| Intros (num, idents) ->
sprintf "intros%s%s"
(match num with None -> "" | Some num -> " " ^ string_of_int num)
- (match idents with [] -> "" | idents -> pp_idents idents)
+ (match idents with [] -> "" | idents -> " " ^ pp_idents idents)
| Left -> "left"
| LetIn (term, ident) -> sprintf "let %s in %s" (pp_term term) ident
| Reduce (_, _, _) -> assert false (* TODO *)
| Repeat tac -> "repeat " ^ pp_tactical tac
| Seq tacs -> pp_tacticals tacs
| Tactic tac -> pp_tactic tac
- | Then (tac, tacs) -> sprintf "%s; [%s]" (pp_tactical tac) (pp_tacticals tacs)
+ | Then (tac, tacs) -> sprintf "%s [%s]" (pp_tactical tac) (pp_tacticals tacs)
| Tries tacs -> sprintf "tries [%s]" (pp_tacticals tacs)
| Try tac -> "try " ^ pp_tactical tac
and pp_tacticals tacs = String.concat "; " (List.map pp_tactical tacs)
+let pp_tactical tac = pp_tactical tac ^ "."