of an HTTP response; body, if given, will be appended to the body *)
let send_foo_body code body = send_raw ~data:(foo_body code body)
-let respond
(* Warning: keep default values in sync with Http_response.response class *)
- ?(body = "") ?(headers = [])
- ?(version = http_version) ?(code = 200) ?status outchan
+let respond
+ ?(body = "") ?(headers = []) ?version ?(code = 200) ?status outchan
let code =
match status with
| None -> code
| Some s -> code_of_status s
- send_basic_headers ~version ~code outchan;
+ send_basic_headers ?version ~code outchan;
send_headers ~headers outchan;
send_header "Content-Length" (string_of_int (String.length body)) outchan;
send_CRLF outchan;
reason phrase; if body is given it will be included in the body of the HTML
page *)
let send_empty_response
- func_name ?(is_valid_status = fun _ -> true) ?(headers = []) ~body () =
- fun ?(version = http_version) ?code ?status outchan ->
+ func_name ?(is_valid_status = fun _ -> true) ?(headers=[]) ?(body="") () =
+ fun ?version ?code ?status outchan ->
let code = get_code_argument func_name ~code ~status in
if not (is_valid_status code) then
] @ headers
let body = (foo_body code body) ^ body in
- respond ~version ~code ~headers ~body outchan
- (* OLD VERSION, now use 'respond' function *)
- send_basic_headers ~version ~code outchan;
- send_header ~header:"Connection" ~value:"close" outchan;
- send_header
- ~header:"Content-Type"
- ~value:"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"
- outchan;
- send_headers ~headers outchan;
- send_CRLF outchan;
- send_foo_body ~code ~body outchan
+ respond ?version ~code ~headers ~body outchan
let respond_redirect
- ~location ?(body = "") ?(version = http_version) ?(code = 301) ?status outchan
+ ~location ?body ?version ?(code = 301) ?status outchan
let code =
match status with
"Daemon.respond_redirect" ~is_valid_status:is_redirection
- ~headers:["Location", location] ~body ()
- ~version ~code outchan
-let respond_error
- ?(body = "") ?(version = http_version) ?(code = 400) ?status outchan =
- let code =
- match status with
- | None -> code
- | Some s -> code_of_status s
- in
- send_empty_response
- "Daemon.respond_error" ~is_valid_status:is_error ~body ()
- ~version ~code outchan
-let respond_not_found ~url ?(version = http_version) outchan =
+ ~headers:["Location", location] ?body ()
+ ?version ~code outchan
+let respond_error ?body ?version ?(code = 400) ?status outchan =
+ let code =
+ match status with
+ | None -> code
+ | Some s -> code_of_status s
+ in
- "Daemon.respond_not_found" ~body:"" () ~version ~code:404 outchan
+ "Daemon.respond_error" ~is_valid_status:is_error ?body () ?version ~code
+ outchan
+let respond_not_found ~url ?version outchan =
+ send_empty_response
+ "Daemon.respond_not_found" () ?version ~code:404 outchan
-let respond_forbidden ~url ?(version = http_version) outchan =
+let respond_forbidden ~url ?version outchan =
- "Daemon.respond_permission_denied" ~body:"" () ~version ~code:403 outchan
+ "Daemon.respond_permission_denied" () ?version ~code:403 outchan
+let respond_unauthorized ?version ?(realm = server_string) outchan =
+ respond ~headers:["WWW-Authenticate", sprintf "Basic realm=\"%s\"" realm]
+ ~code:401 outchan
-(* let send_file ?name ?file outchan = *)
let send_file ~src outchan =
let buflen = 1024 in
let buf = String.make buflen ' ' in
- let (file, cleanup) =
- (match (name, file) with
- | Some n, None -> (* if we open the file, we close it before returning *)
- let f = open_in n in
- f, (fun () -> close_in f)
- | None, Some f -> (f, (fun () -> ()))
- | _ -> (* TODO use some static type checking *)
- failwith "Daemon.send_file: either name or file must be given")
- in
let (file, cleanup) =
match src with
| FileSrc fname -> (* if we open the file, we close it before returning *)
let (path, parameters) = safe_parse_request inchan outchan in
callback path parameters outchan;
flush outchan
- with Again -> ()
+ with
+ | Unauthorized realm -> respond_unauthorized ~realm outchan
+ | Again -> ()
(server_of_mode mode) ~sockaddr ~timeout daemon_callback
let req = safe_parse_request' inchan outchan in
callback req outchan;
flush outchan
- with Again -> ()
+ with
+ | Unauthorized realm -> respond_unauthorized ~realm outchan
+ | Again -> ()
(server_of_mode mode) ~sockaddr ~timeout daemon_callback