type term_former_decl = term_context * typ
type term_former_def = term_former_decl * term
+let mk_appl f x =
+ match f with
+ Appl args -> Appl (args@[x])
+ | _ -> Appl [f;x]
let rec size_of_term =
| Rel r -> 1
| NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (_,NReference.Fix _) as ref) ->
(try fst (ReferenceMap.find ref status#extraction_db)
- Not_found -> assert false (* IMPOSSIBLE *))
+ Not_found ->
+ prerr_endline ("REF NOT FOUND: " ^ NReference.string_of_reference ref);
+ assert false (* IMPOSSIBLE *))
| NCic.Match _ -> assert false (* TODO ???? *)
| NCic.Rel n ->
let typ =
| NCic.Appl (he::args) ->
eat_args status metasenv
(term_of status ~metasenv context he) context
+ (*BUG: recomputing every time the type of the head*)
(typ_of status ~metasenv context
(NCicTypeChecker.typeof status ~metasenv ~subst:[] context he))
- let he_context = context_of_typformer status ~metasenv context he in
- let process_args he =
- function
- `Empty -> he
- | `Inst tl -> Inst (process_args he tl)
- | `Appl (arg,tl) -> process_args (Appl (he,... arg)) tl
- in
- Appl (typ_of status ~metasenv context he ::
- process_args (typ_of status ~metasenv context he)
- (skip_term_args status ~metasenv context (List.rev he_context,args))
| NCic.Appl _ -> assert false (* TODO: when head is a match/let rec;
otherwise NOT A TYPE *)
| NCic.Meta _ -> assert false (* TODO *)
let rec eat_branch n ty context ctx pat =
match (ty, pat) with
- | NCic.Prod (_, _, t), _ when n > 0 ->
+ | TSkip t,_
+ | Forall (_,_,t),_
+ | Arrow (_, t), _ when n > 0 ->
eat_branch (pred n) t context ctx pat
- | NCic.Prod (_, _, t), NCic.Lambda (name, ty, t') ->
+ | _, _ when n > 0 -> assert false (*BUG: is Top possible here?*)
+ (*CSC: unify the three cases below? *)
+ | Arrow (_, t), NCic.Lambda (name, ty, t') ->
let ctx =
- (*BUG: we should classify according to the constructor type*)
- (Some (name,`OfType (*(typ_of status ~metasenv context ty)*)Unit))::ctx in
+ (Some (name,`OfType Unit(*(typ_of status ~metasenv context ty)*)))::ctx in
let context = (name,NCic.Decl ty)::context in
eat_branch 0 t context ctx t'
+ | Forall (_,_,t),NCic.Lambda (name, ty, t') ->
+ let ctx =
+ (Some (name,`OfKind Type(*(kind_of status ~metasenv context ty)*)))::ctx in
+ let context = (name,NCic.Decl ty)::context in
+ eat_branch 0 t context ctx t'
+ | TSkip t,NCic.Lambda (name, ty, t') ->
+ let ctx = None::ctx in
+ let context = (name,NCic.Decl ty)::context in
+ eat_branch 0 t context ctx t'
+ | Top,_ -> assert false (*TODO: HOW??*)
(*BUG here, eta-expand!*)
| _, _ -> context,ctx, pat
(fun (_, name, ty) pat ->
+ (*BUG: recomputing every time the type of the constructor*)
+ let ty = typ_of status ~metasenv context ty in
let context,lhs,rhs = eat_branch leftno ty context [] pat in
let rhs =
(* UnsafeCoerce not always required *)
[] -> acc
| arg::tl ->
- let mk_appl f x =
- match f with
- Appl args -> Appl (args@[x])
- | _ -> Appl [f;x]
- in
match fomega_whd status tyhe with
Arrow (s,t) ->
let arg =