| `N _ as x -> x
| `Match(t,v,bs_lift,bs,args) ->
let bs_lift = bs_lift + if delift_by_one then -1 else 0 in
- (* let l' = l - bs_lift in *)
- (* let with_what' = lift l' (with_what :> nf) in *)
+ (* Warning! It now applies again the substitution in branches of matches.
+ But careful, it does it many times, for every occurrence of
+ the match. This is okay because what does not occur in with_what. *)
+ let l' = l - bs_lift in
+ let with_what' = lift l' (with_what :> nf) in
(* The following line should be the identity when delift_by_one = true because we
are assuming the ts to not contain lambda-bound variables. *)
- (* bs := List.map (fun (n,t) -> n,subst truelam false what with_what' t) !bs ; *)
+ bs := List.map (fun (n,t) -> n,subst truelam false what with_what' t) !bs ;
let body = aux_i_num_var l t in
mk_match body v bs_lift bs (List.map (aux l) (args :> nf list))
and aux l(*lift*) =