open Hbugs_misc;;
open Hbugs_types;;
+open Printf;;
exception Client_already_in of client_id;;
exception Client_not_found of client_id;;
exception Tutor_already_in of tutor_id;;
exception Tutor_not_found of tutor_id;;
+class type registry =
+ object
+ method dump: string
+ method purge: unit
+ end
+let expire_time = 1800. (* 30 minutes *)
class clients =
object (self)
inherit ThreadSafe.threadSafe
+ val timetable: (client_id, float) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
val urls: (client_id, string) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
val subscriptions: (client_id, tutor_id list) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
+ (** INVARIANT: each client registered has an entry in 'urls' hash table
+ _and_ in 'subscriptions hash table even if it hasn't yet invoked
+ 'subscribe' method *)
method register id url = self#doWriter (lazy (
if Hashtbl.mem urls id then
raise (Client_already_in id)
else begin
Hashtbl.add urls id url;
- Hashtbl.add subscriptions id []
+ Hashtbl.add subscriptions id [];
+ Hashtbl.add timetable id (Unix.time ())
+ method private remove id =
+ Hashtbl.remove urls id;
+ Hashtbl.remove subscriptions id;
+ Hashtbl.remove timetable id
method unregister id = self#doWriter (lazy (
- if Hashtbl.mem urls id then begin
- Hashtbl.remove urls id;
- Hashtbl.remove subscriptions id
- end else
+ if Hashtbl.mem urls id then
+ self#remove id
+ else
raise (Client_not_found id)
method isAuthenticated id = self#doReader (lazy (
raise (Client_not_found id)
+ method dump = self#doReader (lazy (
+ "<clients>\n" ^
+ (Hashtbl.fold
+ (fun id url dump ->
+ (dump ^
+ (sprintf "<client id=\"%s\" url=\"%s\">\n" id url) ^
+ "<subscriptions>\n" ^
+ (String.concat "\n" (* id's subscriptions *)
+ (
+ (fun tutor_id -> sprintf "<tutor id=\"%s\" />\n" tutor_id)
+ (Hashtbl.find subscriptions id))) ^
+ "</subscriptions>\n</client>\n"))
+ urls "") ^
+ "</clients>"
+ ))
+ method purge = self#doWriter (lazy (
+ let now = Unix.time () in
+ Hashtbl.iter
+ (fun id birthday ->
+ if now -. birthday > expire_time then
+ self#remove id)
+ timetable
+ ))
class tutors =
inherit ThreadSafe.threadSafe
+ val timetable: (tutor_id, float) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
val tbl: (tutor_id, string * hint_type * string) Hashtbl.t =
Hashtbl.create 17
method register id url hint_type dsc = self#doWriter (lazy (
if Hashtbl.mem tbl id then
raise (Tutor_already_in id)
- else
- Hashtbl.add tbl id (url, hint_type, dsc)
+ else begin
+ Hashtbl.add tbl id (url, hint_type, dsc);
+ Hashtbl.add timetable id (Unix.time ())
+ end
+ method private remove id =
+ Hashtbl.remove tbl id;
+ Hashtbl.remove timetable id
method unregister id = self#doWriter (lazy (
if Hashtbl.mem tbl id then
- Hashtbl.remove tbl id
+ self#remove id
raise (Tutor_not_found id)
(fun id (url, hint_type, dsc) idx -> (id, dsc) :: idx) tbl []
+ method dump = self#doReader (lazy (
+ "<tutors>\n" ^
+ (Hashtbl.fold
+ (fun id (url, hint_type, dsc) dump ->
+ dump ^
+ (sprintf
+"<tutor id=\"%s\" url=\"%s\">\n<hint_type>%s</hint_type>\n<description>%s</description>\n</tutor>"
+ id url hint_type dsc))
+ tbl "") ^
+ "</tutors>"
+ ))
+ method purge = self#doWriter (lazy (
+ let now = Unix.time () in
+ Hashtbl.iter
+ (fun id birthday ->
+ if now -. birthday > expire_time then
+ self#remove id)
+ timetable
+ ))
class musings =
inherit ThreadSafe.threadSafe
+ val timetable: (musing_id, float) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
val musings: (musing_id, client_id * tutor_id) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
val clients: (client_id, musing_id) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
val tutors: (tutor_id, musing_id) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
+ (** INVARIANT: each registered musing <musing_id, client_id, tutor_id> has
+ an entry in 'musings' table, an entry in 'clients' table and an entry in
+ 'tutors' table *)
method register musing_id client_id tutor_id = self#doWriter (lazy (
if Hashtbl.mem musings musing_id then
raise (Musing_already_in musing_id)
else begin
Hashtbl.add musings musing_id (client_id, tutor_id);
Hashtbl.add clients client_id musing_id;
- Hashtbl.add tutors tutor_id musing_id
+ Hashtbl.add tutors tutor_id musing_id;
+ Hashtbl.add timetable musing_id (Unix.time ())
+ method private remove id =
+ Hashtbl.remove musings id;
+ hashtbl_remove_all clients id;
+ hashtbl_remove_all tutors id;
+ Hashtbl.remove timetable id
method unregister id = self#doWriter (lazy (
- if Hashtbl.mem musings id then begin
- Hashtbl.remove musings id;
- hashtbl_remove_all clients id;
- hashtbl_remove_all tutors id
- end
+ if Hashtbl.mem musings id then
+ self#remove id
method getByMusingId id = self#doReader (lazy (
Hashtbl.find_all tutors id
+ method dump = self#doReader (lazy (
+ "<musings>\n" ^
+ (Hashtbl.fold
+ (fun mid (cid, tid) dump ->
+ dump ^
+ (sprintf "<musing id=\"%s\" client=\"%s\" tutor=\"%s\" />\n"
+ mid cid tid))
+ musings "") ^
+ "</musings>"
+ ))
+ method purge = self#doWriter (lazy (
+ let now = Unix.time () in
+ Hashtbl.iter
+ (fun id birthday ->
+ if now -. birthday > expire_time then
+ self#remove id)
+ timetable
+ ))