let object_of_inductive status ~metasenv uri ind leftno il =
- let tyl =
- HExtlib.filter_map
- (fun _,name,arity,cl ->
+ let status,_,rev_tyl =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (status,i,res) (_,name,arity,cl) ->
match classify_not_term status [] arity with
| `Proposition
| `KindOrType
| `Type -> assert false (* IMPOSSIBLE *)
- | `PropKind -> None
+ | `PropKind -> status,i+1,res
| `Kind ->
let arity = kind_of status ~metasenv [] arity in
- let ctx,_ as res = split_kind_prods [] arity in
+ let ctx,_ = split_kind_prods [] arity in
+ let ref =
+ NReference.reference_of_spec uri (NReference.Ind (ind,i,leftno)) in
+ let status =
+ status#set_extraction_db
+ (ReferenceMap.add ref (ctx,None) status#extraction_db) in
let cl =
(fun (_,name,ty) ->
) cl
- Some (name,ctx,cl)
- ) il
+ status,i+1,(name,ctx,cl)::res
+ ) (status,0,[]) il
- match tyl with
- [] -> status,None
- | _ -> status, Some (uri, Algebraic tyl)
+ match rev_tyl with
+ [] -> status,Erased
+ | _ -> status, Success (uri, Algebraic (List.rev rev_tyl))
let object_of status (uri,height,metasenv,subst,obj_kind) =
status, Success (uri,LetRec objs)
| NCic.Inductive (ind,leftno,il,_) ->
- let status, obj_of_inductive = object_of_inductive status ~metasenv uri ind leftno il in
- match obj_of_inductive with
- | None -> status, Failure "Could not extract an inductive type."
- | Some s -> status, Success s
+ object_of_inductive status ~metasenv uri ind leftno il
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