| L of t\r
-let delta = L(A(V 0, V 0));;\r
-let eta_eq' =\r
- let rec aux l1 l2 t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with\r
- | L t1, L t2 -> aux l1 l2 t1 t2\r
- | L t1, t2 -> aux l1 (l2+1) t1 t2\r
- | t1, L t2 -> aux (l1+1) l2 t1 t2\r
- | V a, V b -> a + l1 = b + l2\r
- | A(t1,t2), A(u1,u2) -> aux l1 l2 t1 u1 && aux l1 l2 t2 u2\r
- | _, _ -> false\r
- in aux ;;\r
-let eta_eq = eta_eq' 0 0;;\r
-(* is arg1 eta-subterm of arg2 ? *)\r
-let eta_subterm u =\r
- let rec aux lev t = eta_eq' lev 0 u t || match t with\r
- | L t -> aux (lev+1) t\r
- | A(t1, t2) -> aux lev t1 || aux lev t2\r
- | _ -> false\r
- in aux 0\r
-(* does NOT lift the argument *)\r
-let mk_lams = fold_nat (fun x _ -> L x) ;;\r
let string_of_t =\r
let string_of_bvar =\r
let bound_vars = ["x"; "y"; "z"; "w"; "q"] in\r
in string_of_term_no_pars 0\r
+let delta = L(A(V 0, V 0));;\r
+(* does NOT lift the argument *)\r
+let mk_lams = fold_nat (fun x _ -> L x) ;;\r
type problem = {\r
orig_freshno: int\r
; freshno : int\r
let subst = subst 0 false;;\r
+let eta_eq =\r
+ let rec aux t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with\r
+ | L t1, L t2 -> aux t1 t2\r
+ | L t1, t2 -> aux t1 (A(lift 1 t2,V 0))\r
+ | t1, L t2 -> aux (A(lift 1 t1,V 0)) t2\r
+ | V a, V b -> a = b\r
+ | A(t1,t2), A(u1,u2) -> aux t1 u1 && aux t2 u2\r
+ | _, _ -> false\r
+ in aux ;;\r
+(* is arg1 eta-subterm of arg2 ? *)\r
+let eta_subterm u =\r
+ let rec aux lev t = eta_eq u (lift lev t) || match t with\r
+ | L t -> aux (lev+1) t\r
+ | A(t1, t2) -> aux lev t1 || aux lev t2\r
+ | _ -> false\r
+ in aux 0\r
let subst_in_problem ((v, t) as sub) p =\r
print_endline ("-- SUBST " ^ string_of_t (V v) ^ " |-> " ^ string_of_t t);\r
let sigma = sub::p.sigma in\r