| SelTerm of Cic.term * string option (* term, parent hypothesis (if any) *)
| SelHyp of string * Cic.context (* hypothesis, context *)
+let href_of_elt elt =
+ let localName = href_ds in
+ if elt#hasAttributeNS ~namespaceURI:xlink_ns ~localName then
+ Some (elt#getAttributeNS ~namespaceURI:xlink_ns ~localName)#to_string
+ else
+ None
class clickableMathView obj =
let text_width = 80 in
object (self)
method private set_cic_info info = _cic_info <- info
method private cic_info = _cic_info
+ val normal_cursor = Gdk.Cursor.create `LEFT_PTR
+ val href_cursor = Gdk.Cursor.create `HAND1
+(* val href_tooltips = GData.tooltips ~delay:1 () *)
self#set_font_size !current_font_size;
ignore (self#connect#selection_changed self#choose_selection_cb);
ignore (self#event#connect#button_press self#button_press_cb);
ignore (self#event#connect#button_release self#button_release_cb);
ignore (self#event#connect#selection_clear self#selection_clear_cb);
+ ignore (self#connect#element_over self#element_over_cb);
ignore (self#coerce#misc#connect#selection_get self#selection_get_cb)
val mutable button_press_x = -1.
self#popup_contextual_menu (GdkEvent.Button.time gdk_button);
+ method private element_over_cb (elt_opt, _, _, _) =
+ let win () = self#misc#window in
+ let leave_href () =
+ Gdk.Window.set_cursor (win ()) normal_cursor;
+(* href_tooltips#disable (); *)
+ in
+ match elt_opt with
+ | Some elt ->
+ (match href_of_elt elt with
+ | Some text ->
+(* href_tooltips#enable ();
+ href_tooltips#set_tip ~text (self :> GObj.widget); *)
+ Gdk.Window.set_cursor (win ()) href_cursor
+ | None -> leave_href ())
+ | None -> leave_href ()
(** @return a pattern structure which contains pretty printed terms *)
method private tactic_text_pattern_of_selection =
match self#get_selections with
(match self#get_element_at x y with
| None -> ()
| Some elt ->
- let localName = href_ds in
- if elt#hasAttributeNS ~namespaceURI:xlink_ns ~localName then
- self#invoke_href_callback
- (elt#getAttributeNS ~namespaceURI:xlink_ns
- ~localName)#to_string
- gdk_button
- else
- ignore (self#action_toggle elt));
+ (match href_of_elt elt with
+ | Some href -> self#invoke_href_callback href gdk_button
+ | None -> ignore (self#action_toggle elt)))