(* $Id: orderings.ml 9869 2009-06-11 22:52:38Z denes $ *)
let debug s = prerr_endline (Lazy.force s) ;;
-let debug _ = ();;
+(* let debug _ = ();; *)
let monster = 100;;
module WeightPassiveSet = Set.Make(WeightOrderedPassives)
module AgePassiveSet = Set.Make(AgeOrderedPassives)
- let add_passive_clause ?(no_weight=false) (passives_w,passives_a) cl =
- let cl = if no_weight then (0,cl)
- else Clauses.mk_passive_clause cl in
+ let add_passive_clause ?(bonus_weight=0) (passives_w,passives_a) cl =
+ let (w,cl) = Clauses.mk_passive_clause cl in
+ let cl = (w+bonus_weight,cl) in
WeightPassiveSet.add cl passives_w, AgePassiveSet.add cl passives_a
- let add_passive_goal ?(no_weight=false) (passives_w,passives_a) g =
- let g = if no_weight then (0,g)
- else Clauses.mk_passive_goal g in
+ let add_passive_goal ?(bonus_weight=0) (passives_w,passives_a) g =
+ let (w,g) = Clauses.mk_passive_goal g in
+ let g = (w+bonus_weight,g) in
WeightPassiveSet.add g passives_w, AgePassiveSet.add g passives_a
- let add_passive_clauses ?(no_weight=false)
+ let add_passive_clauses ?(bonus_weight=0)
(passives_w,passives_a) new_clauses =
let new_clauses_w,new_clauses_a =
- List.fold_left (add_passive_clause ~no_weight)
+ List.fold_left (add_passive_clause ~bonus_weight)
(WeightPassiveSet.empty,AgePassiveSet.empty) new_clauses
(WeightPassiveSet.union new_clauses_w passives_w,
AgePassiveSet.union new_clauses_a passives_a)
- let add_passive_goals ?(no_weight=false)
+ let add_passive_goals ?(bonus_weight=0)
(passives_w,passives_a) new_clauses =
let new_clauses_w,new_clauses_a =
- List.fold_left (add_passive_goal ~no_weight)
+ List.fold_left (add_passive_goal ~bonus_weight)
(WeightPassiveSet.empty,AgePassiveSet.empty) new_clauses
(WeightPassiveSet.union new_clauses_w passives_w,
let bag,c = Terms.add_to_bag c bag in
- let bag,maxvar,hypotheses = List.fold_left build_clause (bag,maxvar,[]) hypotheses in
let bag,maxvar,goals = build_clause (bag,maxvar,[]) goal in
+ let bag,maxvar,hypotheses = List.fold_left build_clause (bag,maxvar,[]) hypotheses in
let goal = match goals with | [g] -> g | _ -> assert false in
let passives =
- add_passive_clauses ~no_weight:true passive_empty_set hypotheses
+ add_passive_clauses ~bonus_weight:(-1000) passive_empty_set hypotheses
let g_passives =
- add_passive_goal ~no_weight:true passive_empty_set goal
+ add_passive_goal ~bonus_weight:(-1000) passive_empty_set goal
let g_actives = [] in
let actives = [], IDX.DT.empty in
exception Success of B.t Terms.bag * int * B.t Terms.clause
let debug s = prerr_endline (Lazy.force s);;
- let debug _ = ();;
+ (* let debug _ = ();; *)
let enable = true;;
let rec list_first f = function
aux pos ctx t
- let parallel_positions bag pos ctx id t f =
- let rec aux bag pos ctx id = function
- | Terms.Leaf _ as t -> f bag t pos ctx id
- | Terms.Var _ as t -> bag,t,id
+ let parallel_positions bag pos ctx id lit t f =
+ let rec aux bag pos ctx id lit = function
+ | Terms.Leaf _ as t -> f bag t pos ctx id lit
+ | Terms.Var _ as t -> bag,t,id,lit
| Terms.Node (hd::l) as t->
- let bag,t,id1 = f bag t pos ctx id in
+ let bag,t,id1,lit = f bag t pos ctx id lit in
if id = id1 then
- let bag, l, _, id =
+ let bag, l, _, id, lit =
- (fun (bag,pre,post,id) t ->
+ (fun (bag,pre,post,id,lit) t ->
let newctx = fun x -> ctx (Terms.Node (pre@[x]@post)) in
let newpos = (List.length pre)::pos in
- let bag,newt,id = aux bag newpos newctx id t in
- if post = [] then bag, pre@[newt], [], id
- else bag, pre @ [newt], List.tl post, id)
- (bag, [hd], List.tl l, id) l
+ let bag,newt,id,lit = aux bag newpos newctx id lit t in
+ if post = [] then bag, pre@[newt], [], id,lit
