(** {2 Pretty printing from BoxML to strings} *)
+let utf8_string_length s = Utf8.compute_len s 0 (String.length s)
let string_space = " "
-let string_space_len = String.length string_space
-let string_indent = (* string_space *) ""
-let string_indent_len = String.length string_indent
+let string_space_len = utf8_string_length string_space
+let string_indent = (* string_space *) [],""
+let string_indent_len = utf8_string_length (snd string_indent)
let string_ink = "---------------------------"
-let string_ink_len = String.length string_ink
+let string_ink_len = utf8_string_length string_ink
let contains_attrs contained container =
List.for_all (fun attr -> List.mem attr container) contained
let want_indent = contains_attrs (RenderingAttrs.indent_attributes `BoxML)
let want_spacing = contains_attrs (RenderingAttrs.spacing_attributes `BoxML)
-let indent_string s = string_indent ^ s
+let shift off = List.map (fun (start,stop,v) -> start+off,stop+off,v);;
+let (^^) (map1,s1) (map2,s2) = map1 @ (shift (utf8_string_length s1) map2), s1 ^ s2;;
+(* CSC: inefficient (quadratic) implementation *)
+let mapped_string_concat sep =
+ let sep_len = utf8_string_length sep in
+ let rec aux off =
+ function
+ [] -> [],""
+ | [map,s] -> shift off map,s
+ | (map,s)::tl ->
+ let map = shift off map in
+ let map2,s2 = aux (off + utf8_string_length s + sep_len) tl in
+ map@map2, s ^ sep ^ s2
+ in
+ aux 0
+let indent_string s = string_indent ^^ s
let indent_children (size, children) =
let children' = List.map indent_string children in
size + string_space_len, children'
X2 X4 X2 X3
X4 *)
let merge_columns sep cols =
- let sep_len = String.length sep in
+ let sep_len = utf8_string_length sep in
let indent = ref 0 in
let res_rows = ref [] in
let add_row ~continue row =
match !res_rows with
| last :: prev when continue ->
- res_rows := (String.concat sep [last; row]) :: prev;
- indent := !indent + String.length last + sep_len
- | _ -> res_rows := (String.make !indent ' ' ^ row) :: !res_rows;
+ res_rows := (last ^^ ([],sep) ^^ row) :: prev;
+ indent := !indent + utf8_string_length (snd last) + sep_len
+ | _ -> res_rows := (([],String.make !indent ' ') ^^ row) :: !res_rows;
(fun rows ->
List.rev !res_rows
let max_len =
- List.fold_left (fun max_size s -> max (String.length s) max_size) 0
+ List.fold_left (fun max_size (_,s) -> max (utf8_string_length s) max_size) 0
let render_row available_space spacing children =
let spacing_bonus = if spacing then string_space_len else 0 in
let rendering = merge_columns sep (List.rev !renderings) in
max_len rendering, rendering
-let fixed_rendering s =
- let s_len = String.length s in
- (fun _ -> s_len, [s])
+let fixed_rendering href s =
+ let s_len = utf8_string_length s in
+ let map = match href with None -> [] | Some href -> [0,s_len-1,href] in
+ (fun _ -> s_len, [map,s])
let render_to_strings ~map_unicode_to_tex choose_action size markup =
let max_size = max_int in
let rec aux_box =
- | Box.Text (_, t) -> fixed_rendering t
- | Box.Space _ -> fixed_rendering string_space
- | Box.Ink _ -> fixed_rendering string_ink
+ | Box.Text (_, t) -> fixed_rendering None t
+ | Box.Space _ -> fixed_rendering None string_space
+ | Box.Ink _ -> fixed_rendering None string_ink
| Box.Action (_, []) -> assert false
| Box.Action (_, l) -> aux_box (choose_action l)
| Box.Object (_, o) -> aux_mpres o
if !renderings <> [] then end_cluster ();
max_len !rows, List.rev !rows)
and aux_mpres =
- let text s = Pres.Mtext ([], s) in
- let mrow c = Pres.Mrow ([], c) in
- let parentesize s = s in
- function
+ let text s = Pres.Mtext ([], s) in
+ let mrow c = Pres.Mrow ([], c) in
+ let parentesize s = s in
+ function x ->
+ let attrs = Pres.get_attr x in
+ let href =
+ try
+ let _,_,href =
+ List.find (fun (ns,na,value) -> ns = Some "xlink" && na = "href") attrs
+ in
+ Some href
+ with Not_found -> None in
+ match x with
| Pres.Mi (_, s)
| Pres.Mn (_, s)
| Pres.Mtext (_, s)
| Pres.Ms (_, s)
- | Pres.Mgliph (_, s) -> fixed_rendering s
+ | Pres.Mgliph (_, s) -> fixed_rendering href s
| Pres.Mo (_, s) ->
let s =
if map_unicode_to_tex then begin
- if String.length s = 1 && Char.code s.[0] < 128 then
+ if utf8_string_length s = 1 && Char.code s.[0] < 128 then
match Utf8Macro.tex_of_unicode s with
end else
- fixed_rendering s
- | Pres.Mspace _ -> fixed_rendering string_space
+ fixed_rendering href s
+ | Pres.Mspace _ -> fixed_rendering href string_space
| Pres.Mrow (attrs, children) ->
let children' = List.map aux_mpres children in
(fun size -> render_row size false children')
snd (aux_mpres markup size)
let render_to_string ~map_unicode_to_tex choose_action size markup =
- (* CSC: no information about hyperlinks yet *)
- [],
- String.concat "\n"
- (render_to_strings ~map_unicode_to_tex choose_action size markup)
+ mapped_string_concat "\n"
+ (render_to_strings ~map_unicode_to_tex choose_action size markup)