let push_abst f y w lenv =
let bw = D.Abst (false, N.infinity, w) in
D.push_bind f E.empty_node y bw lenv
+let rec set_name_y f = function
+ | D.ESort -> f D.ESort
+ | D.EBind (e, a, y, b) -> set_name_y (D.push_bind f a {y with E.b_name = Some ("Y", true)} b) e
+ | D.EAppl (e, x, v) -> set_name_y (D.push_appl f x v) e
+ | D.EProj (e, d) -> let f d = set_name_y (D.push_proj f d) e in set_name_y f d
let add_proj yt e t = match e with
| D.ESort -> t
| D.EBind (D.ESort, _, y, b) -> D.TBind (E.compose y yt, b, t)
- | _ ->
+ | e ->
D.TProj (D.set_attrs C.start yt e, t)
(* this is not tail recursive in the GRef branch *)
else N.infinity
let b = D.Abst (false, l, ww) in
+(* let yt = {yt with E.b_name = Some ("P", true)} in *)
f yt (D.TBind (yt, b, tt))
let f lenv = xlate_term f st lst z lenv t in