inherit GSourceView2.source_view obj
method strings_of_selection = (assert false : (paste_kind * string) list)
- method set_href_callback = (function _ -> () : (string -> unit) option -> unit)
+ val mutable href_callback: (string -> unit) option = None
+ method set_href_callback f = href_callback <- f
+ val mutable href_statusbar_msg:
+ (GMisc.statusbar_context * Gtk.statusbar_message) option = None
+ (* <statusbar ctxt, statusbar msg> *)
method private set_cic_info = (function _ -> () : unit (*(Cic.conjecture option * (, Cic.term) Hashtbl.t *
(, Cic.hypothesis) Hashtbl.t *
(, option) Hashtbl.t * ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t * 'c option)*) option -> unit)
self#buffer#delete ~start:(self#buffer#get_iter `START)
~stop:(self#buffer#get_iter `END);
self#buffer#insert text;
- let hyperlink_tag = self#buffer#create_tag [`FOREGROUND "green"] in
+ let all_tag = self#buffer#create_tag [] in
+ self#buffer#apply_tag all_tag ~start:(self#buffer#get_iter `START)
+ ~stop:(self#buffer#get_iter `END);
+ ignore(all_tag#connect#event
+ ~callback:(fun ~origin event pos ->
+ match GdkEvent.get_type event with
+ Gdk.Window.set_cursor
+ (match self#get_window `TEXT with None -> assert false | Some x -> x)
+ (Gdk.Cursor.create `ARROW);
+ HExtlib.iter_option (fun (ctxt, msg) -> ctxt#remove msg)
+ href_statusbar_msg;
+ false
+ | _ -> false));
( fun (start,stop,(href : string)) ->
- self#buffer#apply_tag hyperlink_tag
- ~start:(self#buffer#get_iter (`OFFSET start))
- ~stop:(self#buffer#get_iter (`OFFSET stop))
+ let hyperlink_tag = self#buffer#create_tag [] in
+ self#buffer#apply_tag hyperlink_tag
+ ~start:(self#buffer#get_iter_at_char start)
+ ~stop:(self#buffer#get_iter_at_char (stop+1));
+ ignore(hyperlink_tag#connect#event
+ ~callback:(fun ~origin event pos ->
+ match GdkEvent.get_type event with
+ (match href_callback with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some f -> f href);
+ true
+ Gdk.Window.set_cursor
+ (match self#get_window `TEXT with None -> assert false | Some x -> x)
+ (Gdk.Cursor.create `HAND1);
+ let ctxt = (MatitaMisc.get_gui ())#main#statusBar#new_context ~name:"href" in
+ let msg = ctxt#push href in
+ href_statusbar_msg <- Some (ctxt, msg);
+ false
+ | _ -> false));
) hyperlinks
method action_toggle = (fun _ -> assert false : document_element -> bool)
method remove_selections = (() : unit)
method set_selection = (fun _ -> () : document_element option -> unit)