| `Definition d -> d.Con.def_id
| `Joint jo -> jo.Con.joint_id
-let make_row ?(attrs=[]) items concl =
- match concl with
- B.V _ -> (* big! *)
+let hv_attrs =
+ RenderingAttrs.spacing_attributes `BoxML
+ @ RenderingAttrs.indent_attributes `BoxML
+let make_row items concl =
+ B.b_hv hv_attrs (items @ [ concl ])
+(* match concl with
+ B.V _ -> |+ big! +|
B.b_v attrs [B.b_h [] items; B.b_indent concl]
- | _ -> (* small *)
- B.b_h attrs (items@[B.b_space; concl])
+ | _ -> |+ small +|
+ B.b_h attrs (items@[B.b_space; concl]) *)
let make_concl ?(attrs=[]) verb concl =
- match concl with
- B.V _ -> (* big! *)
+ B.b_hv (hv_attrs @ attrs) [ B.b_kw verb; concl ]
+(* match concl with
+ B.V _ -> |+ big! +|
B.b_v attrs [ B.b_kw verb; B.b_indent concl]
- | _ -> (* small *)
- B.b_h attrs [ B.b_kw verb; B.b_space; concl ]
+ | _ -> |+ small +|
+ B.b_h attrs [ B.b_kw verb; B.b_space; concl ] *)
let make_args_for_apply term2pres args =
let make_arg_for_apply is_first arg row =