+ else bag, pre @ [newt], List.tl post, id, lit)
+ (bag, [hd], List.tl l, id,lit) l
- bag, Terms.Node l, id
- else bag,t,id1
+ bag, Terms.Node l, id, lit
+ else bag,t,id1,lit
| _ -> assert false
- aux bag pos ctx id t
+ aux bag pos ctx id lit t
- let build_clause bag filter rule t subst id id2 pos dir =
+ let build_clause bag filter rule t subst id id2 pos dir clause_ctx =
let proof = Terms.Step(rule,id,id2,dir,pos,subst) in
let t = Subst.apply_subst subst t in
if filter subst then
Terms.Equation (l, r, ty, o)
| t -> Terms.Predicate t
+ let nlit,plit = clause_ctx literal in
let bag, uc =
- Terms.add_to_bag (0, [], [literal,true], Terms.vars_of_term t, proof) bag
+ Terms.add_to_bag (0, nlit, plit, Terms.vars_of_term t, proof) bag
- Some (bag, uc)
+ Some (bag, uc, literal)
((*prerr_endline ("Filtering: " ^ Pp.pp_foterm t);*)None)
prof_demod.HExtlib.profile (demod table varlist) x
- let parallel_demod table vl bag t pos ctx id =
+ let parallel_demod table vl clause_ctx bag t pos ctx id lit =
match demod table vl t with
- | None -> (bag,t,id)
+ | None -> (bag,t,id,lit)
| Some (newside, subst, id2, dir) ->
match build_clause bag (fun _ -> true)
- Terms.Demodulation (ctx newside) subst id id2 pos dir
+ Terms.Demodulation (ctx newside) subst id id2 pos dir clause_ctx
| None -> assert false
- | Some (bag,(id,_,_,_,_)) ->
- (bag,newside,id)
+ | Some (bag,(id,_,_,_,_),lit) ->
+ (bag,newside,id,lit)
- let demodulate_once ~jump_to_right bag (id, nlit, plit, vl, pr) table =
- match nlit,plit with
- |[literal,_], []
- |[],[literal,_] ->
- (match literal with
+ let demodulate_once ~jump_to_right bag id literal vl table clause_ctx =
+ match literal with
| Terms.Predicate t -> assert false
- | Terms.Equation (l,r,ty,_) ->
- let bag,l,id1 = if jump_to_right then (bag,l,id) else
+ | Terms.Equation (l,r,ty,_) as lit ->
+ let bag,l,id1,lit = if jump_to_right then (bag,l,id,lit) else
parallel_positions bag [2]
- (fun x -> Terms.Node [ Terms.Leaf B.eqP; ty; x; r ]) id l
- (parallel_demod table vl)
+ (fun x -> Terms.Node [ Terms.Leaf B.eqP; ty; x; r ]) id lit l
+ (parallel_demod table vl clause_ctx)
let jump_to_right = id1 = id in
- let bag,r,id2 =
+ let bag,r,id2,lit =
parallel_positions bag [3]
- (fun x -> Terms.Node [ Terms.Leaf B.eqP; ty; l; x ]) id1 r
- (parallel_demod table vl)
+ (fun x -> Terms.Node [ Terms.Leaf B.eqP; ty; l; x ]) id1 lit r
+ (parallel_demod table vl clause_ctx)
if id = id2 then None
- let cl,_,_ = Terms.get_from_bag id2 bag in
- Some ((bag,cl),jump_to_right))
- | _ -> assert false;
+ Some ((bag,id2,lit),jump_to_right)
- let rec demodulate ~jump_to_right bag clause table =
- match demodulate_once ~jump_to_right bag clause table with
- | None -> bag, clause
- | Some ((bag, clause),r) -> demodulate ~jump_to_right:r
- bag clause table
- ;;
- let are_alpha_eq cl1 cl2 =
- let get_term (_,nlit,plit,_,_) =
- match nlit,plit with
- | [], [Terms.Equation (l,r,ty,_),_] ->
- Terms.Node [Terms.Leaf B.eqP; ty; l ; r]
- | _ -> assert false
+ let rec demodulate bag (id,nlit,plit,vl,proof) table =
+ let rec demod_lit ~jump_to_right bag id lit clause_ctx =
+ match demodulate_once ~jump_to_right bag id lit vl table clause_ctx with
+ | None -> bag, id, lit
+ | Some ((bag, id, lit),jump) ->
+ demod_lit ~jump_to_right:jump bag id lit clause_ctx
- try ignore(Unif.alpha_eq (get_term cl1) (get_term cl2)) ; true
- with FoUnif.UnificationFailure _ -> false
- ;;
- let demodulate bag clause table =
-(* let (bag1,c1), (_,c2) =*)
- demodulate ~jump_to_right:false bag clause table
-(* demodulate_old ~jump_to_right:false bag clause table *)
-(* in
- if are_alpha_eq c1 c2 then bag1,c1
- else begin
