let cache = NUri.UriHash.create 313;;
+let history = ref [];;
let frozen_list = ref [];;
+let invalidate_obj uri =
+prerr_endline ("INVALIDO: " ^ NUri.string_of_uri uri);
+List.iter (fun uri -> prerr_endline ("INH: " ^ NUri.string_of_uri uri)) !history;
+ let rec aux to_be_deleted =
+ function
+ [] -> assert false
+ | uri'::tl when NUri.eq uri uri' -> uri'::to_be_deleted,tl
+ | uri'::tl -> aux (uri'::to_be_deleted) tl
+ in
+ let to_be_deleted,h = aux [] !history in
+ history := h;
+ List.iter (fun uri -> NUri.UriHash.remove cache uri) to_be_deleted
exception Propagate of NUri.uri * exn;;
+let to_exn f x =
+ match f x with
+ `WellTyped o -> o
+ | `Exn e -> raise e
+let check_and_add_obj ((u,_,_,_,_) as obj) =
+ let saved_frozen_list = !frozen_list in
+ try
+ frozen_list := (u,obj)::saved_frozen_list;
+ !typecheck_obj obj;
+ frozen_list := saved_frozen_list;
+ let obj = `WellTyped obj in
+ NUri.UriHash.add cache u obj;
+ history := u::!history;
+ obj
+ with
+ Sys.Break as e ->
+ frozen_list := saved_frozen_list;
+ raise e
+ | Propagate (u',old_exn) as e' ->
+ frozen_list := saved_frozen_list;
+ let exn = `Exn (BadDependency (lazy (NUri.string_of_uri u ^
+ " depends (recursively) on " ^ NUri.string_of_uri u' ^
+ " which is not well-typed"),
+ match old_exn with BadDependency (_,e) -> e | _ -> old_exn)) in
+ NUri.UriHash.add cache u exn;
+ history := u::!history;
+ if saved_frozen_list = [] then
+ exn
+ else
+ raise e'
+ | e ->
+ frozen_list := saved_frozen_list;
+ let exn = `Exn e in
+ NUri.UriHash.add cache u exn;
+ history := u::!history;
+ if saved_frozen_list = [] then
+ exn
+ else
+ raise (Propagate (u,e))
let get_checked_obj u =
if List.exists (fun (k,_) -> NUri.eq u k) !frozen_list
raise (CircularDependency (lazy (NUri.string_of_uri u)))
- let obj =
- try NUri.UriHash.find cache u
- with
- Not_found ->
- let saved_frozen_list = !frozen_list in
- try
- let obj = !get_obj u in
- frozen_list := (u,obj)::saved_frozen_list;
- !typecheck_obj obj;
- frozen_list := saved_frozen_list;
- let obj = `WellTyped obj in
- NUri.UriHash.add cache u obj;
- obj
- with
- Sys.Break as e ->
- frozen_list := saved_frozen_list;
- raise e
- | Propagate (u',old_exn) as e' ->
- frozen_list := saved_frozen_list;
- let exn = `Exn (BadDependency (lazy (NUri.string_of_uri u ^
- " depends (recursively) on " ^ NUri.string_of_uri u' ^
- " which is not well-typed"),
- match old_exn with BadDependency (_,e) -> e | _ -> old_exn)) in
- NUri.UriHash.add cache u exn;
- if saved_frozen_list = [] then
- exn
- else
- raise e'
- | e ->
- frozen_list := saved_frozen_list;
- let exn = `Exn e in
- NUri.UriHash.add cache u exn;
- if saved_frozen_list = [] then
- exn
- else
- raise (Propagate (u,e))
- in
- match obj with
- `WellTyped o -> o
- | `Exn e -> raise e
+ try NUri.UriHash.find cache u
+ with Not_found -> check_and_add_obj (!get_obj u)
+let get_checked_obj u = to_exn get_checked_obj u;;
+let check_and_add_obj obj = ignore (to_exn check_and_add_obj obj);;
let get_checked_decl = function
| Ref.Ref (uri, Ref.Decl) ->
(match get_checked_obj uri with
Marshal.to_channel ch (magic,(!global_aliases,!rev_includes_map)) [];
close_out ch in
let load_db () =
+ HExtlib.mkdir (Helm_registry.get "matita.basedir");
let ga,im = require_path (db_path ()) in
let ga =
let time_travel status =
let sto,ali,cac,inc = status#timestamp in
- storage := sto; local_aliases := ali; cache := cac; includes := inc
+ let diff_len = List.length !storage - List.length sto in
+ let to_be_deleted,_ = HExtlib.split_nth diff_len !storage in
+ if List.length to_be_deleted > 0 then
+ let u,_ = HExtlib.list_last to_be_deleted in
+ NCicEnvironment.invalidate_obj u;
+ storage := sto; local_aliases := ali; cache := cac; includes := inc
let serialize ~baseuri dump =
Not_found -> raise (NCicEnvironment.ObjectNotFound (lazy (NUri.string_of_uri uri)))
-let add_obj status u obj =
+let add_obj status ((u,_,_,_,_) as obj) =
+ NCicEnvironment.check_and_add_obj obj;
storage := (u,obj)::!storage;
let _,height,_,_,obj = obj in
let references =