TacticAst.Check (loc, t)
| [ IDENT "hint" ] -> TacticAst.Hint loc
| [ IDENT "whelp"; "match" ] ; t = term ->
- TacticAst.Match (loc,t)
+ TacticAst.WMatch (loc,t)
| [ IDENT "whelp"; IDENT "instance" ] ; t = term ->
- TacticAst.Instance (loc,t)
+ TacticAst.WInstance (loc,t)
+ | [ IDENT "whelp"; IDENT "locate" ] ; id = IDENT ->
+ TacticAst.WLocate (loc,id)
+ | [ IDENT "whelp"; IDENT "elim" ] ; t = term ->
+ TacticAst.WElim (loc, t)
+ | [ IDENT "whelp"; IDENT "hint" ] ; t = term ->
+ TacticAst.WHint (loc,t)
| [ IDENT "print" ]; name = QSTRING -> TacticAst.Print (loc, name)
[B.H([Some "helm", "xref", "ce_"^hd_xref],
[ce2pres hd]);
and ce2pres =
let module Con = Content in
| None ->
prerr_endline "NO NAME!!"; assert false)
- | `Joint ho ->
- B.Text ([],"jointdef")
+ | `Joint ho -> assert false (*
+ B.H ([],
+ (B.Text ([],"JOINT ")
+ :: List.map ce2pres ho.Content.joint_defs)) *)
and acontext2pres ac continuation indent =
let module Con = Content in
let arg =
(match conclude.Con.conclude_args with
[Con.Term t] -> term2pres t
- | _ -> assert false) in
+ | [Con.Premise p] ->
+ (match p.Con.premise_binder with
+ | None -> assert false; (* unnamed hypothesis ??? *)
+ | Some s -> B.Text([],s))
+ | err -> assert false) in
(match conclude.Con.conclude_conclusion with
None ->
B.b_h [] [B.b_kw "Consider"; B.b_space; arg]
type print_kind = [ `Env | `Coer ]
type 'term macro =
+ (* Whelp's stuff *)
+ | WHint of loc * 'term
+ | WMatch of loc * 'term
+ | WInstance of loc * 'term
+ | WLocate of loc * string
+ | WElim of loc * 'term
+ (* real macros *)
| Abort of loc
| Print of loc * string
| Check of loc * 'term
| Hint of loc
- | Match of loc * 'term
- | Instance of loc * 'term
| Quit of loc
| Redo of loc * int option
| Undo of loc * int option
| `Elim -> "elim"
let pp_macro pp_term = function
+ (* Whelp *)
+ | WInstance (_, term) -> "whelp instance " ^ pp_term term
+ | WHint (_, t) -> "whelp hint " ^ pp_term t
+ | WLocate (_, s) -> "whelp locate " ^ s
+ | WElim (_, t) -> "whelp elim " ^ pp_term t
+ | WMatch (_, term) -> "whelp match " ^ pp_term term
+ (* real macros *)
| Abort _ -> "Abort"
| Check (_, term) -> sprintf "Check %s" (pp_term term)
| Hint _ -> "hint"
| Undo (_, Some n) -> sprintf "Undo %d" n
| Print (_, name) -> sprintf "Print \"%s\"" name
| Quit _ -> "Quit"
- | Instance _
- | Match _ -> assert false
let pp_macro_ast = pp_macro pp_term_ast
let pp_macro_cic = pp_macro pp_term_cic