT "that" ; IDENT "is" ; IDENT "equivalent" ; "to" ; t2 = tactic_term -> t2] -> BYC_weproved (ty,id,t1)
+ [ IDENT "we" ; IDENT "proved" ; ty = tactic_term ; LPAREN ; id = IDENT ; RPAREN ; t1 = OPT [IDENT "that" ; IDENT "is" ; IDENT "equivalent" ; "to" ; t2 = tactic_term -> t2] -> BYC_weproved (ty,Some id,t1)
+ | IDENT "we" ; IDENT "proved" ; ty = tactic_term ; t1 = OPT [IDENT "that" ; IDENT "is" ; IDENT "equivalent" ; "to" ; t2 = tactic_term -> t2] ;
+ IDENT "done" -> BYC_weproved (ty,None,t1)
| IDENT "done" -> BYC_done
| "let" ; id1 = IDENT ; SYMBOL ":" ; t1 = tactic_term ;
- IDENT "such" ; IDENT "that" ; t2=tactic_term ; LPAREN ; id2 = IDENT ;
- RPAREN -> BYC_letsuchthat (id1,t1,id2,t2)
- | IDENT "we" ; IDENT "have" ; t1=tactic_term ; LPAREN ; id1=IDENT ; RPAREN ;
- "and" ; t2=tactic_term ; LPAREN ; id2=IDENT ; RPAREN ->
- BYC_wehaveand (id1,t1,id2,t2)
+ IDENT "such" ; IDENT "that" ; t2=tactic_term ; LPAREN ; id2 = IDENT ; RPAREN -> BYC_letsuchthat (id1,t1,id2,t2)
+ | IDENT "we" ; IDENT "have" ; t1=tactic_term ; LPAREN ; id1=IDENT ; RPAREN ;"and" ; t2=tactic_term ; LPAREN ; id2=IDENT ; RPAREN ->
+ BYC_wehaveand (id1,t1,id2,t2)
rewriting_step_continuation : [
macro: [
[ [ IDENT "check" ]; t = term ->
GrafiteAst.Check (loc, t)
+ | [ IDENT "inline"]; suri = QSTRING ->
+ GrafiteAst.Inline (loc,suri)
| [ IDENT "hint" ] -> GrafiteAst.Hint loc
| [ IDENT "whelp"; "match" ] ; t = term ->
GrafiteAst.WMatch (loc,t)
(status,to_prepend ^ newtxt ^ "\n")::acc, "")
([],skipped_txt) enriched_history_fragment
- res,parsed_text_length
+ res,"",parsed_text_length
let wrap_with_developments guistuff f arg =
let compile_needed_and_go_on lexiconfile d exc =
let l = Whelp.match_term ~dbd term in
let entry = `Whelp (pp_macro mac, l) in
guistuff.mathviewer#show_uri_list ~reuse:true ~entry l;
- [], parsed_text_length
+ [], "", parsed_text_length
| TA.WInstance (loc, term) ->
let l = Whelp.instance ~dbd term in
let entry = `Whelp (pp_macro mac, l) in
guistuff.mathviewer#show_uri_list ~reuse:true ~entry l;
- [], parsed_text_length
+ [], "", parsed_text_length
| TA.WLocate (loc, s) ->
let l = Whelp.locate ~dbd s in
let entry = `Whelp (pp_macro mac, l) in
guistuff.mathviewer#show_uri_list ~reuse:true ~entry l;
- [], parsed_text_length
+ [], "", parsed_text_length
| TA.WElim (loc, term) ->
let uri =
match term with
let l = Whelp.elim ~dbd uri in
let entry = `Whelp (pp_macro mac, l) in
guistuff.mathviewer#show_uri_list ~reuse:true ~entry l;
- [], parsed_text_length
+ [], "", parsed_text_length
| TA.WHint (loc, term) ->
let s = ((None,[0,[],term], Cic.Meta (0,[]) ,term),0) in
let l = List.map fst (MQ.experimental_hint ~dbd s) in
let entry = `Whelp (pp_macro mac, l) in
guistuff.mathviewer#show_uri_list ~reuse:true ~entry l;
- [], parsed_text_length
+ [], "", parsed_text_length
(* REAL macro *)
| TA.Hint loc ->
let user_goal' =
let l = List.map fst (MQ.experimental_hint ~dbd proof_status) in
let selected = guistuff.urichooser l in
(match selected with
- | [] -> [], parsed_text_length
+ | [] -> [], "", parsed_text_length
| [uri] ->
let suri = UriManager.string_of_uri uri in
let ast loc =
let text_len = MatitaGtkMisc.utf8_string_length text in
let loc = HExtlib.floc_of_loc (0,text_len) in
let statement = `Ast (GrafiteParser.LSome (ast loc),text) in
- let res,_parsed_text_len =
+ let res,_,_parsed_text_len =
eval_statement include_paths buffer guistuff lexicon_status
grafite_status user_goal script statement
(* we need to replace all the parsed_text *)
- res,String.length parsed_text
+ res,"",String.length parsed_text
| _ ->
"The result of the urichooser should be only 1 uri, not:\n";
let ty,_ = CTC.type_of_aux' metasenv context term CicUniv.empty_ugraph in
let t_and_ty = Cic.Cast (term,ty) in
