-let assert_separable x =
- match solve x with
- | `Separable _ -> ()
- | `Unseparable s ->
- failwith ("assert_separable: unseparable because: " ^ s ^ ".")
-let assert_unseparable x =
- match solve x with
- | `Unseparable _ -> ()
- | `Separable _ ->
- failwith ("assert_unseparable: separable.")
+(* assert_depends solves the problem, and checks if the result was expected *)
let assert_depends x =
- let c = String.sub (Lambda4.label_of_problem x) 0 1 in
- if c = "!" then assert_separable x
- else if c = "?" then assert_unseparable x
- else (solve x; ())
+ let c = String.sub (label_of_problem x) 0 1 in
+ match solve x with
+ | `Unseparable s when c = "!" ->
+ failwith ("assert_depends: unseparable because: " ^ s ^ ".")
+ | `Separable _ when c = "?" ->
+ failwith ("assert_depends: separable.")
+ | _ -> ()
(* TODO *)