- prerr_endline (Pp.pp_clause c1);
- prerr_endline (Pp.pp_clause c2);
- prerr_endline "Bag :";
- prerr_endline (Pp.pp_bag bag1);
- assert false
- end*)
+ (*let cmp_bag,cmp_cl = match nlit,plit with
+ |[],[lit,_] ->
+ let bag, id, lit = demod_lit ~jump_to_right:false bag id lit (fun l -> nlit, [l,true])
+ in
+ let cl,_,_ = Terms.get_from_bag id bag in
+ bag,cl
+ |[lit,_],[] ->
+ let bag, id, lit = demod_lit ~jump_to_right:false bag id lit (fun l -> [l,true],[])
+ in
+ let cl,_,_ = Terms.get_from_bag id bag in
+ bag,cl
+ |_ -> assert false
+ in*)
+ let nlit,_,bag,id = if nlit = [] then nlit,[],bag,id
+ else List.fold_left
+ (fun (pre,post,bag,id) (lit,sel) ->
+ let bag, id, lit =
+ demod_lit ~jump_to_right:false bag id lit (fun l -> pre@[l,sel]@post,plit)
+ in
+ if post=[] then pre@[(lit,sel)],[],bag,id
+ else pre@[(lit,sel)],List.tl post,bag,id)
+ ([],List.tl nlit, bag, id) nlit
+ in
+ let _,_,bag,id = if plit = [] then plit,[],bag,id
+ else List.fold_left
+ (fun (pre,post,bag,id) (lit,sel) ->
+ let bag, id, lit =
+ demod_lit ~jump_to_right:false bag id lit (fun l -> nlit,pre@[l,sel]@post)
+ in
+ if post=[] then pre@[(lit,sel)],[],bag,id
+ else pre@[(lit,sel)],List.tl post,bag,id)
+ ([],List.tl plit, bag, id) plit
+ in
+ let cl,_,_ = Terms.get_from_bag id bag in
+ bag,cl
let prof_demodulate = HExtlib.profile ~enable "demodulate";;
let demodulate bag clause x =
prof_demodulate.HExtlib.profile (demodulate bag clause) x
let build_new_clause bag maxvar filter rule t subst id id2 pos dir =
let maxvar, _vl, subst = Utils.relocate maxvar (Terms.vars_of_term
(Subst.apply_subst subst t)) subst in
- match build_clause bag filter rule t subst id id2 pos dir with
- | Some (bag, c) -> Some ((bag, maxvar), c)
+ match build_clause bag filter rule t subst id id2 pos dir (fun x -> [],[(x,true)]) with
+ | Some (bag, c, _) -> Some ((bag, maxvar), c)
| None -> None
let prof_build_new_clause = HExtlib.profile ~enable "build_new_clause";;
let id, dir, l, r, vl =
match c with
| (d,_,_, (id,[],[Terms.Equation (l,r,ty,_),_],vl,_))-> id, d, l, r, vl
+ | (d,_,_, (id,[Terms.Equation (l,r,ty,_),_],[],vl,_))-> id, d, l, r, vl
|_ -> assert false
let reverse = (dir = Terms.Left2Right) = b in
let id_t = Terms.Node [ Terms.Leaf B.eqP; ty; r; r ] in
build_new_clause bag maxvar (fun _ -> true)
Terms.Superposition id_t subst id id2 [2] dir)
- | _ -> assert false
+ | _ -> None (* TODO : implement subsumption for clauses *)
let prof_is_subsumed = HExtlib.profile ~enable "is_subsumed";;
let is_subsumed ~unify bag maxvar c x =
let bag, clause =
if no_demod then bag, clause else demodulate bag clause table
- if List.exists (are_alpha_eq clause) g_actives then None else
+ if List.exists (Clauses.are_alpha_eq_cl clause) g_actives then None else
+ (debug (lazy (Pp.pp_clause clause));
if (is_goal_trivial clause)
then raise (Success (bag, maxvar, clause))
let l,r,ty =
match nlit,plit with
- | [],[Terms.Equation(l,r,ty,_),_] -> l,r,ty
+ | [Terms.Equation(l,r,ty,_),_],[] -> l,r,ty
| _ -> assert false
match deep_eq ~unify:true l r ty [] (fun x -> x) (fun x -> x)
| None -> Some (bag,clause)
| Some (bag,maxvar,cl,subst) ->
prerr_endline "Goal subsumed";
- raise (Success (bag,maxvar,cl))
+ raise (Success (bag,maxvar,cl)))
else match is_subsumed ~unify:true bag maxvar clause table with
| None -> Some (bag, clause)
(* this is OK for both the sup_left and sup_right inference steps *)
let superposition table varlist subterm pos context =
let cands = IDX.DT.retrieve_unifiables table subterm in
- debug (lazy (string_of_int (IDX.ClauseSet.cardinal cands) ^ " candidates found"));
(fun (dir, _, _, (id,nlit,plit,vl,_ (*as uc*))) ->
match nlit,plit with