guistuff.mathviewer#show_entry (`Cic (t_and_ty,metasenv));
- [], parsed_text_length
+ [], "", parsed_text_length
+ | TA.Inline (_,suri) ->
+ let dbd = LibraryDb.instance () in
+ let uris =
+ let sql_pat =
+ (Pcre.replace ~rex:(Pcre.regexp "_") ~templ:"\\_" suri) ^ "%" in
+ let query =
+ sprintf ("SELECT source FROM %s WHERE source LIKE \"%s\" UNION "^^
+ "SELECT source FROM %s WHERE source LIKE \"%s\"")
+ (MetadataTypes.name_tbl ()) sql_pat
+ MetadataTypes.library_name_tbl sql_pat in
+ let result = HMysql.exec dbd query in
+ HMysql.map result
+ (function cols ->
+ match cols.(0) with
+ Some s -> UriManager.uri_of_string s
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ in
+prerr_endline "Inizio sorting";
+ let sorted_uris = MetadataDeps.topological_sort ~dbd uris in
+prerr_endline "Fine sorting";
+ let sorted_uris_without_xpointer =
+ HExtlib.filter_map
+ (function uri ->
+ let s =
+ Pcre.replace ~rex:(Pcre.regexp "#xpointer\\(1/1\\)") ~templ:""
+ (UriManager.string_of_uri uri) in
+ try
+ ignore (Pcre.exec ~rex:(Pcre.regexp"#xpointer") s);
+ None
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ Some (UriManager.uri_of_string s)
+ ) sorted_uris
+ in
+ let declarative =
+ String.concat "\n\n"
+ (List.map
+ (fun uri ->
+prerr_endline ("Stampo " ^ UriManager.string_of_uri uri);
+ try
+ ObjPp.obj_to_string 80
+ (fst (CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.empty_ugraph uri))
+ with
+ _ (* BRRRRRRRRR *) -> "ERRORE IN STAMPA DI " ^ UriManager.string_of_uri uri
+ ) sorted_uris_without_xpointer)
+ in
+ [],declarative,String.length parsed_text
and eval_executable include_paths (buffer : GText.buffer) guistuff
lexicon_status grafite_status user_goal unparsed_text skipped_txt nonskipped_txt
guistuff lexicon_status grafite_status user_goal skipped_txt nonskipped_txt
(TA.Executable (loc, ex))
- MatitaTypes.Cancel -> [], 0
+ MatitaTypes.Cancel -> [], "", 0
| GrafiteEngine.Macro (_loc,lazy_macro) ->
let context =
match user_goal with
match st with
| GrafiteParser.LNone loc ->
let parsed_text, _, _, parsed_text_length = text_of_loc loc in
- [(grafite_status,lexicon_status),parsed_text],
+ [(grafite_status,lexicon_status),parsed_text],"",
| GrafiteParser.LSome (GrafiteAst.Comment (loc, _)) ->
let parsed_text, _, _, parsed_text_length = text_of_loc loc in
let remain_len = String.length unparsed_text - parsed_text_length in
let s = String.sub unparsed_text parsed_text_length remain_len in
- let s,len =
+ let s,text,len =
eval_statement include_paths buffer guistuff lexicon_status
grafite_status user_goal script (`Raw s)
(offset+parsed_text_length, errorll))
+ assert (text=""); (* no macros inside comments, please! *)
(match s with
| (statuses,text)::tl ->
- (statuses,parsed_text ^ text)::tl,parsed_text_length + len
- | [] -> [], 0)
+ (statuses,parsed_text ^ text)::tl,"",parsed_text_length + len
+ | [] -> [], "", 0)
| GrafiteParser.LSome (GrafiteAst.Executable (loc, ex)) ->
let _, nonskipped, skipped, parsed_text_length =
text_of_loc loc
method private _advance ?statement () =
let s = match statement with Some s -> s | None -> self#getFuture in
HLog.debug ("evaluating: " ^ first_line s ^ " ...");
- let (entries, parsed_len) =
+ let entries, newtext, parsed_len =
eval_statement include_paths buffer guistuff self#lexicon_status
self#grafite_status userGoal self (`Raw s)
buffer#insert ~iter:start new_text;
- self#moveMark (Glib.Utf8.length new_text);
+ self#moveMark (Glib.Utf8.length new_text);
+ buffer#insert ~iter:(buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`MARK locked_mark)) newtext;
(* here we need to set the Goal in case we are going to cursor (or to
bottom) and we will face a macro *)
match self#grafite_status.proof_status with