~pat:(sprintf "%s\\s+href=\"" tag)
- sprintf "%s href=\"%s/getxslt?uri=" Http_getter_env.my_own_url tag)
+ sprintf "%s href=\"%s/getxslt?uri=" tag Http_getter_env.my_own_url)
let (patch_import, patch_include) =
sprintf "ENTITY $1 SYSTEM \"%s/getdtd?uri=" Http_getter_env.my_own_url)
-let pp_error =
- sprintf "<html><body><h1>Http Getter error: %s</h1></body></html>"
-let pp_internal_error =
- sprintf "<html><body><h1>Http Getter Internal error: %s</h1></body></html>"
-let pp_msg = sprintf "<html><body><h1>%s</h1></body></html>"
+let pp_error s =
+ sprintf "<html><body><h1>Http Getter error: %s</h1></body></html>" s
+let pp_internal_error s =
+ sprintf "<html><body><h1>Http Getter Internal error: %s</h1></body></html>" s
+let pp_msg s = sprintf "<html><body><h1>%s</h1></body></html>" s
+let null_pp s = s
let mk_return_fun pp_fun contype msg outchan =
- ~body:(pp_fun msg)
- ~headers:["Content-Type", contype]
- outchan
+ ~body:(pp_fun msg) ~headers:["Content-Type", contype] outchan
let return_html_error = mk_return_fun pp_error "text/html"
let return_html_internal_error = mk_return_fun pp_internal_error "text/html"
let return_html_msg = mk_return_fun pp_msg "text/html"
-let return_xml_msg = mk_return_fun pp_msg "text/xml"
- (**
- @param fname name of the file to be sent
- @param contype Content-Type header value
- @param contenc Content-Enconding header value
- @param patch_fun function used to patch file contents
- @param outchan output channel over which sent file fname *)
+let return_xml_msg = mk_return_fun null_pp "text/xml"
let return_file ~fname ?contype ?contenc ?(patch_fun = fun x -> x) outchan =
let headers =
match (contype, contenc) with
| (None, Some e) -> [ "Content-Enconding", e ]
| (None, None) -> []
- Http_daemon.send_basic_headers outchan;
+ Http_daemon.send_basic_headers ~code:200 outchan;
Http_daemon.send_headers headers outchan;
Http_daemon.send_CRLF outchan;
(fun line -> output_string outchan (patch_fun line ^ "\n"))
- (* return a bad request http response *)
let return_400 body outchan = Http_daemon.respond_error ~code:400 ~body outchan
let wget ?output url =
let flags =
- (match output with Some file -> ["-O " ^ file] | None -> []) @ [url]
+ (match output with Some file -> ["-O"; file] | None -> []) @ [url]
- ~stdout:Shell.to_dev_null ~stderr:Shell.to_dev_null [Shell.cmd "wget" flags]
+ ~stdout:Shell.to_dev_null ~stderr:Shell.to_dev_null
+ [Shell.cmd "wget" flags]
(* TODO gzip and gunzip create executables file, but umask seems to be
correctly inherited from the shell .... boh *)
val return_html_internal_error: string -> out_channel -> unit
val return_html_msg: string -> out_channel -> unit
val return_xml_msg: string -> out_channel -> unit
+ (** return a bad request http response *)
val return_400: string -> out_channel -> unit
+ (**
+ @param fname name of the file to be sent
+ @param contype Content-Type header value
+ @param contenc Content-Enconding header value
+ @param patch_fun function used to patch file contents
+ @param outchan output channel over which sent file fname *)
val return_file:
fname:string ->
?contype:string -> ?contenc:string -> ?patch_fun:(string -> string) ->